Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Yu, Zhaolong"
A review of structural responses and design of offshore tubular structures subjected to ship impacts
Yu, Zhaolong; Amdahl, Jørgen (Journal article, 2018)Over the past decades, the offshore oil and gas industry has developed rapidly. A large number of offshore structures, notably jacket and jack-up platforms, were constructed and installed worldwide. As they are often exposed ... -
Abnormal wave slamming impact of stiffened cylinders
Fimreite, Stina Bjørgo; Yu, Zhaolong; Amdahl, Jørgen (Chapter, 2023)The structural response of a stiffened cylinder due to slamming impact is studied using the ALE method in LS-Dyna. The numerical modelling approach is in the first place verified against experimental results from unstiffened ... -
Analyses of ship collisions between an FPSO and an offshore supply vessel
Tellevik, Lasse (Master thesis, 2020)Målet med denne masteroppgaven er å studere skipskollisjoner for en typisk FPSO. Skipene som kolliderer er, et standard og et is-forsterket, moderne offshore forsyningsskip, der FPSO side-regionen er utsatt for kollisjonen. ... -
Analyses of ship collisions with a floating offshore wind turbine
Kullerud, Ingrid (Master thesis, 2020)Ettersom oppmerksomheten angående fornybare løsninger har økt, har det resultert i at vindturbiner har blitt flyttet til havområder med dypere vann der vinden er sterkere. Dette fører til at bunnfaste strukturer blir byttet ... -
Analysis and design of offshore tubular members against ship impacts
Yu, Zhaolong; Amdahl, Jørgen (Journal article, 2018)Ship collisions may be critical to the operational safety of ships and offshore structures, and should be carefully designed against. This paper investigates the response of offshore tubular members subjected to vessel bow ... -
Analysis of accidental iceberg impacts with large passenger vessels
Wang, Suyu (Master thesis, 2017)The number of collisions between ships and ice are increasing with the increase of ships sailing in Arctic areas. It is necessary to research on large passenger ships subjected to iceberg impact, since it may cause huge ... -
Analysis of an Offshore Jacket subjected to Supply Vessel Impacts
Flatøy, Erlend (Master thesis, 2018)In this master s thesis an offshore jacket platform subjected to supply vessel impacts is analysed. Since the supply vessels have increased in size and have been reinforced through modern ship design it has been of ... -
Analysis of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Subjected to Ship Collisions
Rypestøl, Martin (Master thesis, 2020)Flytende offshore vindmøller er, i likhet med andre offshore strukturer, utsatt for skipskollisjoner. Fremtidige vindparker kan bli plassert i nærhet av skipstrafikk, og tøffere værforhold sørger også for større forsyningsskip. ... -
Analysis of Iceberg-Structure Interaction During Impacts
Wang, Xintong (Master thesis, 2020)With the increase of the maritime production and transportation in the arctic area, more offshore structures and ships are designed and built for operation in the ice infested water. The potential impact with the ice ... -
Committee V.1: Accidental Limit States
Quinton, Bruce WT; De luca, Gaetano; Topan, Firmandha; Mihkel, Kørgesaar; Le Sourne, Hervé; Nahshon, Ken; Notaro, Gabriele; parsa, Kourosh; Rudan, Smiljko; Suzuki, Katsuyuki; Banda, Osiris Valdez; walters, Carey; wang, deyu; Yu, Zhaolong (Chapter, 2023)Ships and offshore structures may be subject to accidental actions during their operation. Design for preventing or minimizing the effects of accidents is termed accidental limit states (ALS) design and is characterized ... -
Damage Assessment of Sevan 1000 FPSO Subjected to Impacts from Shuttle Tankers
Hagen, Stian Arneborg (Master thesis, 2018)Floating, production, storage and offloading (FPSO) units are the only viable option for oil and gas production in deep waters. Shuttle tankers are normally employed for cargo transfer because they are the most practical ... -
Design against ship collisions in accordance with the new DNV RP C204
Amdahl, Jørgen; Yu, Zhaolong (Chapter, 2021)A new version of the DNV RP C204 standard for the design of offshore steel structures against accidental loads was released in 2019. The updated recommended practice made considerable changes on the design against ship ... -
Design of offshore tubular members against excessive local indentation under lateral impacts
Yu, Zhaolong; Amdahl, Jørgen (Chapter, 2017)Tubular members are widely used in offshore jacket and jack-up platforms. Such structures are often exposed to the risk of lateral impacts from service vessels and dropped objects. The impact responses can generally be ... -
Discussion of assumptions behind the external dynamic models in ship collisions and groundings
Yu, Zhaolong; Liu, Zhenhui; Amdahl, Jørgen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)In the past decades, a prevailing way for the assessment of responses in ship collisions and groundings has been to decouple the problem into two parts: external dynamics and internal mechanics. The external dynamics deals ... -
Dynamic behaviour of aluminium alloy plates with surface cracks subjected to repeated impacts
Duan, Fangjuan; Liu, Jingxi; Wang, Ge; Yu, Zhaolong (Journal article, 2018)This paper investigates the behaviour of aluminium alloy plates with and without initial cracks under repeated impacts. Three series of impact tests were conducted to study the behaviour of circular plate that do not have ... -
Effects of transverse loading on the ultimate strength prediction of stiffened panels under biaxial loads: Potential improvements to the IACS rule formulation
Wang, Xintong; Yu, Zhaolong; Amdahl, Jørgen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The current International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) rule for designing stiffened panels was found in Wang et al. (2024) to conservatively predict the ultimate strength of panels when transverse loads ... -
Energy absorption of offshore platforms during ship collisions
Løland, Anders Holten (Master thesis, 2017)Severe ship collisions are fortunately not a frequent occurrence, however they are present. There were 115 recorded collisions on the Norwegian Continental Shelf from 1982-2010, and in the more recent years between 2001-2010 ... -
Evaluation of load-carrying capacity of a submersible platform subjected to accidental ice impacts
Yu, Zhaolong; Amdahl, Jørgen; Løset, Sveinung (Chapter, 2019)Floating glacial ice features of various sizes pose great threats to the structural integrity of offshore structures in arctic regions. Potential collisions with large icebergs should generally be avoided through proper ... -
Experimental and numerical investigation on the deformation behaviors of large diameter steel tubes under concentrated lateral impact loads
Ren, Yongli; Yu, Zhaolong; Hua, Xugang; Amdahl, Jørgen; Zhang, Zili; Chen, Zhengqing (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Large diameter steel tubes are widely used in bottom fixed and floating offshore wind turbines. Offshore wind turbines (OWTs) operating in the oceans are exposed to the risk of collisions when ships pass and dock at turbines. ... -
Experimental and numerical validation of an analytical hydro-plastic model for the prediction of structural damage in extreme water slamming
Yu, Zhaolong; Cao, Anni; Amdahl, Jørgen (Chapter, 2021)Extreme water slamming poses great threats on the safety of ships and offshore structures at sea, which may in the extreme conditions cause large structural damage, progressive collapse of structures and even fatalities. ...