• Blockchain in healthcare and health sciences—A scoping review 

      Hasselgren, Anton; Kralevska, Katina; Gligoroski, Danilo; Pedersen, Sindre Andre; Faxvaag, Arild (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Background Blockchain can be described as an immutable ledger, logging data entries in a decentralized manner. This new technology has been suggested to disrupt a wide range of data-driven domains, including the health ...
    • Classification of Keys in MQQ-SIG 

      Jacobsen, Håkon (Master thesis, 2012)
      The security of almost all public-key cryptography is based on some computationally hard problem. Most prominent are the problems of factoring integers into primes and computing discrete logarithms in finite groups. However, ...
    • Cloud Storage Vault 

      Haver, Eirik; Melvold, Eivind; Ruud, Pål (Master thesis, 2011)
      Today, major IT-companies, such as Microsoft, Amazon and Google, are offering online storage services to their customers. This is a favourable solution -- as opposed to regular storage -- in terms of low costs, reliability, ...
    • A Cloud-based SDN/NFV Testbed for End-to-End Network Slicing in 4G/5G 

      Esmaeily, Ali; Kralevska, Katina; Gligoroski, Danilo (Chapter, 2020)
      Network slicing aims to shape 5G as a flexible, scalable, and demand-oriented network. Research communities deploy small-scale and cost-efficient testbeds in order to evaluate network slicing functionalities. We introduce ...
    • Compact Implementation of BLUE MIDNIGHT WISH-256 Hash Function on Xilinx FPGA Platform 

      El Hadedy, Mohamed; Gligoroski, Danilo; Knapskog, Svein J.; Margala, Martin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)
    • A Comparison of OpenID Connect and SAML 1.1 

      Bjune, Arne Dahl (Master thesis, 2015)
      This thesis investigates whether OpenID Connect can replace SAML. In addition it provides an understanding of three types of Single Sing-on solutions, namely; SAML, OAuth and OpenID Connect. In order to accomplish this ...
    • Cryptography for Innovative Blockchain Services 

      Raikwar, Mayank (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:241, Doctoral thesis, 2022)
      Since the advent of Bitcoin, scientific interest in its underlying core technology Blockchain has been thriving. Much work has been carried out for blockchain use cases in different industrial areas such as healthcare, ...
    • Cryptoprocessing on the Arduino - Protecting user data using affordable microcontroller development kits 

      Johannesen, Stig Tore (Master thesis, 2014)
      There is a growing trend of data breaches, which this report looks into. The breaches often turn out to have, at their core, an element of either poor security management, or outdated or incorrectly applied security ...
    • Databases fit for blockchain technology: A complete overview 

      Kalajdjieski, Jovan; Raikwar, Mayank; Arsov, Nino; Velinov, Goran; Gligoroski, Danilo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      Efficient data storage and query processing systems play a vital role in many different research areas. Blockchain technology and distributed ledgers attract massive attention and trigger multiple projects in various ...
    • Decoding GSM 

      Glendrange, Magnus; Hove, Kristian; Hvideberg, Espen (Master thesis, 2010)
      We have participated in the creation of almost two terabytes of tables aimed at cracking A5/1, the most common ciphering algorithm used in GSM. Given 114-bit of known plaintext, we are able to recover the session key with ...
    • Design and implementation of a non-aggressive automated penetration testing tool: An approach to automated penetration testing focusing on stability and integrity for usage in production environments 

      Viggiani, Fabio (Master thesis, 2013)
      The focus of this Master's thesis project is automated penetration testing. A penetration test is a practice used by security professionals to assess the security of a system. This process consists of attacking the system ...
    • Design of a Secure System of Mutual Authentication Using RFID JavaCards Over SIP 

      Llop Donet, Jose Ignacio (Master thesis, 2009)
      The necessity of mutual authentication is growing due the need to perform sensitive operations over the Internet. It is a perpetual problem to find a secure place to store the keys. In this Master Thesis we present an ...
    • Design of Novel Energy-Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Blockchain Consensus Mechanisms 

      Stevenson, Kamilla; Skoglund, Oda (Master thesis, 2021)
      Konsensus i Blockchains, ofte oppnådd med energikrevende Proof of Work (PoW) protokoller, er gjenstand for re-evaluering, som en følge av at nye Proof of Stake (PoS) protokoller vokser frem som gode alternativ. Disse ...
    • Disk Encryption: Scrutinizing IEEE Standard 1619XTS-AES 

      Alam, Adnan Vaseem (Master thesis, 2009)
      Disk encryption has changed during the last decade from being a mechanism only used by corporate executives and government agencies for their top secret information, to become trivially feasible for everyone to utilize. ...
    • DoS Attacks on Blockchain Ecosystem 

      Raikwar, Mayank; Gligoroski, Danilo (Chapter, 2022)
      Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are a growing threat in network services. The frequency and intensity of DoS attacks are rapidly increasing day by day. The immense financial potential of the Cryptocurrency market is a ...
    • Educational implementation of SSL/TLS 

      Vinje, Eivind (Master thesis, 2011)
    • Enhancing the Security of Wind power Systems using the IEC 62531 standards 

      Nagarajan, Anand (Master thesis, 2009)
      The lucrative wind energy market has led to the rapid and large scale development of wind power systems in recent times. The wind power infrastructure today can be regarded as complex architectures that are distributed and ...
    • Expanded combinatorial designs as tool to model network slicing in 5G 

      Gligoroski, Danilo; Kralevska, Katina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The network slice management function (NSMF) in 5G has a task to configure the network slice instances and to combine network slice subnet instances from the new-generation radio access network and the core network into ...
    • Exploiting Race Conditions in Web Applications with HTTP/2 

      Papli, Kaspar (Master thesis, 2020)
      Race conditions are a well-known problem in environments where there are several concurrent execution flows, such as threads or processes. Web applications often run in such a multithreaded environment, in which client ...
    • Fast Implementation of Two Hash Algorithms on nVidia CUDA GPU 

      Lerchundi Osa, Gorka (Master thesis, 2009)
      User needs increases as time passes. We started with computers like the size of a room where the perforated plaques did the same function as the current machine code object does and at present we are at a point where the ...