Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Vinogradov, Alexei"
Now showing items 1-20 of 20
Acoustic emission assessment of impending fracture in a cyclically loading structural steel
Rastegaev, Igor; Danyuk, Alexey; Afanas’yev, Maxim; Merson, Dmitry; Berto, Filippo; Vinogradov, Alexei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Using the advanced acoustic emission (AE) technique, we address the problem of early identification of crack initiation and growth in ductile structural steels under cyclic loading. The notched 9MnSi5 steel specimens with ... -
Assessing fracture toughness of vintage and modern X65 pipeline steels under in situ electrochemical hydrogen charging using advanced testing methodology
Myhre, Aleksander Omholt; Wan, Di; Sendrowicz, Aleksander; Nyhus, Bård; Matsunaga, H.; Olden, Vigdis; Alvaro, Antonio; Vinogradov, Alexei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The susceptibility of pipeline steels to hydrogen embrittlement, which can significantly impair mechanical performance, especially fracture toughness, is a critical issue in infrastructure integrity. This study evaluates ... -
Attaining High Functional Performance in Biodegradable Mg-Alloys: An Overview of Challenges and Prospects for the Mg-Zn-Ca System
Vinogradov, Alexei; Merson, Evgeniy; Myagkikh, Pavel; Linderov, Mikhail; Brilevsky, Alexandr; Merson, Dmitry (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article presents a concise overview of modern achievements and existing knowledge gaps in the area of biodegradable magnesium alloys. Hundreds of Mg-based alloys have been proposed as candidates for temporary implants, ... -
Digital Image Correlation Technique to Aid Monotonic and Cyclic Testing in a Noisy Environment during In Situ Electrochemical Hydrogen Charging
Myhre, Aleksander Omholt; Sendrowicz, Aleksander; Alvaro, Antonio; Vinogradov, Alexei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Hydrogen is receiving growing interest as an energy carrier to facilitate the shift to a green economy. However, hydrogen may cause the significant degradation of mechanical properties of structural materials, premature ... -
Early Detection of Subsurface Fatigue Cracks in Rolling Element Bearings by the Knowledge-Based Analysis of Acoustic Emission
Hidle, Einar Løvli; Hestmo, Rune Harald; Adsen, Ove Sagen; Lange, Hans Iver; Vinogradov, Alexei (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Aiming at early detection of subsurface cracks induced by contact fatigue in rotating machinery, the knowledge-based data analysis algorithm is proposed for health condition monitoring through the analysis of acoustic ... -
Effect of Air Storage on Stress Corrosion Cracking of ZK60 Alloy Induced by Preliminary Immersion in NaCl-Based Corrosion Solution
Merson, Evgeniy; Poluyanov, Vitaliy; Myagkikh, Pavel; Merson, Dmitri; Vinogradov, Alexei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The preliminary exposure of Mg alloys to corrosion solutions can cause their embrittlement. The phenomenon is referred to as pre-exposure stress corrosion cracking (PESCC). It has been reported that relatively long storage ... -
Effect of Hydrogen on Fatigue Crack Growth in Modern Pipe Steels for Hydrogen Transport
Askeli, Brage (Master thesis, 2021)Det eksisterende olje- og gass-nettverket på norsk sokkel representerer i lys av den pågående energirevolusjonen fremtidige transportruter for hydrogen. Hydrogen er kjent for å svekke de mekaniske egenskapene til stål og ... -
Effect of structural heterogeneity of 17Mn1Si steel on the temperature dependence of impact deformation and fracture
Moiseenko, Dmitry; Maruschak, Pavlo; Panin, Sergey; Maksimov, Pavel; Vlasov, Ilya; Berto, Filippo; Schmauder, Siegfried; Vinogradov, Alexei (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The paper deals with a theoretical and experimental study of the relationship between the microstructural parameters, mechanical properties, and impact deformation and fracture of steels using the example of 17Mn1Si pipe ... -
Effect of temperature-force factors and concentrator shape on impact fracture mechanisms of 17mn1si steel
Panin, Sergey V.; Maruschak, Pavlo O.; Vlasov, Ilya V.; Moiseenko, Dimitry D.; Berto, Filippo; Vinogradov, Alexei (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The influence of the notch shape on the impact fracture of 17Mn1Si steel is investigated at different temperatures with the focus placed on the low-temperature behavior. An approach towards fracture characterization has ... -
Evolution of Mechanical Twinning during Cyclic deformation of Mg-Zn-Ca Alloys
Vinogradov, Alexei; Vasilev, Evgeni; Linderov, Mikhail; Merson, Dmitry (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)The present study clarifies the complex interplay between mechanical twinning and dislocation slip during low-cycle fatigue testing of Mg-Zn-Ca alloys. Temporal details of these mechanisms are studied non-destructively by ... -
