Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Egeland, Olav"
Computational Study of Hydraulic Accumulators
Hiis, Espen Charles Brekka (Master thesis, 2018)The scope of this project is to make a CFD model to be used for getting a better understanding of accumulator discharge. To be able to establish the models credibility is there a need for validation of the models developed. ... -
Convolutional Neural Networks for Filtering Reflections in Laser Scanning Systems
Alstad, Ola (Master thesis, 2021)Robotsveising og kvalitetskontroll krever nøyaktige 3D målinger av arbeidsstykkene. Strukturert lys er en utbredt metode for å ta disse målingene, men for reflektive materialer som aluminium, kan refleksjoner forårsake ... -
Crane load position control using Lyapunov-based pendulum damping and nonlinear MPC position control
Tysse, Geir Ole; Egeland, Olav (Chapter, 2019)A crane control system is presented where the crane load can track a position trajectory with ultimately bounded pendulum motions of the load. This is done with an inner loop using a Lyapunov-based damping controller which ... -
Crane Payload Stabilization using Lagrangian Kinematics and Euler Angles
Elset, Didrik Fjeld (Master thesis, 2019)Denne oppgaven har som formål å teste en kontrollers evne til å stabilisere en nyttlast samtidig som kranen skal bevege seg i en forhåndsinnstilt bane for en rekke ulike situasjoner. Den presenterer bevegelsesligningene ... -
Determination of constraint forces for an offshore crane on a moving base
Cibicik, Andrej; Egeland, Olav (Chapter, 2018)In this paper we propose an efficient method for calculating the forces of constraints in an open-chain multibody system, like a robot mounted on a vehicle with 6 degrees of freedom. The dynamical model is based on Kane's ... -
Determination of reaction forces of a deck crane in wave motion using screw theory
Cibicik, Andrej; Tysse, Geir Ole; Egeland, Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)In this paper, we present a method for calculating reaction forces for a crane mounted on a ship moving in waves. The method is used to calculate the reaction forces between the crane base and the vessel deck. This includes ... -
Development and Validation of Robotic Cleaning System for Fish Processing Plants
Bjørlykhaug, Emil; Giske, Lars André Langøyli; Løvdal, Trond; Mork, Ola Jon; Egeland, Olav (Lecture, 2017)This paper presents the development of a robotic cleaning solution for fish processing plant. The project is currently at the stage of a first prototype consisting of a serial manipulator, a vertical linear axis and a ... -
Development and validation of robotic cleaning system for fish processing plants
Bjørlykhaug, Emil; Giske, Lars André Langøyli; Løvdal, Trond; Egeland, Olav; Mork, Ola Jon (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This paper presents the development of a robotic cleaning solution for a fish processing plant. The project is currently at the stage of a first prototype consisting of a serial manipulator, a vertical linear axis and a ... -
Development of an assembly tool for automatic sealant inspection and offline programming remote control of an industrial robot for automatic assembly of aircraft parts
Aschehoug, Thomas (Master thesis, 2019)Den fjerde industrielle revolusjonen, Industri 4.0, dreier seg om den tekniske utviklingen av industriell automasjon. Målet med Industry 4.0 er å øke produktiviteten og effektiviteten i maskiner og produksjonsanlegg. Denne ... -
Development of an Automated Bin Picking System for Cluttered Environments
Vadheim, Sondre Aleksander; Østerdal, Hans Bratland (Master thesis, 2018)The amount online purchases conducted by consumers show no sign of declining, and the growth in retail sales have rapidly increased over the last decade. This growth is driving the demand for automated packing and shipping ... -
Development of heart rate regulator system for exercise bikes
Hjertholm, Erik (Master thesis, 2018)Inactivity is considered to be pandemic and the societal costs are huge and rising. One highly efficient way of combating inactivity is by doing high intensity interval training. This however has shown to be a challenging ... -
Directional Wells in Shallow Reservoirs using Curved Conductors and Hammering - Concept and analysis of a novel installation method for curved conductors
Korvald, Lars Andreas; Schreiner, Jørgen Andre (Master thesis, 2015)One of the challenges encountered when planning wells in shallow reservoirs in the arctic is the development of a plan to drill a relief well. According to NORSOK such a plan is required to be in place prior to the initiation ... -
Droplet Erosion Protection Coatings for Offshore Wind Turbine Blades
Valaker, Emil Andre (Master thesis, 2015)Sintef har en visjon om å utvikle en egen patentert løsning for å redusere erosjon på vindturbinblader offshore. Dette prosjektet hadde som intensjon og støtte opp under utvikling av et bedre beskyttelsesbelegg og bistå ... -
Dynamic Compensation System for Landing Objects on a Moving Ship
Hansen, Jon Andreas; Dyrset, Eirik Husby (Master thesis, 2016)The focus of this thesis is directed towards the difficulties that may occur during a ship-to-ship load transfer operation at sea conditions. Today few ships have the ability to exchange motion-data about the motion dynamics, ... -
Dynamic modelling and force analysis of a knuckle boom crane using screw theory
Cibicik, Andrej; Egeland, Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This article presents a method for determination of dynamic reaction forces in knuckle boom cranes. The method is based on the dynamic modelling procedure, which is an extension of Kane’s equations of motion. An efficient ... -
Dynamical Pose Estimation with Graduated Non-Convexity for Outlier Robustness
Smith, Torbjørn; Egeland, Olav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In this paper we develop a method for relative pose estimation for two sets of corresponding geometric primitives in 3D with a significant outlier fraction. This is done by using dynamical pose estimation as a solver in ... -
Dynamics of luffing motion of a flexible knuckle boom crane actuated by hydraulic cylinders
Cibicik, Andrej; Pedersen, Eilif; Egeland, Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)In this paper we present a modeling procedure for a flexible knuckle boom crane, which is actuated by hydraulic cylinders and is modeled as a planar multibody system. We propose a convenient framework where both rigid body ... -
Dynamics of Rigid and Flexible Manipulators Using Screw Theory
Cibicik, Andrej (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:8, Doctoral thesis, 2020)This thesis presents contributions within dynamic modeling of rigid and flexible open-chain holonomic multibody systems, as well as contributions in force analysis of such systems. Although application of the modeling and ... -
Dynamikk og stabilitet for undervanns kompressorer
Totland, Ole Martin (Master thesis, 2014)Hensikten med denne rapporten er å undersøke dynamikk og stabilitet i forbindelse med surge i en undervanns sentrifugalkompressor. Gjennom simuleringer undersøkes surge både med tørr- og våtgasstrømning, og reguleringsmetoder ... -
Effects of Time Integration and Constraint Methods for Cable Simulations using ALE-ANCF Elements regarding Real-Time Analysis
Fotland, Gaute (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:194, Doctoral thesis, 2022)The doctoral thesis by Gaute Fotland presents some of the requirements for developing a digital twin of an offshore crane. A digital twin will improve the control system for the crane with a real-time simulation. Furthermore, ...