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dc.contributor.advisorMánik, Tomáš
dc.contributor.advisorAsadkandi, Hassan Moradi
dc.contributor.advisorHolmedal, Bjørn
dc.contributor.authorBienes, Dianne Kim
dc.description.abstractNot applicable
dc.description.abstractAn open-source cloud-based application has been developed to facilitate crystal plasticity simulations using the fully-constrained Taylor model and Alamel model. The application is primarily constructed using Python, leveraging the Dash framework for the creation of the user interface and controller layer. It was deployed to Azure through Docker. While incorporating a few novel Python functions and a newly built user interface, the application also incorporates existing Fortran and Python programs developed by the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at NTNU, enhancing its capabilities and reliability. The crystal plasticity toolbox offers a diverse range of visualizations, including pole figures, inverse pole figures, orientation distribution function (ODF) figures, two-dimensional yield surfaces and R-values figures. These visualizations are essential for comprehending and analyzing the crystallographic texture and plastic deformation behavior of polycrystalline materials. Users can conveniently upload the initial texture of a polycrystalline aggregate from an external file, such as data acquired through EBSD. Users can also synthesize textures by defining a spread around given orientations as well as fibre textures. Additionally, the toolbox facilitates the examination of a single crystal's orientation, specified by three Euler angles, for educational purposes. An advantageous feature of the toolbox is its scalability, allowing for future expansion to support other mean-field crystal plasticity models.
dc.titleCloud-based crystal plasticity web application
dc.typeMaster thesis

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