Augmented Microfluidic Dye Sensitized Solar Cells - Longevity and Performance Efficiency Investigation In Novel Architectures Through Synergizing Materials and Microfluidics
Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) have garnered increasing attention from scientists andengineers due to the potential of low cost and flexibility in terms of choice of constituentmaterials, along with increasing emphasis on developing renewable energy technologies.Investigations into the individual components of the device reveal various limitations whicheffect the performance and longevity of the device thus limiting its capability to competeas a viable alternative to traditional photovoltaic systems. Of these limitations, generalconsensus shows that the electron collection mechanism between the the photosensitizedmetal-oxide and the electrolyte where electron diffusion is a relatively slow process, createsa bottleneck in the component interplay. In addition, the photoactive dye moleculesadsorbed to the surface of the metal-oxide are prone to degradation whilst exposed to lightsources for extended periods of time. The former has a direct impact on immediate performancewhilst the latter limitation prevents the device from functioning at full capacityafter various periods of time thus limiting longevity. Both of these limitations must beovercome in order for DSSCs to become competitive in a commercial market.Based on the nature of these limitations, the introduction of microfluidic capability intovarious DSSC architectures would directly address the slower transport and long-termstability issues. The microfluidic circulation of electrolyte introduces a complementarytransport mechanism, convection, to help alleviate the bottlenecked diffusion. If a DSSCwas capable of sustaining microfluidic electrolyte flow, it simultaneously also has the capabilityto receive payloads of fresh dye molecules to supplement or replace the older,degraded dye.In this study a fabrication workflow was developed that would allow microfluidic flow to beintegrated into TiO2 and ZnO nanowire (NW) based DSSCs. The workflow included optimizingfilm-deposition techniques, NW synthesis, photolithographic microfluidic channelimprinting and implementation of a sealing mechanism.Of these, the synthesis of ZnO NWs was an important juncture in the study. ZnO NWsoffer the potential to exponentially increase the amount of dye-loading sites based on thescale of their density and 3D geometry alongside favorable conductive properties whencontacted with electrolyte. Therefore the study explored their optimization in terms oftheir growth with respect to control over precursor concentration, growth time and effectof synthesis additives.The most optimal concentration for the precursors used in NW synthesis was tuned over2.5-100 mM for the zinc and hydroxide sources. At the lower end of the spectrum, theconcentration was not high enough to create a large number of nucleation sites on a ZnOthin-film and thus resulted in the growth of single-crystal structures in a non-oriented manner.The hydrothermal synthesis performed at 25 mM resulted in a well-oriented, vertiical, dense array of uniform ZnO NWs, characterized by scanning-electron microscopy(SEM). The density improved at this concentration with 66 million nanowires per squarecm. When the concentration was increased further, the uniformity of the size distributionwidened resulting in nanostructures with diameters ranging from 70-140 nm with heavyprecipitate. The solution at 100 mM was highly supersaturated and resulted in a morecommon poly-crystal structure rather than an array of NWs.Additionally to concentration, longer growth times were found to be associated with longerNW arrays. An activity limit was found for the precursor after 2 hrs where growth wouldreach a threshold and thus replacing the growth solution with fresh precursors every 2 hrswas the most optimal strategy to maintain a linear growth rate. Consistent synthesis conditionswith new precursor introduced every 2 hrs led to higher, average NW lengths at 1.69µm with an average length increase of 0.42 µm every 2 hrs. The aspect ratio of the NWsincreased from 14 to 28 between the 2 and 4 hr mark however at the final time of synthesis,decreased to 25 indicating that growth in the lateral direction was starting to become lessinhibited. To inhibit lateral growth, polyethyleneimine (PEI) was used as a capping agentfor the lateral NW faces. The use of PEI reduced the NW diameter by 30% and the