Browsing NTNU Universitetsbiblioteket by Title
Now showing items 88-107 of 171
Lessons Learned: HE driven open innovation to sustain CHOs in Europe
(Research report, 2024)Provide a guideline for the development of OIP (Open Innovation Project) driven by Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) for the benefit of Cultural Heritage Organisations (CHOs). The outcome to be expected is the definition ... -
A literature review of survey instruments used to measure staff-to-resident abuse in residential care settings.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Aim To review the literature of existing survey instruments used to measure the occurrence of staff-to-resident elder abuse in residential care settings. Methods A comprehensive literature search during May 2017 ... -
Livet etterlikner kunsten - Speilingen mellom verk og liv som meningsproduserende figur i lesninger av Jean Potockis Manuscrit trouvé à Saragosse
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)This article presents the history of Jan Potocki’s novel Manuscrit trouvé à Saragosse, exploring how the publication history of the book mirrors the story contained in the text. New manuscripts were discovered in 2002 ... -
Making space for CRISPR: scientists’ translation work to make gene editing a legitimate technology
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This paper focuses on scientists working with CRISPR in Norway, where genetic modification is thought to be a particularly stigmatized technology with strict regulation and a strong consumer skepticism. Drawing on actor–network ... -
Marinbiological publications from the Trondhjemsfjord 1763 - 2000
(Til opplysning, 1502-0800; 14, Research report, 2004) -
May I Borrow A Stapler? Is This All Students Ask At The Service Desk In A University Library?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Objective – The objective of the study is to increase the knowledge about what questions students ask at the library desk and what the purpose is of their use of the desk. Our focus has been on the physical meetings with ... -
Men trenger vi det?: Om søkemaskiner med automatisk klassifisering (clustering)
(Journal article, 2005) -
Methodology for open innovation collaborations between acdemia and cultural heritage organisation PR3A1
(Research report, 2023) -
MUBIL: Creating a 3D Experience of "Reading Books" in a Virtual Library Laboratory
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Mubil, is a 3D laboratory established in 2012 by the University Library of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim (NTNU UB) in collaboration with the Percro lab of the University of Santa Anna in ... -
Mubil: En virtuell opplevelse av bøker
(Journal article, 2014)Prosjektet startet i 2012, og målet har vært å formidle digitaliserte deler av de historiske samlingene ved Gunnerusbiblioteket ved å ta i bruk ny teknologi. Mubil-prosjektet har etablert en virtuell læringsarena i biblioteket ... -
Når jentene må inn i skapet: Seksuell trakassering og kjønnsfrihet i online dataspill
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)This article presents findings from a Norwegian research project on sexual harassment in online gaming. Based on an online survey (N=935) and expert interviews (N=8) with players, the authors examine sexual harassment, how ... -
Noen inntrykk fra Online Information 2005 Del 2: Kongen av Wikipedia
(Journal article, 2006) -
Non-coding RNAs in human breast milk: A systematic review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Breast milk is the primary source of nutrition and hydration for the newborn infant but also plays an important role in the child’s first immune defense. Additionally, several breast milk factors have been implicated in ... -
NorKorr - Norwegian Correspondences and Linked Open Data
(Lecture, 2019)The National Library of Norway has a substantial amount of private historical correspondences in its holdings,1 many of which are scholarly edited and published, either in printed editions or in digital form. In addition, ... -
Norsk vitenskap i støpeskjeen: Gerhard Schønings vitenskapelige aktivitet i Norge under opplysningstida
(Skrifter;, Book, 2024)Gerhard Schøning var født i 1722 i Lofoten og døde i 1780 i København. Fra sin opprinnelse i et nordnorsk miljø av handels- og embetsfolk ble han et fremtredende medlem av det intellektuelle miljøet i opplysningstidens ... -
Norwegian Correspondences and Linked Open Data
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The project Norwegian Correspondences aims to link individual letters and other correspondence media not only to each other but to correspondences across all of Norway, Europe and beyond. It uses the CorrespSearch ... -
NTNUs publiseringsfond : evaluering av ordningen fra oppstart 1.mars 2013 til og med 1.halvår 2015
(Research report, 2015) -
NVivo courses in the library: Working to create the library services of tomorrow
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)In 2017, we started a project with the goal of offering a new service to academic staff and PhD candidates at the NTNU University Library: courses and guidance in the use of NVivo, a software to alleviate the workload in ... -
Nytt om søkemaskiner: Gamle venner forsvinner, nye kommer
(Journal article, 2004)Siste året har det vært en skikkelig omkalfatring i markedet for søkemaskiner, og det brygger opp til stor kamp om brukerne. Allianser er inngått, oppkjøp er gjort og røken har ennå ikke lagt seg, utfallet er uklart. Kjempen ... -
ODP, Open Directory Project
(Journal article, 2005)