Hydrogen-enhanced grain boundary vacancy stockpiling causes transgranular to intergranular fracture transition
Ding, Yu; Yu, Haiyang; Lin, Meichao; Zhao, Kai; Xiao, Senbo; Vinogradov, Alexei; Qiao, Lijie; Ortiz, Michael; He, Jianying; Zhang, Zhiliang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The attention to hydrogen embrittlement (HE) has been intensified recently in the light of hydrogen as a carbon-free energy carrier. Despite worldwide research, the multifaceted HE mechanism remains a matter of debate. ... -
Improving the Performance of Convolutional GAN Using History-State Ensemble for Unsupervised Early Fault Detection with Acoustic Emission Signals
Wang, Yu; Vinogradov, Alexei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Early fault detection (EFD) in run-to-failure processes plays a crucial role in the condition monitoring of modern industrial rotating facilities, which entail increasing demands for safety, energy and ecological savings ... -
In situ characterization of the functional degradation of a [001¯] orientated Fe–Mn–Al–Ni single crystal under compression using acoustic emission measurements
Weidner, Anja; Vinogradov, Alexei; Vollmer, Malte; Krooß, Phillip; Kriegel, Mario J.; Klemm, Volker; Chumlyakov, Yuri; Niendorf, Thomas; Biermann, Horst (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Acoustic emission (AE) measurements were conducted in situ during cyclic compressive loading on an orientated single crystal of Fe-Mn-Al-Ni shape memory alloy to study functional degradation of its superelastic response. ... -
In-Situ Characterisation of Fatigue Crack Growth by a Combination of Advanced Techniques
Sendrowicz, Aleksander; Wierdak, Seweryn Witold; Myhre, Aleksander Omholt (Master thesis, 2019)Denne oppgaven utforsker sprekkvekstutmatting ved samtidig bruk av flere avanserte metoder; infrarødtermografi, akustiskemisjon, og høyhastighetsavbildning kombinert med digital bildekorrelasjon. Alle metodene ble brukt ... -
In-Situ Characterisation of Fatigue Crack Growth by a Combination of Advanced Techniques
Sendrowicz, Aleksander; Myhre, Aleksander Omholt; Wierdak, Seweryn Witold (Master thesis, 2019)Denne oppgaven utforsker sprekkvekstutmatting ved samtidig bruk av flere avanserte metoder; infrarød termografi, akustisk emisjon, og høyhastighetsavbildning kombinert med digital bildekorrelasjon. Alle metodene ble brukt ... -
In-Situ Characterisation of Fatigue Crack Growth by a Combination of Advanced Techniques
Sendrowicz, Aleksander; Wierdak, Seweryn Witold; Myhre, Aleksander Omholt (Master thesis, 2019)Denne oppgaven utforsker sprekkvekstutmatting ved samtidig bruk av flere avanserte metoder; infrarødtermografi, akustiskemisjon, og høyhastighetsavbildning kombinert med digital bildekorrelasjon. Alle metodene ble brukt ... -
Investigation on the plastic zone during crack growth experiments in high-alloy CrMnNi TRIP/TWIP steels by means of the complementary in situ characterization techniques: digital image correlation, infrared thermography and acoustic emission measurements
Müller, Richard (Master thesis, 2020)This thesis describes the analysis of the material behaviour of two high-alloy CrMnNi steels with TRIP and TWIP effect respectively. The focus of the investigations was the systematic characterisation of the mechanical ... -
Monitoring Dynamic Recrystallisation in Bioresorbable Alloy Mg-1Zn-0.2Ca by Means of an In Situ Acoustic Emission Technique
Merson, Dmitry; Linderov, Mikhail; Brilevsky, Alexander; Danyuk, Alexey; Vinogradov, Alexei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The tensile behaviour of the biocompatible alloy Mg-1Zn-0.2Ca (in wt.%) in the fine-grained state, obtained by severe plastic deformation via multiaxial isothermal forging, has been investigated in a wide range of temperatures ... -
On the Corrosion Fatigue of Magnesium Alloys Aimed at Biomedical Applications: New Insights from the Influence of Testing Frequency and Surface Modification of the Alloy ZK60
Linderov, Mikhail; Brilevsky, Alexander; Merson, Dmitry; Danyuk, Alexei; Vinogradov, Alexei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Magnesium alloys are contemporary candidates for many structural applications of which medical applications, such as bioresorbable implants, are of significant interest to the community and a challenge to materials scientists. ... -
Plasticity Effect on Crack Tips with Help of IR-Camera
Romanin, Luca (Master thesis, 2017)The assessment of the mechanical performance of engineering materials subjected to high cycle fatigue requires very long and costly testing procedures. Therefore, there is a strong drive from industry to find alternative ...