Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Vinogradov, Alexey"
A New Method of Low Amplitude Signal Detection and Its Application in Acoustic Emission
Agletdinov, E; Merson, DL; Vinogradov, Alexey (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)A novel methodology is proposed to enhance the reliability of detection of low amplitude transients in a noisy time series. Such time series often arise in a wide range of practical situations where different sensors are ... -
A novel algorithm for crack path identification based on infrared images
Romanin, Luca; Vinogradov, Alexey; Berto, Filippo; Ferro, Paolo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The present work aims at developing a new approach towards the analysis of the crack path through the access to the information from the infrared (IR) video imaging of the steady fatigue crack growth. We first test some ... -
Acoustic Emission during Initiation of a Shear Band in a Metallic Glass as a Method for Verification of the Existence of Scale Invariance
Yasnikov, I.S.; Vinogradov, Alexey (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Using the acoustic emission method, we have determined the probability density distribution function of shear band lengths in a metallic glass and demonstrated its independence of stoichiometric composition of glass and ... -
Acoustic emission study of the kinetics of kink bands in the LPSO structure
Vinogradov, Alexey; Vasilev, E; Brilevsky, AI; Merson, DL; Kudasheva, KK (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Modern magnesium alloys with the so-called long-period stacking ordered (LPSO) structure possess not only a unique microstructure, but also an excellent set of functional properties (strength, ductility, fatigue and corrosion ... -
Acoustic emission study on the effect of notch shape and temperature on elastic energy release during impact testing of 17Mn1Si pipe steel
Panin, S.V.; Byakov, AV; Vlasov, IV; Maruschak, PO; Berto, Filippo; Vinogradov, Alexey (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Main fracture mechanisms are determined in 17Mn1Si steel during impact Charpy testing of specimens with three types of notches at different test temperatures covering ductile-to-brittle transition. The influence of the ... -
Analytical and numerical approaches to modelling severe plastic deformation
Vinogradov, Alexey; Estrin, Yuri (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Severe plastic deformation (SPD) has established itself as a potent means of producing bulk ultrafine grained and nanostructured materials. It has given rise to burgeoning research that has become an integral part of the ... -
Assessing Fracture Surface Ductility by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy
Merson, E. D.; Danilov, V. A.; Linderov, M. L.; Merson, D. L.; Vinogradov, Alexey (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Hitherto there is no generally accepted quantitative parameter which, on the one hand, would reliably characterize the ductility of the whole fracture surface, and, on the other hand, could be relatively quickly measured. ... -
Challenges and Accomplishments in Mechanical Testing Instrumented by In Situ Techniques: Infrared Thermography, Digital Image Correlation, and Acoustic Emission
Sendrowicz, Aleksander; Myhre, Aleksander Omholt; Wierdak, Seweryn Witold; Vinogradov, Alexey (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)A current trend in mechanical testing technologies is to equip researchers and industrial practitioners with the facilities for non-destructive characterisation of the deformation and fracture processes occurring on different ... -
Corrosion Fatigue of Fine Grain Mg-Zn-Zr and Mg-Y-Zn Alloys
Linderov, Mikhail; Vasilev, Evgeni; Merson, Dmitry; Markushev, Mikhail; Vinogradov, Alexey (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Corrosion fatigue data for magnesium alloys are still scarce. The present communication reports the results of microstructural investigations and fatigue testing of the fine grain Mg-Zn-Zr (ZK60) alloy after multiaxial ... -
Dual roles of pearlite microstructure to interfere/facilitate gaseous hydrogen-assisted fatigue crack growth in plain carbon steels
Ogawa, Yuhei; Nishida, Haruki; Nakamura, Masami; Olden, Vigdis; Vinogradov, Alexey; Matsunaga, Hisao (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Fatigue crack growth of two carbon steels with different pearlite volume fractions were studied in pressurized gaseous hydrogen environment. Notably, pearlite was found to mitigate hydrogen-assisted fatigue crack acceleration. ... -
Early Detection of Subsurface Cracks in Rolling Element Bearings using the Acoustic Emission Time Series
