Browsing NTNU Open by Author "de Soysa, Indra"
Now showing items 1-20 of 70
Access and Opportunites - Equality in an Age of Globalization
Solberg, Stian Jernquist (Master thesis, 2022)Tidligere studier indikerer at globalisering fører til større økonomiske ulikheter innad i land, samtidig som globale ulikheter reduseres. De øvrige konsekvensene som globalisering medfører, er stadig oppe til debatt. ... -
Alcohol-attributed disease burden and formal alcohol policies in the Nordic countries (1990–2019): an analysis using the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
Van der Velde, Lode; Shabaan, Ahmed Nabil; Månsson, Anastasia; Wennberg, Peter; Allebeck, Peter; Karlsson, Thomas G; Flodin, Pär; Eikemo, Terje Andreas; Knudsen, Ann Kristin Skrindo; de Soysa, Indra; Skogen, Jens Christoffer; Gissler, Mika; McGrath, John J; Sigfúsdóttir, Inga Dóra; Sigurvinsdottir, Rannveig; Pasovic, Maja; Danielsson, Anna-Karin; Agardh, Emilie E. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)It is still unclear how changes in alcohol control policies may have contributed to changes in overall levels of alcohol-attributed harm between and within the Nordic countries. We modified and applied the Bridging the Gap ... -
Austerity by Design: Comment on “Ensuring Global Health Equity in a Post-pandemic Economy
de Soysa, Indra (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Several scholars across many disciplines argue that neoliberal, free-market economic conditions drive inequalities, generating poverty and misery due to unfair austerity, ultimately affecting human health. Professor Labonté’s ... -
Blessing or curse? Assessing the local impacts of foreign direct investment on conflict in Africa
de Soysa, Indra; Brazys, Samuel; Vadlamannati, Krishna Chaitanya (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The question of foreign direct investment (FDI) and socio-political development is debated heavily. Liberals believe that FDI brings economic opportunities and/or increased incentives for peace and security among host ... -
Can Bigger Health Budgets Cushion Pandemics? An Empirical Test of Covid-19 Deaths Across the World
de Soysa, Indra (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)How has public healthcare spending prepared countries for tackling the COVID-19 pandemic? Arguably, spending is the primary policy tool of governments for providing effective health. We argue that the effectiveness of ... -
Cutting Out the Middlemen - An empirical analysis of e-government as an anti-corruption tool from 2003- 2018
Knutson, Andreas (Master thesis, 2019)This paper study the effect of e-government on political corruption levels. E-government relates to extended use of information and communication technology (ICT) in the public sector. Both international organisations and ... -
Democracy, Egalitarianism and the Homicide Rate: An Empirical Test of a Variety of Democracies, 1990–2019
de Soysa, Indra (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Democracy and the level of economic development correlate tightly. While some argue that egalitarian conditions inherent in democracies reduce homicide, others suggest that it is economic development that matters. This ... -
Development Aid as Human Rights Promoter - An empirical test of Norwegian aid allocation and human rights practises from 1990-2013
Hoff, Oda Pernille (Master thesis, 2018)Abstrakt på Norsk: Er norsk bistandsallokering sensitiv til mottakerlandenes menneskerettighetspraksiser? Norge blir sett på som en av verdens moralske supermakter innen bistandslitteraturen, og denne studien vil undersøke ... -
Do bigger health budgets cushion pandemics? An empirical test of COVID-19 deaths across the world
de Soysa, Indra; Vadlamannati, Krishna Chaitanya; Cooray, Arusha (UNU-WIDER working paper series;, Research report, 2020) -
Do Citizens´ Preferences on Immigration Reflect Governments´ Preferences? A Test of the Theory of Liberal Intergovernmentalism
Norekval, Katrine Loven (Bachelor thesis, 2020)The theory liberal intergovernmentalism argues that domestic preferences shape governments policy preferences. Liberal Intergovernmentalism has become one of the main theories in European integration theory but has also ... -
Do development aid agencies practice what they preach?: Analysing the effects of official development aid on sustainable development, 1989 – 2018
Romundset, Matias Saue (Master thesis, 2020)Siden Verdenskommisjonen for miljø og utviklings rapport Vår felles framtid ble publisert i oktober 1987 har bærekraftig utvikling gjennomsyret alle deler av samfunnet. Alt – fra den lokale butikken på hjørnet til ... -
Do ethnic demographic changes trigger civil war? : an empirical analysis, 1960-2013
Danielsen, Synne Constanse Alstad (Master thesis, 2016)Innen litteraturen som omfavner etnisitet og etnisk konflikt, har viktigheten av etnisk ulikhet og risikoen for konflikt blitt fremhevet. I kontrast til etnisk ulikhet, har den relative distribusjonen av hvordan en etnisk ... -
Do larger immigrant populations increase homicide rates? : a global study, 1995-2014
Solbak, Kristine Stubø (Master thesis, 2017)Relating high immigration to violent crime has been a sensitive topic in the media for quite some time, often concerning highly populistic politics. Still substantial research that validates or disproves this assumed ... -
Do larger immigrant populations increase homicide rates? A global study, 1995-2014
Solbak, Kristine Stubø (Master thesis, 2017)Å relatere immigrasjon til voldelig kriminalitet er et svært sensitivt og debattert tema både i massemedia og blant populistiske politikere. Slik har det også vært over lengre tid. Det mangler likevel data som bekrefter ... -
Do Remittances Increase Obesity-Related Behaviours and Attitudes? A Case Study of Nepal
Stonkute, Donata (Master thesis, 2020)Background: Developing countries have entered the stage of dietary and physical activity transition led by a phenomenal economic growth in recent years. It is reasonable to make an inference that the answer lies in ... -
Do resource-wealthy rulers adopt transparency-promoting laws
Vadlamannati, Krishna Chaitanya; de Soysa, Indra (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Some argue that the right kinds of institutions mitigate, or even prevent, the development of “natural resource curses.” Rulers with access to resource wealth, however, are unlikely to adopt such institutions, because doing ... -
Does Egalitarian Democracy Boost Environmental Sustainability? An Empirical Test, 1970-2017
de Soysa, Indra (Journal article, 2021)Many argue that the twin problems of poverty and environmental degradation are best addressed by adopting greater egalitarian processes of governance. Greater egalitarian societies apparently contain the required social ... -
Does Empowering Women in Politics Boost Human Development? An Empirical Analysis, 1960–2018
Hornset, Norunn; de Soysa, Indra (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
Does Ethnic Diversity Increase Violent Crime? A Global Analysis of Homicide Rates, 1995-2013.
de Soysa, Indra; Noel, Carmen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Many scholars argue that diverse preferences and coordination failure stemming from high ethnic diversity results in high social frictions, leading to socio-political failure. Criminological theories suggest that crime is ... -
Does Foreign Direct Investment Encourage State Militarization and Reduce Societal Security? An Empirical Test, 1980-2017
de Soysa, Indra (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Scholars debate the effects of foreign direct investment (FDI) on poor societies. Apparently, FDI could embolden governments to securitize rather than reform, an argument put forth recently by (Kishi, Roudabeh, Maggio, ...