Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Sørensen, Knut Holtan"
Now showing items 21-40 of 49
Incorporation work. The socialisation of bio- and nanotechnology through newspapers
Solbu, Gisle; Sørensen, Knut Holtan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In this paper, we analyse how the socialisation of new science and technology (technoscience) is performed through newspapers. Newspapers remain an important source of information about emerging technosciences, such as ... -
Innovasjonspolitikk og nyskapningspraksiser
Sørensen, Knut Holtan (Chapter, 2016) -
Interdisciplinarity & Transdisciplinarity in Practice: A Study of an Attempt of Transforming Biotechnology Research
Hesjedal, Maria Bårdsen (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:175, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Sammendrag: Denne avhandlingen tar utgangspunkt i spørsmålet om hvordan tverrfaglighet i vitenskap oppnås i praksis. Jeg har studert dette i konteksten norsk bioteknologi, og har utført forskningsarbeidet i Senter for ... -
Kjønnsbalanse gjennom aksjonsforskning og lokal kunnskaping
Sørensen, Siri Øyslebø; Lagesen, Vivian Anette; Sørensen, Knut Holtan; Kristensen, Guro Korsnes (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Denne artikkelen introduserer begrepet lokal kunnskaping som betegner prosesser med en samtidig utvikling av kunnskap, mening og handling som vi finner er nødvendige for å sette i gang endring og bidra til forbedret ... -
Kostnadseffektivitetens klamme ånd: konsekvenser av den samfunnsøkonomiske formateringen av klimapolitikken
Sørensen, Knut Holtan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015) -
Liminal technologies: Exploring the temporalities and struggles in efforts to develop a Belgrade metro
Suboticki, Ivana; Sørensen, Knut Holtan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The sociology of technology needs more nuanced conceptualizations of the temporal aspects of sociotechnical change. In this article, we propose liminality as a useful analytical entry-point to study technologies that ... -
LUDIC WORK: Assemblages, domestications and co-productions of play
Ask, Kristine (Doctoral theses at NTNU, 2016:291, Doctoral thesis, 2016)Summary of the thesis: Where work is often perceived as productive and boring, play is considered frivolous and fun. However, such a division omits how work can be playful, and more importantly to this dissertation; ... -
Making sense of global warming: Norwegians appropriating knowledge of anthropogenic climate change
Ryghaug, Marianne; Sørensen, Knut Holtan; Næss, Robert (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)This paper studies how people reason about and make sense of human-made global warming, based on ten focus group interviews with Norwegian citizens. It shows that the domestication of climate science knowledge was shaped ... -
Managing Science and Managing Society in Norwegian Bio- and Nanotechnology Research
Solbu, Gisle (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:154, Doctoral thesis, 2018) -
Market, Money and Morals: The Ambiguous Shaping of Energy Consumption in Norwegian Households
Godbolt, Åsne Lund (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2014:313, Doctoral thesis, 2014)This thesis explores the energy consumption and energy efficiency efforts of Norwegian households. How do consumers relate to energy consumption, and how do they make sense of energy efficiency issues? In order to understand ... -
"Mas, mas, mas - over hele linja"
Sørensen, Knut Holtan (Chapter, 2019) -
Miljøarkitekten: Dirigent eller deltaker?
Kongsli, Gry; Ryghaug, Marianne; Sørensen, Knut Holtan (Journal article, 2008)En bygning er et resultat av en prosess mellom flere aktører som må være samkjørte for å realisere et felles mål om bærekraftighet. Arkitekter har tradisjonelt hatt en slags dirigentrolle i prosjekteringsfasen av et bygg, ... -
Mismatch or misunderstanding? Calculation and qualculation among economists and consumers in their framings of the electricity market
Aune, Margrethe; Godbolt, Åsne Lund; Sørensen, Knut Holtan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)This paper reports on a study of how economists engaged in energy policymaking and household consumers frame the electricity market, based on interviews with prominent energy economists and focus group interviews with ... -
Norske kommuner i elektronisk utakt? Fra sosiale til geografiske digitale ulikheter
Sørensen, Knut Holtan; Liste Munoz, Lucia (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Norwegian local governments electronically out of step? From social to geographical digital divides -
Numeric work: The efforts of calculation actors to make numbers count in climate and energy policy
Jørgensen, Susanne; Sørensen, Knut Holtan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Policy documents suggest that quantitative information is important in the development of climate and energy policy. This is supported by quantitative studies research into the use of numbers in governance, which tends to ... -
Nytenkning og nyskaping.Samfunnsendring gjennom forskning og innovasjon
Sørensen, Knut Holtan (Chapter, 2022) -
Preparing for new solar cells through integrated research: challenges in translating social robustness into the selection of materials
Åm, Heidrun; Sørensen, Knut Holtan (Chapter, 2015)Research policy and research councils increasingly demand responsible innovation and socially robust knowledge. But what does that imply? Theories say little about how to translate social robustness into practice. In ... -
Rhizomic learning: How environmental nongovernmental organizations (ENGOs) acquire and assemble knowledge
Unander, Trine E.; Sørensen, Knut Holtan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)It has been a common assumption that the knowledge practices of environmental organisations (ENGOs) is largely based on interaction with environmental research. Implied in such assumptions is the idea that ENGOs are ... -
Smart Technologies and Gender: A Never-Ending Story
Sørensen, Knut Holtan; Lagesen, Vivian Anette (Chapter, 2022)In this chapter, we explore gender issues in/of so-called smart technologies, drawing on analytical tools provided by the field of feminist technoscience. We begin by discussing some major approaches of this area of study, ... -
Steered or Guided by Numbers? How Climate and Energy Policymakers Domesticate Quantitative Information
Jørgensen, Susanne; Ryghaug, Marianne; Sørensen, Knut Holtan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Concepts like 'the metric society' and 'the tyranny of metrics' suggest that quantitative information increasingly shapes and steers policy and governance. This paper engages critically with such assumptions by using ...