• Ceramic Cr:ZnS laser mode-locked by graphene 

      Tolstik, Nikolai; Sorokin, Evgeni; Sorokina, Irina T (Chapter, 2014)
      We report a high-power graphene mode-locked ceramic Cr:ZnS-laser, producing 3.9 nJ, 140 fs pulses with 45 nm spectral bandwidth at 270 MHz repetition rate, at output power for the first time exceeding 1 W level.
    • Chaotic regime in chirped-pulse mid-IR oscillators 

      Sorokin, E.; Tolstik, Nikolai; Kalashnikov, Valdimir L; Sorokina, Irina T (Chapter, 2013)
      We present experimental investigation of the chaotic mode-locking operation regime in two novel chirped-pulsed Cr:ZnS and Cr:ZnSe mid-IR lasers. The long-term stable regime is caused by the nonlinear interaction of dispersive ...
    • Chapter 2. Peptides and Proteins 

      Rustad, Turid; Falch, Eva; Slizyte, Rasa; Sasidharan, Abhilash (Chapter, 2024)
    • Chapter 9 - Coatings and surfaces with hydrophobic and anti-icing properties 

      Lein, Hilde Lea (Chapter, 2019)
      Icing on surfaces has always been a problem if water is present under freezing conditions. The ice can cause large damage to equipment and installations, and it is therefore of greatest interest to look into possibilities ...
    • Clad-Pumped YDFLs Operating in the 1150-1200 nm Range 

      Dvoyrin, Vladislav; Medvedkov, OI; Sorokina, Irina T (Chapter, 2012)
      We demonstrate clad-pumped YDFLs operating at the 1147, 1160 and 1180 nm wavelengths at 35, 21 and 10.5 W of output power, respectively; operation at 1200 nm was realized for the first time.
    • Climate Change and Fate of Arctic Oil Spills 

      Nordam, Tor; Beegle-Krause, Cynthia Juyne; Reed, Mark (Chapter, 2017)
      To investigate how the fate of oil released in the Arctic Ocean may change with a warmer climate, we have performed ensembles of oil spill simulations using Arctic environmental information (winds, currents, ice cover, ...
    • Compact Diode-pumped Dispersion-managed SESAM-mode-locked Ho:fiber Laser 

      Tolstik, Nikolai; Sorokin, Evgeni; bugar, ignac; Sorokina, Irina T (Chapter, 2016)
      We demonstrate for the first time a compact mode-locked holmium fiber laser diode-pumped at 1150 nm. The laser was operated in the dispersion-managed dissipative-soliton regime and provided 3.7 nJ pulse energy at 7.8 MHz PRF
    • Composition Estimation in Dividing-Wall Columns Using Temperature Measurements 

      Ghadrdan, Maryam; Halvorsen, Ivar j.; Skogestad, Sigurd (Chapter, 2011)
      In this work, we propose a method to estimate the product compositions in a distillation column section based on a combination of a number of temperature measurements from different locations in ...
    • Continuum generation in Mid-IR from Tm-doped germanate fiber using femtosecond Cr:ZnS laser 

      Tolstik, Nikolai; Klimentov, Dmitry; Dvoyrin, Vladislav; Sorokina, Irina T; Kalashnikov, Vladimir; Sorokin, Evgeni (Chapter, 2012)
      The mid-IR supercontinuum generation in fibers has received much attention due to its broad applicability to high-resolution spectroscopy and trace gas analysis, frequency metrology and optical coherence tomography (OCT). ...
    • Convergence of Ensemble Simulations for Environmental Risk Assessment 

      Nordam, Tor; Brönner, Ute; Daae, Ragnhild Lundmark (Chapter, 2017)
      Ensemble simulations of oil fate and transport for a hypothetical oil spill, sometimes referred to as "stochastic simulations", are frequently used for environmental risk assessment related to offshore operations. In this ...
    • Covariant Quantum Electrodynamics in Terms of a Possible Ether Flow 

      Brevik, Iver Håkon (Theoretical Physics Seminar in Trondheim;4, Chapter, 1971)
      This paper from 1971 has a special history. At that time the present author was working with the covariant quantization procedure for an electromagnetic field in a dielectric medium. In such a theory, the commutator for ...
    • Cr:ZnSe Bulk and Cr:ZnSe Thin Disk cw Lasers 

      Renz, Guenther; Speiser, Jochen; Giesen, Adolf; Sorokina, Irina T; Sorokin, Evgeni (Chapter, 2012)
      A Thulium-fiber-laser pumped Cr:ZnSe bulk cw laser with an output power of 6.5W as well as a Thulium-fiber-laser or diode-laser-stack pumped Cr:ZnSe thin disk cw laser with almost 2W of output powers will be presented.
    • Currents in AC stressed liquid insulated needle plane gap 

      Grav, Torstein; Lundgaard, Lars Esben (Chapter, 2014)
      Currents and space charge phenomena in 8 different dielectric liquids have been investigated for an ac stressed needle plane gap. Applied frequencies ranged from 0.1 Hz to 100 Hz. A high resolution analogue-digital converter ...
    • Degreasing of aluminum turnings and implications for solid state recycling 

      Cui, Jirang; Kvithyld, Anne; Roven, Hans Jørgen (Chapter, 2010)
      With the global warming being of concern, recycling of aluminum by new solid-state recycling techniques instead of conventional remelting and subsequent refining processing has been taken into account. Solid-state recycling ...
    • Designing good practices for teaching and managing multi-campus courses 

      Andersen, Trine Højberg; Rolstad, Knut Bjørkli; Korpås, Guri Sivertsen (Chapter, 2020)
    • Diode-pumped mode-locked Holmium fiber laser at 2.138 um 

      Tolstik, Nikolai; Sorokin, Evgeni; bugar, ignac; Sorokina, Irina T (Chapter, 2017)
    • Dispersion Measurement of Infrared Specialty Fibers 

      Klimentov, Dmitry; Tolstik, Nikolai; Kalashnikov, VL; Dvoyrin, Vladislav; Sorokina, Irina T (Chapter, 2012)
      We demonstrate broadband (>250nm) dispersion measurements and theoretical calculations in a set of short-length specialty fibers in the 2.16-2.41µm wavelength range for femtosecond mid-IR applications using an ultrabroadband ...
    • Doped chalcogenide glasses for luminescence and laser application 

      Chahal, Radwan; Starecki, F.; Boussard-Plédel, C.; Bureau, B.; Nazabal, Virginie; Doualan, J.-L.; Braud, A.; Camy, P.; Tolstik, Nikolai; Sorokina, Irina T (Chapter, 2016)
    • EBSD Quantification of Retained Austenite in 9% Ni Steel Related to Thermal Treatments 

      Jahrsengene, Gøril; Wenn, Maia; Karlsen, Morten; Westermann, Ida; Akselsen, Odd Magne; Hjelen, Jarle (Chapter, 2015)
      The present work has been to study the effect of different finalizing preparation techniques on the amount of retained austenite measured with Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) and X-Ray-Diffraction (XRD) analysis. ...
    • Effect of Magnesium Addition on Removal of Impurities from Silicon by Hydrometallurgical Treatment 

      Espelien, Stine; Tranell, Gabriella; Safarian, Jafar (Chapter, 2017)
      Hydrometallurgical treatment of silicon is an effective process for the removal of metallic impurities for producing solar grade silicon feedstock. In the present research, the removal of impurities from silicon is studied ...