Browsing Fakultet for naturvitenskap (uspesifisert) by Title
Now showing items 6-25 of 84
Can Temperature-Programmed Techniques Provide the Gold Standard for Carbon Surface Characterization?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Due to their chemical and thermal stability, electrical conductivity, and high specific surface areas, nanocarbons and porous carbon materials have found use in numerous key applications within the current transition of ... -
Characterisation and optimisation of the polymer electrolyte fuel cell
(Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2002:37, Doctoral thesis, 2002)This thesis presents work performed on five subjects of the polymer fuel cell: • A polymer fuel cell test-facility was optimised. A fuel cell housing was designed and built, enabling measurements of ocal fuel cell ... -
Chemical and Electrochemical Characterisation of Oxide/Hydroxide Impurities in the Electrolyte for Magnesium Production
(Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2001:58, Doctoral thesis, 2001)This work is part of a research program where the aim is to develop an electroanalytical technique to determine the amount of dissolved oxide and hydroxide in industrial Mg electrolytes. The systems studied were mixtures ... -
Coevolutionary adaptations in avian brood parasites and their hosts
(Doctoral thesis, 2001)Dette prosjektet har satt søkelyset på to problemstillinger knyttet til samevolusjonen mellom parasitt og vert; 1) utvikling av vertstilpasninger som mottrekk mot tilpasninger hos parasitten, med spesiell fokus på ... -
Collection of aluminium packaging today
(Research report, 2019)This report investigates the collection of aluminium packaging, particularly in China, the United States and the European Union. A literature search among journal articles using Google Scholar, company and organization ... -
Colloidal Wood Resin: Analyses and Interactions
(Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2003:63, Doctoral thesis, 2003)This thesis presents studies of the interactions between suspended particles and dissolved and colloidal substances (DCS) in process water. The main focus has been to determine if colloidal wood resin is adsorbed by suspended ... -
Computational Chemistry Study of Solvents for Carbon Dioxide Absorption
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2005:148, Doctoral thesis, 2005)Absorption with aqueous amine solvents is at present the most viable technology for CO2 capture. While this is a proven technology, efforts are ongoing to improve it in order to make it a more attractive technology for ... -
Concentrations and speciation of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Al in mine-polluted Norwegian rivers : influence of main water parameters and consequences to fish
(Doctoral thesis, 2002)This thesis presents concentration and speciation data for Cu, Zn, Cd, and Al in eight highland rivers and streams in the Røros area, central Norway. About 16 sampling campaigns were performed before, during and after ... -
Control of Fuel Cells
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2007:65, Doctoral thesis, 2007)This thesis deals with control of fuel cells, focusing on high-temperature proton-exchange-membrane fuel cells. Fuel cells are devices that convert the chemical energy of hydrogen, methanol or other chemical compounds ... -
Controllability analysis for process and control system design
(Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2003:76, Doctoral thesis, 2003)Controllability is the ability of a process to achieve acceptable performance, and in this thesis we use controllability analysis in the design of buffer tanks, feedforward controllers, and multivariable controllers such ... -
Coulombgass i To Dimensjoner
(Master thesis, 1987) -
Criticality and novel quantum liquid phases in Ginzburg--Landau theories with compact and non-compact gauge fields
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2005:144, Doctoral thesis, 2005)We have studied the critical properties of three-dimensional U(1)-symmetric lattice gauge theories. The models apply to various physical systems such as insulating phases of strongly correlated electron systems as well as ... -
Degradation of polymeric and particulate organic carbon in biofilms
(Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2003:101, Doctoral thesis, 2003)Polymeric and particulate organic carbon (POM) are fundamental compounds in the global cycling of carbon, and constitute significant amounts of BOD in municipal wastewater. The main objective of this work is to study ... -
Degradation- and Passage Kinetics of Concentrate Particles and Solubles in the Rumen
(Dr.ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2001:107, Doctoral thesis, 2001)This thesis deals with three actual issues of ruminant degradation and escape of dietary components: One of the main emphasis has been on how particle size distribution of concentrated feed affects the degradation and ... -
Development and modification of glass membranes for aggreessive gas separations
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2005:24, Doctoral thesis, 2005)Chlorine as a chemical is widespread in industry and found in a great variety of processes ranging from water purification to plastic production. In this thesis, a magnesium production factory was chosen as an example ... -
Development in Applied Chemometrics: AMT, acoustic chemometrics and N-way image analysis
(Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2001:25, Doctoral thesis, 2001) -
Do oil droplets and chemical dispersants contribute to uptake of oil compounds and toxicity of crude oil dispersions in cold-water copepods?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Accidental crude oil spills to the marine environment cause dispersion of oil into the water column through the actions of breaking waves, a process that can be facilitated using chemical dispersants. Oil dispersions contain ... -
Effect of cobalt promotion on hydrotalcite-derived nickel catalyst for CO2 methanation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)A series of cobalt-promoted Ni-Mg-Al hydrotalcite-derived catalysts were tested towards CO2 methanation reaction. The best among examined catalysts was the one with 1 wt% of cobalt in fresh hydrotalcite, obtaining 77% of ... -
Effect of Processing Parameters on the Relative Density of AlSi10Mg Processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
(Journal article, 2019)In order for a material processed by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) to achieve the desired mechanical properties, the relative density of the material should be as high as possible. In this study, the effect of various ... -
The Effect of Reaction Conditions and Presence of Magnesium on the Crystallization of Nickel Sulfate
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Recycling of valuable metals such as nickel is instrumental to meet the need from the dramatic increase in electric vehicle battery production and to improve its sustainability. Nickel required in the battery manufacture ...