aspectratio increased 26.5%.Both TiO2 and ZnO NWs were tested in the same DSSC configurations where the effectof microfluidic electrolyte circulation was investigated. The effect of electrolyte flow rateon cell performance was first investigated via IV characterization of the DSSCs. TiO2 andZnO NW DSSCs were systematically characterized with static electrolyte and then withincreasing flow rates from 0.5-10mL/min. The fabrication of the devices and the clampingmechanism mitigated fluid leakage during circulation. With the addition of a convectivetransport mechanism via microfluidics, the short-circuit current (Jsc) increased as flow ratewas elevated. Between static electrolyte and a max flow rate of 10 mL/min the differencein current was 38% for TiO2 and 13% for ZnO NW based DSSCs. Increased conductivityalso appears simultaneously alongside more efficient transport where iodide diffusionfrom the bulk into the metal-oxide network and the triiodide production via oxidation atthe counter-electrode is aided by rapid, convective transport. The consistent increase inJsc correlated directly with higher efficiencies and max power of the devices.Photolithographic manipulation of the anodic surface by addition of microfluidic channelswas also investigated. The addition of channel flow limits the available active area byaddition of a photoresist or PDMS intermediary layer between anode and cathode, but concentrateddelivery of the electrolyte aids in electron transport. Linear, series and parallelflow channels were implemented and showed that despite active area being limited, bothTiO2 and ZnO NW cells were able to perform consistently alongside other open architectureconstituents. By implementing microfluidic channels where the flow is controlledover a specified geometry, the efficiencies reached peaks of 6.09% for TiO2 and 1.04% forZnO NW based DSSCs.The ZnO NW DSSCs have an advantage over the TiO2 based DSSCs because the length ofthe NWs can be controlled during synthesis. The mesoporous TiO2 film cannot be scalediivertically as the nanoparticle network will surpass the diffusion length of the electrons thuslimiting the transport further. ZnO NWs are unique as their geometry provides direct electricalpathways for electrons which is further exploited by the addition of convection frommicrofluidic flow. Hence the last microfluidic electrolyte trial studied the effect of ZnONW length on device performance. The Jsc of the longest NW array at 2.5 µm showed thehighest photocurrent at 1.0 mA/cm2, which doubles the Jsc measured for 1.5 µm NWs.The nanowire length directly corresponds to device performance thus creating the necessityfor aspect ratios to be greater than 40 for viable cells.Aside from the need for higher aspect ratios, the ZnO NW DSSCs performed poorlycompared to the TiO2 based devices due to higher shunt resistance in most of the cells.The shunt could potentially manifest from lower adsorption rates of dye onto the ZnONW scaffolding. Despite the lower efficiency in the ZnO NW devices, both architecturesshowed a propensity to perform better when convection was introduced via microfluidicelectrolyte.The last set of trials performed dealt with investigating how well the DSSCs would performafter intense ultra-violet degradation. The devices were degraded and then tested after apayload of fresh dye molecules was delivered to the metal-oxide layer. Current-voltage(IV) characterization showed that after degradation and regeneration, microfluidic electrolyteraised the efficiency of the DSSC of TiO2 cells by 2.2%. The study revealed thatsimple circulation of new dye was not sufficient as the degraded dye was not being desorbed.After stripping the degraded dye through a basic/acidic wash cycle a new payloadof dye was introduced which resulted TiO2 cells being able to recover more than 100%of the original photocurrent. ZnO NW cells only partially recovered 83% of the pristinecondition photocurrent. When the activation step was not performed the cells were notnearly efficient after 1 hr of degradation with only 24% (TiO2) and 35% (ZnO NWs) lessthan the original test.The addition of microfluidic capability to traditional and novel TiO2 and ZnO DSSC architecturesshows that convective transport through microfluidic electrolyte consistentlyboosts performance when compared to static electrolyte. Microfluidic integration offersthe added benefit of dye regeneration techniques which can be employed to mitigate degenerativelimitations, previously unavailable for static DSSCs.