Hidle, Einar Løvli (Master thesis, 2021)The formation and propagation of rolling contact fatigue (RCF) induced subsurface cracks (SSC) in a test specimen roller have been monitored using the acoustic emission time series. The sampled acoustic emission (AE) ... -
Effect of deformation processing of the dilute Mg-1Zn-0.2Ca alloy on the mechanical properties and corrosion rate in a simulated body fluid
Merson, Dmitry; Brilevsky, Alexander; Myagkikh, Pavel; Markushev, Mikhail; Vinogradov, Alexey (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Magnesium and its alloys have several competitive advantages due to their low density and the highest specific strength among modern structural metallic materials. However, the relatively low ductility and poor corrosion ... -
Effect of equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) and current density of cathodic hydrogen charging on hydrogen trapping in the low-alloy steel
Merson, Evgeni; Myagkikh, Pavel; Klevtsov, G.V.; Merson, Dmitry; Vinogradov, Alexey (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Owing to the outstanding mechanical properties, the steels and other metallic materials with the ultra-fine grained (UFG) microstructure obtained by severe plastic deformation (SPD) techniques such as equal channel angular ... -
Effect of fracture mode on acoustic emission behavior in the hydrogen embrittled low-alloy steel
Merson, ED; Myagkikh, PN; Klevtsov, GV; Merson, Dmitry L.; Vinogradov, Alexey (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Hydrogen embrittlement (HE) of steels and other alloys is a long-standing scientific and engineering problem causing sudden premature failures of industrial components. Although several mechanisms of hydrogen-assisted ... -
Effect of grain size on mechanical properties and hydrogen occluding capacity of pure magnesium and alloy MA14 subjected to stress-corrosion cracking
Merson, E.D.; Poluyanov, V.A.; Myagkikh, P.N.; Merson, D.L.; Vinogradov, Alexey (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The high susceptibility of magnesium alloys to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is an urgent problem that restricts their widespread application in the aerospace and automotive industries, as well as in medicine. The ... -
Effect of Hydrogen Concentration and Strain Rate on Hydrogen Embrittlement of Ultra-Fine-Grained Low-Carbon Steel
Merson, Evgeniy; Myagkikh, Pavel; Klevtsov, G.V.; Merson, Dmitri; Vinogradov, Alexey (Chapter, 2021)During the last few decades, keen attention has been paid to the advanced steels with the ultra-fine-grained (UFG) microstructure manufactured by severe plastic deformation (SPD) techniques. Although these materials often ... -
Effect of precipitates on static and fatigue strength of a severely forged aluminum alloy 1570C
Avtokratova, E. V.; Sitdikov, O. Sh.; Latypova, O. E.; Markushev, M. V.; Linderov, M. L.; Merson, D. L.; Vinogradov, Alexey (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Bulk billets from commercial ingots of the alloy 1570C with different size of aluminides of transition metals were subjected to severe deformation up to the equivalent strain e~24 via multi-step isothermal forging (MIF) ... -
Features of the Hydrogen-Assisted Cracking Mechanism in the Low-Carbon Steel during Ex- and In-situ Hydrogen Charging
Merson, E. D.; Myagkikh, P. N.; Poluyanov, V. A.; Merson, D. L.; Vinogradov, Alexey (Journal article, 2018)Hydrogen embrittlement has been intensively studied in the past. However, its governing mechanism is still under debate. Particularly, the details of the formation of specific cleavage-like or quasi-cleavage fracture ... -
Fractographic features of technically pure magnesium, AZ31 and ZK60 alloys subjected to stress corrosion cracking
Merson, Evgeniy; Poluyanov, Vitaliy; Myagkikh, Pavel; Merson, Dmitri; Vinogradov, Alexey (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Using quantitative fractography, the present study clarifies the effect of chemical composition and preliminary plastic deformation on the fracture mode of structural magnesium alloys experienced stress corrosion cracking ... -
The Functional Properties of Mg–Zn–X Biodegradable Magnesium Alloys
Merson, Dmitry; Brilevsky, Alexander; Myagkikh, Pavel; Tarkova, Alexandra; Prokhorikhin, Alexei; Kretov, Evgeni; Frolova, Tatyana; Vinogradov, Alexey (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)The implantation of metallic devices in orthopaedic surgical procedures and coronary angioplasty is associated with the risk of various adverse events: (i) mechanical (premature failure), (ii) chemo-mechanical (corrosion ...