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dc.contributor.advisorMerete Stuen, Ina
dc.contributor.advisorAas, Bjørn
dc.contributor.authorHansen Gunnes, Sigurd
dc.descriptionFull text not available
dc.description.abstractForskrift for badeanlegg, bassengbad og badstu m.v. gir lite veiledning n˚ar det kommer til rengjøring av overflater. Det varme og fuktige miljøet i svømmehaller er ideelt for vekst av bakterier. I denne oppgaven ble det laget tabeller ut ifra rengjøringsrutinene til seks svømmehaller. Disse tabellene ble brukt til˚a belyse omr˚ader som krever forbedring, og til ˚a videre diskutere om rengjøring trenger mer fokus i forskriften. Tabellene viste at mange av svømmehallene manglet nedskrevne rutiner for visse omr˚ader. Rengjøring av overflater burde inkluderes i forskriften for ˚a forbedre kvaliteten av renhold i norske svømmehaller. Tabellene viste ogs˚a at ingen av hallene hadde noen nedskrevne rutiner for rengjøring av flytegjenstander. Effektive metoder for tørking og rengjøring av flytegjenstander burde utvikles for a forhindre vekst av mikroorganismer.
dc.description.abstractRegulations for bathing facilities, pools and saunas, etc. offers little guidance concerning the cleaning of surfaces. The warm and humid environment in swimming halls are ideal for bacterial growth, making proper cleaning routines especially important. In this paper, tables were created using the cleaning routines from six swimming halls. These tables were used to highlight areas in need of improvement, and further to discuss whether cleaning needs more focus in the regulations The tables showed that many of the swimming halls lacked written routines for certain areas. The cleaning of surfaces should be included in the regulations to improve the quality of cleaning in Norwegian swimming halls. The tables also showed that none of the halls had any written routines for the cleaning of floating equipment. Effective methods for the drying and cleaning of floating equipment should be developed to prevent growth of microorganisms.
dc.titleComparison of Cleaning Routines in Norwegian Swimming Pools
dc.typeBachelor thesis

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