Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Bruun, Ellen Foyn"
Now showing items 21-30 of 30
Offside! - med fotball på teaterscenen : hvordan utvikle regigrep og sceniske virkemidler inspirert av fotball?
Dypvik-Simonsen, Kenneth Christopher (Master thesis, 2016) -
Practice as Research in Drama and Theatre: Introducing Narrative Supervision Methodology
Bruun, Ellen Foyn; Aaltonen, Heli (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)For four decades, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU Trondheim, has pioneered the field of drama and theatre in higher education in Norway. This article addresses educational, academic and artistic ... -
Pushe eller puse - perspektiver på dramarommets paradoks
Bruun, Ellen Foyn; Bakken Steigum, Jorid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)I denne artikkelen presenteres funn fra en studie på programfag drama i norsk videregående skole. Dramalærere samt tidligere og nåværende dramaelever fra tre skoler ble intervjuet om hvordan de så på forholdet mellom ... -
Sceneteksten som aktiv partner
Bruun, Ellen Foyn (Chapter, 2018)This chapter addresses theatre production working with scripts. First, I look at the hegemonic status of the play text in the history of Western theatre and how this was challenged during the twentieth century. Then I ... -
Skuespillerens kunstneriske integritet og identitet i egenskapt teater
Elvestad, Morten (Master thesis, 2021) -
Teaching Empathy with Brecht as Prompter
Bruun, Ellen Foyn (Journal article, 2018)Empathy is a contested concept, understood in different ways. It is pertinent to explore and teach empathy today. Our ability as humans to make informed choices guided from heart and head in balance, needs to be addressed ... -
«Teater er en aktivitet der det er rom for alle»
Sørensen, Emma Hegge (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Oppgaven med tittel «Teater er en aktivitet der det er rom for alle» har som problemstilling: Hva er dramaterapi, og hvordan kan kulturskolen la seg inspirere av dramaterapi? Målet er å undersøke og presentere hvordan ... -
The Quest for the Heart-Shaped Diamonds: Dilemmas Arising from Teaching Drama as Therapy
Bruun, Ellen Foyn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)This article presents an educational project at The University College of Nesna in North Norway. In the autumn term 2007 a new course module was offered on the Bachelor level that focused on drama as medium in special needs ... -
Towards a new 'we': Applied theatre as integration
Bruun, Ellen Foyn (Journal article, 2017)This article presents the Norwegian applied theatre project called P:UNKT, which suggests a meeting point, a crossroads and encounters. The aim of the project was to stimulate integration and cultural diversity, with the ... -
Å øve på å leve: Hvordan kan drama være et positivt redskap for arbeidssøkere i deres situasjon?
Størseth, Camilla Drege (Master thesis, 2013)