Blar i Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologi på dokumenttype "Master thesis"
Viser treff 1-20 av 568
A Chemometric Study of Ethylene Oxychlorination
(Master thesis, 2020)Ethylene oxychlorination process using a CuCl2 catalyst is widely used to manufacture Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC). The high exothermicity of this process makes temperature control difficult. The failure of proper temperature ... -
A gas to liquid Fischer-Tropsch process integrated with Solar Thermal Water Split - Techno-Economical Feasibility
(Master thesis, 2016)Hydrocarbons are used in many products, and are the primary energy source for current civilizations, mainly as combustible fuel. There is a rapidly growing demand for environmentally friendly and renewable energy sources ... -
A Graphical User Interface for the Computational Fluid Dynamics Software OpenFOAM
(Master thesis, 2014)A graphical user interface for the computational fluid dynamics software OpenFOAM has been constructed. OpenFOAM is a open source and powerful numerical software, but has much to be wanted in the field of user friendliness. ... -
A machine learning framework for predicting chord length distributions: An adaption to experimental data
(Master thesis, 2022)Real time monitoring and control of crystallization processes in process industry producing food, fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals is of major importance to assess quality and purity of the product. The lack of available ... -
A Modeling Framework for Control of Smart-Scale Tubular Polymerization Reactors - A Case Study on Nonlinear Model-based Predictive Control of an Emulsion Copolymerization Process
(Master thesis, 2014)Polymer science is the underlying topic of this master's thesis, and the main scope is to develop and deploy models for on-line optimization and control for polymerization reactors. Specifically, free-radical emulsion ... -
A New Static Estimator Based on Self-Optimizing Theory
(Master thesis, 2011)This thesis compares the performance of the new static model based esti- mator proposed by Skogestad et al. (2011) with least squares (LS), principal component regression (PCR), and partial least squares (PLS) estimators ... -
A Numerical Study of Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluid Flows Described in Curvilinear Coordinates
(Master thesis, 2021)En laminær, stasjonær strømning uten varmeoverføring i en kanal over et utvidet trinn (backwards facing step), ble løst ved bruk av finite volume method. Upwind differencing scheme og SIMPLE-algoritmen ble bruk til å ... -
A Parallelized Global Optimization Method for use in Parameter Estimation
(Master thesis, 2018)When modeling biological systems with a bottom-up approach, the system parameters need to be calibrated for the model behavior to match that of the physical system. The problem is typically presented in the form of an ... -
A Performance and Kinetic Study of PEI-Impregnated Mesoporous Silica Spheres for Low-Temperature Carbon Capture.
(Master thesis, 2020)Karbon-fangst av røykgass er en av de mest lovende teknologiene for å bekjempe de alltid økende utslippene av drivhusgasser. Adsorpsjon av CO2 fra røykgass ved bruk av effektive solide sorbenter har vist mange fordeler, ... -
A study of the formation mechanism of calcium naphtenate deposits by using the axisymmetric drop shape analysis technique
(Master thesis, 2018)New batches of ARN were extracted with a yield of 15-17 % and with a purity of 92-93 %. The axisymmetric drop shape analysis (ADSA) technique was used on different samples of ARN, xylene and asphaltenes to study the ... -
A Techno-Economic Evaluation of Solvents in Biogas Upgrading
(Master thesis, 2023)Antropogene klimagassutslipp er anerkjent som hoved ̊arsaken til globale klimaendringer. For å begrense virkningene av klimaendringer er integrasjonen av fornybare energikilder i energisammensetningen avgjørende. Biometan ... -
Adaptive Control for Severe Slugging Mitigation
(Master thesis, 2015)Offshore production facilities using pipeline-riser systems are experiencing terrain-induced cyclic flow instability due to its pipeline configuration and multiphased flow. The cyclic flow instability has been referred to ... -
Adsorption Properties of Supported Cobalt Catalysts Studied via Microcalorimetry
(Master thesis, 2012)Adsorption properties of alumina (γ-Al2O3) supported catalysts used for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis were studied using microcalorimetry for hydrogen or carbon monoxide chemisorption at 40ºC. The three catalysts investigated ... -
Advanced characterization of fischer-tropsch catalysts
(Master thesis, 2009) -
Advanced characterization of flame spray pyrolysis prepared catalysts for oxidation of NO to NO2
(Master thesis, 2019)Hensikten med denne masteroppgaven var å undersøke bruken av flamme-spray pyrolyse som syntesemetode for krystallinske katalysatorer med store overflater for bruk i oksidasjon av NO til NO 2 . Dette ble gjort gjennom grundig ... -
Advanced Control Structures for Balancing Supply and Demand in Steam Distribution Networks
(Master thesis, 2021)Denne masteroppgaven presenterer en overvåkende kontrollstruktur basert på PID-kontrollere, for å balansere tilbud og etterspørsel i et dampnettverk. Deretter blir prestasjonen sammenliknet med en modellprediktiv kontroller. ... -
Alumina supported cobalt catalysts for Fischer-Topsch synthesis
(Master thesis, 2012)Co supported on high surface area oxides such as alumina, silica and titania are the main catalysts for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. It has been shown that the catalytic performance of these catalysts depends on the ... -
Amine reclaimer technologies
(Master thesis, 2010)Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture in post-combustion by the use of amines is one of several technologies known to reduce the release of CO2 to the atmosphere when burning fossil fuels.One of the problems related to the amine ... -
Amino-Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles for Extraction of Naphthenic Acids
(Master thesis, 2016)The present work is a part of a 2-year Post Doc project carried out by a Vista program funded by Statoil and conducted in close collaboration with The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. The goal of the main project ...