• Mesh-based 3D face recognition using Geometric Deep learning 

      Wardeberg, Håkon (Master thesis, 2021)
      Face recognition has been a very active and challenging task in the Computer Vision field. Performing face recognition based on facial images can be tricky since images are illumination, scale, and pose variant. On the ...
    • Multigrid feature-based terrain generation with erosion 

      Mathisen, Thomas Lund (Master thesis, 2021)
      Landskap generering har vært et forsknings-felt i nesten 30 år og er fundamentalt i mange applikasjoner. Til tross for dette er det fortsatt mange uløste problemer, og designere er nødt til å designe terreng manuelt for å ...
    • Multimodal registration across 3D point clouds and CT-volumes 

      Saiti, Evdokia; Theoharis, Theoharis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Multimodal registration is a challenging problem in visual computing, commonly faced during medical image-guided interventions, data fusion and 3D object retrieval. The main challenge of multimodal registration is finding ...
    • Out of Core Voxel Data Registration 

      Stølen, Martin (Master thesis, 2015)
      Image Registration is the task of aligning two different images of the same scene taken from different viewpoints, at different times or with different sensors. Image Registration is a task often performed in processing ...
    • Partial 3D object retrieval using local binary QUICCI descriptors and dissimilarity tree indexing 

      van Blokland, Bart Iver; Theoharis, Theoharis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      A complete pipeline is presented for accurate and efficient partial 3D object retrieval based on Quick Intersection Count Change Image (QUICCI) binary local descriptors and a novel indexing tree. It is shown how a modification ...
    • Pecora: Presentation of Free Range Sheep Information 

      Kirkhus, Julie Johnsen (Master thesis, 2016)
      The main goal of this research is to help sheep farmers find and track their sheep, especially at the end of the grazing season, when the sheep must return to the farms. This research aims at delivering the presentation ...
    • Radial intersection count image: A clutter resistant 3D shape descriptor 

      van Blokland, Bart Iver; Theoharis, Theoharis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      A novel shape descriptor for cluttered scenes is presented, the Radial Intersection Count Image (RICI), and is shown to significantly outperform the classic Spin Image (SI) and 3D Shape Context (3DSC) in both uncluttered ...
    • Real-Time Hyperelastic Simulation for Computer Graphics with the Material Point Method 

      Mkadmi, Aslak Sheker (Master thesis, 2021)
      Materialpunktsmetoden er en fysisk simuleringsmetode for å simulere legemer som er beskrevet ved hjelp av kontinuumsmekanikk. Siden metodens bruk i Disney's animasjonsfilm Frozen har metoden sett mye bruk i datagrafikk. ...
    • Real-time point cloud registration from RGB-D camera mounted on a robot arm using GPU acceleration 

      Isachsen, Ulrich Johan (Master thesis, 2018)
      Recent development of 3D scanners have provided small, precise and cheap consumer grade scanners operating in real-time. Especially because of their low weight, they are being considered for usage in visual servoing (vision ...
    • Real-Time Volumetric Smoke Simulation for Games 

      Solheim, Martin (Master thesis, 2021)
      Fysisk basert røyk simulering har vært et forskningstema i flere tiår. Det er likevel ikke mange spill eller real-time applikasjoner som bruker det. Mesteparten av forskningen som blir gjort tar perspektivet at real-time ...
    • Reconstruction of Fish Bones through Stereoscopic X-Ray Tomography 

      van Blokland , Bart Iver (Master thesis, 2016)
      Fish bone removal is, for the purposes of food safety, a relevant concern for the fishing industry. The process of filleting is traditionally a manual process, although fully automatic solutions have been brought to market ...
    • Robust 3D Face Reconstruction Using One/Two Facial Images 

      Lium, Ola; Kwon, Yong Bin; Danelakis, Antonios; Theoharis, Theoharis (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Being able to robustly reconstruct 3D faces from 2D images is a topic of pivotal importance for a variety of computer vision branches, such as face analysis and face recognition, whose applications are steadily growing. ...
    • Seismic attribute benchmarking on instantaneous frequency 

      Xing, Liyuan; Aarre, Victor; Barnes, Arthur E.; Theoharis, Theoharis; Salman, Nader; Tjåland, Egil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The complex seismic trace analysis is a widely applied and versatile method for computing seismic attributes. Instantaneous frequency is an important complex trace attribute, and it is generally used for identifying specific ...
    • Single-View 3D Shape Completion for Robotic Grasping of Objects via Deep Neural Fields 

      Sundt, Peder Bergebakken (Master thesis, 2021)
      Vi undersøker i denne oppgaven rekonstruksjon av fullstendige volumetriske 3D modeller fra et enkelt synspunkt, for å gi en robotarm utstyrt med 3D syn ferdigheten til å antyde fasongen til objekter og derav håndtere dem. ...
    • Skinned Animation Textures 

      Johansson, Marcus Benjamin (Master thesis, 2021)
      Skjelettanimasjoner er en mye brukt teknikk for å posere og animere 3D-modeller ved bruk av et virtuelt skjelett. Prosessen med å deformere punker på modellen ved hjelp av en skjelettstruktur kalles skinning, og utføres ...
    • Spatially sensitive statistical shape analysis for pedestrian recognition from LIDAR data 

      Savelonas, Michalis; Pratikakis, Ioannis; Theoharis, Theoharis; Thanellas, G.; Abad, F.; Bendahan, R. (Journal article, 2018)
      Range-based pedestrian recognition is instrumental towards the development of autonomous driving and driving assistance systems. This work introduces encoding methods for pedestrian recognition, based on statistical shape ...
    • Speeding up mesh descriptors byimplementing them on the GPU 

      Brenna, Hans (Master thesis, 2019)
      3D egenskapsbeskrivelser er en måte å skape punkt-til-punkt korrespondanse mellom forskjellige overflater. De brukes derfor i en rekke applikasjoner innenfor visuell datababehandling. Ytelsen til disse applikasjonene er ...
    • StarVR: Star Coordinates and kNN configuration in Virtual Reality 

      Andersen, Johannes (Master thesis, 2019)
      Denne masteroppgaven ønsker å undersøke muligheten til å bruke virtuell virkelighet som et verktøy for å visualisere og samhandle med flerdimensjonale data representert som Star Coordinates og bruke den resulterende ...
    • Structure from Motion: Turntable Based Reconstruction 

      Rootwelt, Thomas (Master thesis, 2014)
      In this paper I explore the possibility of using a camera, a turntable, and a computer in place of a 3D-scanner in order to acquire usable 3D models of small objects. By using a basic Structure From Motion approach, I will ...
    • Survey of automated multiple sclerosis lesion segmentation techniques on magnetic resonance imaging 

      Danelakis, Antonios; Theoharis, Theoharis; Verganelakis, Dimitrios A (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease. It affects the central nervous system and its clinical manifestation can variate. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is often used to detect, characterize and quantify MS lesions ...