Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Wahba, Alexander"
2019 EACTS/EACTA/EBCP guidelines on cardiopulmonary bypass in adult cardiac surgery.
Wahba, Alexander; Milojevic, Milan; Boer, Christa; De Somer, Filip M.J.J.; Gudbjartsson, Tomas; van den Goor, Jenny; Jones, Timothy J.; Lomivorotov, Vladimir; Merkle, Frank; Ranucci, Marco; Kunst, Gudrun; Puis, Luc (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019) -
5 Years of Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement at St. Olavs Hospital – Assessment of Echocardiographic Data, Clinical Outcome and Prevalence of Patient-Prosthesis Mismatch
Eide, Julie Roald; Korpberget, Susanna (Master thesis, 2022)SAMMENDRAG Mål: Denne studien tok sikte på å beskrive pasientpopulasjonen som gjennomgikk åpen hjerteoperasjon med bytte av aortaklaff på St. Olavs Hospital, inkludert pasientkarakteristika, risikofaktorer, samt kliniske ... -
A Preoperative Multimarker Approach to Evaluate Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery.
Enger, Tone Bull; Pleym, Hilde; Stenseth, Roar; Greiff, Guri; Wahba, Alexander; Videm, Vibeke (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Objective To investigate whether a multimarker strategy combining preoperative biomarkers representing distinct pathophysiologic pathways enhances preoperative risk assessment of acute kidney injury after cardiac surgery ... -
Acute exercise is not cardioprotective and may induce apoptotic signalling in heart surgery: a randomized controlled trial
Smenes, Benedikte; Bækkerud, Fredrik Hjulstad; Slagsvold, Katrine Hordnes; Hassel, Erlend; Wohlwend, Martin; Pinho, Maria; Høydal, Morten; Wisløff, Ulrik; Rognmo, Øivind; Wahba, Alexander (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)OBJECTIVES During open-heart surgery, the myocardium experiences ischaemia–reperfusion injury. A single bout of moderate, 30-min exercise induces preconditioning and protects the heart from ischaemia–reperfusion injury ... -
Comparison of left versus right atrial myocardium in patients with sinus rhythm or atrial fibrillation - an assessment of mitochondrial function and microRNA expression.
Slagsvold, Katrine Hordnes; Johnsen, Anne Berit; Rognmo, Øivind; Høydal, Morten; Wisløff, Ulrik; Wahba, Alexander (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Several of the cellular alterations involved in atrial fibrillation (AF) may be linked to mitochondrial function and altered microRNA (miR) expression. A majority of studies on human myocardium involve right atrial (RA) ... -
Complete embolization of a mechanical aortic valve during trail running - a case report with a lucky ending
Dalen, Håvard; Graven, Torbjørn; Slagsvold, Katrine Hordnes; Krogstad, Lars Erik Berg; Saxhaug, Lars Mølgaard; Tannvik, Tomas Dybos; Holte, Espen; Nordhaug, Dag Ole; Karlsen, Øystein; Thorstensen, Anders; Wahba, Alexander; Winnerkvist, Anders (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background Complete embolization of a prosthetic heart valve is extremely rare and dangerous. This case reports a total embolization of a mechanical aortic valve and contributes to the literature regarding the diagnostic ... -
Concomitant treatment of atrial fibrillation for patients undergoing open cardiac surgery at St. Olavs university hospital 2010-2020
Li, Jiaji (Master thesis, 2022)Bakgrunn: Atrieflimmer er den hyppigst forekommende hjertearytmien og er forbundet med økt risiko for slag, hjertesvikt og redusert livskvalitet. En effektiv behandling av atrieflimmer er kirurgisk ablasjon sammen med annen ... -
Effects of exercise training and cardiorespiratory fitness upon cardiac surgery incidence and outcomes
Nystøyl, Benedikte Therese Smenes (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:371, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Most cardiac surgical procedures involve temporary arrest of the heart and its blood and oxygen supply (ischemia). This leads to ischemia-reperfusion injury (I/R-injury) of the heart. Animal studies have implicated that ... -
Erythrocyte Transfusion and Long-Term Mortality in Open Heart Surgery in Adults
Tran, Long (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:196, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Background Approximately 3,000 cases of cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass are performed each year in Norway. Cardiac surgery is performed to treat various disease of the heart, which includes ischemic, valvular, ... -
Evaluating Phase of Care Mortality Analysis and Failure to Rescue in a Norwegian Cardiothoracic Surgery Clinic
Smenes, Benedikte Therese (Master thesis, 2017)Background: Publication of patient care data has long been practiced in the cardiothoracic surgical environment, but traditional endpoints such as surgeon specific mortality data have been criticized and there has been a ... -
Limited effect of red blood cell transfusion on long-term mortality among anaemic cardiac surgery patients
Tran, Long; Greiff, Guri; Wahba, Alexander; Pleym, Hilde; Videm, Vibeke (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)OBJECTIVES Our goal was to investigate long-term mortality associated with red blood cell (RBC) transfusion among patients with anaemia undergoing cardiac surgery when adjusting for known risk factors. METHODS Adults with ... -
Perioperative factors associated with changes in troponin T during coronary artery bypass grafting
Koppen, Elias; Madssen, Erik; Greiff, Guri; Stenseth, Roar; Pleym, Hilde; Wiseth, Rune; Wahba, Alexander; Videm, Vibeke (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Objective Investigate important clinical and operative variables associated with increases in cardiac troponin T (cTnT) as indicators of myocardial injury after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Design Prospective ... -
Postoperativ smertelindring etter videoassistert thorakoskopisk lobektomi: paravertebral blokade versus epidural analgesi.
Gradek, Ewa Teresa (Master thesis, 2022)Sammendrag Bakgrunn Forekomsten av lungekreft øker globalt og behovet for videoassistert thorakoskopisk lobektomi er økende. Effektiv og minst mulig belastende postoperativ smertelindring er viktig. Det undersøkes om ... -
Prediction of mortality in adult patients with severe acute lung failure receiving veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: A prospective observational study
Enger, Tone Bull; Philipp, A; Videm, Vibeke; Lubnow, M; Wahba, Alexander; Fischer, M; Schmid, C; Bein, T; Müller, T (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Introduction Veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (vvECMO) can be a life-saving therapy in patients with severe acute lung failure refractory to conventional therapy. Nevertheless, vvECMO is a procedure associated ... -
Reduced Long-Term Relative Survival in Females and Younger Adults Undergoing Cardiac Surgery: A Prospective Cohort Study
Enger, Tone Bull; Pleym, Hilde; Stenseth, Roar; Greiff, Guri; Wahba, Alexander; Videm, Vibeke (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Objectives To assess long-term survival and mortality in adult cardiac surgery patients. Methods 8,564 consecutive patients undergoing cardiac surgery in Trondheim, Norway from 2000 until censoring 31.12.2014 were ... -
Serotonin—A Driver of Progressive Heart Valve Disease
Waldum, Helge; Wahba, Alexander (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)It is well known that some serotoninergic drugs and neuroendocrine tumors producing serotonin (5-HT) may induce valvular heart disease by stimulation of proliferation of valvular cells via interaction with a 5-HT receptor ... -
Swedish-Norwegian co-operation in the treatment of three hypothermia victims: a case report
Carlsen, Anders Wetting; Skjaervold, Nils Kristian; Berg, Nils K; Karlsen, Øystein; Gunnarsen, Eli; Wahba, Alexander (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background: Accidental hypothermia with cardiac arrest represents a challenge for pre-hospital rescuers as well as in-hospital staff. For pre-hospital personnel, the main focus is to get the patient to the correct destination ... -
The Influence of Cardiopulmonary Bypass on Platelet Function and Blood Coagulation - Determinants and Clinical Consequences
Wahba, Alexander (Doctoral thesis, 2001) -
Trajectories of Pain in Patients Undergoing Lung Cancer Surgery: A Longitudinal Prospective Study.
Gjeilo, Kari Hanne; Oksholm, Trine; Follestad, Turid; Wahba, Alexander; Rustøen, Tone (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Context Lung cancer surgery is among the surgical procedures associated with the highest prevalence of pain, but prospective longitudinal studies after the pain trajectory are scarce. Objectives We aimed to describe the ... -
Trajectory of sleep disturbances in patients undergoing lung cancer surgery: A prospective study
Halle, Ingrid; Westgaard, Therese Krystad; Wahba, Alexander; Oksholm, Trine; Rustøen, Tone; Gjeilo, Kari Hanne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)OBJECTIVES Patients with lung cancer report sleep difficulties to be frequent and bothersome symptoms. This study describes the trajectory of sleep from before and up to 12 months after surgery for lung cancer. Further, ...