Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Verones, Francesca"
Now showing items 1-20 of 84
A case study of life cycle impacts of small-scale fishing techniques in Thailand
Verones, Francesca; Bolowich, Alya Francesca; Ebata, Keigo; Boutson, Anukorn; Takafumi, Arimoto; Ishikawa, Satoshi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Fish provides an important source of protein, especially in developing countries, and the amounts of fish consumed are increasing worldwide (mostly from aquaculture). More than half of all marine fish are caught by small-scale ... -
A comprehensive recipe calculator for evaluating multiple environmental impact categories – A first prototype
Barco Alzate, Paula Alejandra (Master thesis, 2024)Dette studiet presenterer utviklingen av DELI Calculator, den første prototypen for utregning av miljøpåvirkningen til matoppskrifter. Gjennom automatiserte programsnutter i Python kan brukeren oppgi ingrediensene til ... -
A Global Model for Marine Invasive Species Distribution via Plastic Debris
Wilson, Elisha James (Master thesis, 2023)Marine økosystemer trues av spredningen av fremmede arter gjennom konkurranse om ressurser, endring av habitat og overføring av sykdommer. Disse faktorene kan akselerere nedgangen til innfødte arter og forstyrre økosystemers ... -
A life cycle assessment case study of hydroelectricity generated at the canal diversion hydropower plant Tolga kraftverk
Gussgard, Signe Sveen (Master thesis, 2024)Det er et betydelig initativ for å produsere mer fornybar elektrisitet, og vannkraft spiller en viktig rolle i energiskiftet. Kanalavledningskraftverk er pekt på for å ha lavere klimafotavtrykk enn vannkraftverk med dammer, ... -
A Multimedia Hydrological Fate Modeling Framework To Assess Water Consumption Impacts in Life Cycle Assessment
Núñez, Montse; Rosenbaum, Ralph K; Karimpour, S; Boulay, Anne-Marie; Lathuilliere, Michael J; Margni, Manuele; Scherer, Laura; Verones, Francesca; Pfister, Stephan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Many new methods have recently been developed to address environmental consequences of water consumption in life cycle assessment (LCA). However, such methods can only partially be compared and combined, because their ... -
A novel maximum entropy approach to hybrid monetary-physical supply-chain modelling and its application to biodiversity impacts of palm oil embodied in consumption
Többen, Johannes Reinhard; Wiebe, Kirsten Svenja; Verones, Francesca; Wood, Richard; Moran, Daniel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The environmental and social consequences of clearing tropical forests for palm oil and soybean monoculture have been analyzed in a number of studies and are widely recognized. Some initiatives and studies have examined ... -
A plastic leakage model for exported Norwegian waste and fish products
Bastos, Mariana (Master thesis, 2024)Plastforurensning er et betydelig globalt miljøproblem på grunn av skadelige effecter det kan ha i det marine miljøet. For å redusere dette må man se på plastens livssyklus og analysere lekkasjepunkter utover landegrensene. ... -
An Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for the Outdoor Clothing Industry in Germany and Norway - Key aspects, drivers and barriers from a company point of view
Amani, Gregor (Master thesis, 2021)Etter hvert som forbruket av klær fortsetter å øke, øker de tilhørende innvirkningene på klimaet, naturen og samfunn. Samtidig er gjenvinningsgraden fortsatt lav og store mengder brukte klær havner på deponier eller i ... -
Applications of participatory monitoring in biodiversity science and conservation
Mandeville, Caitlin (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:90, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Meeting the challenge of the growing biodiversity crisis requires high quality biodiversity knowledge integrated across scales from local to international. But despite rapid developments in the collection, integration, and ... -
Balancing Renewable Energy and Biodiversity: Impact from Habitat Loss and Collisions in Future Norwegian Photovoltaic Solar Parks
Solberg, Isak August (Master thesis, 2024)Tilstanden til biologisk mangfold er kritisk på globalt, regionalt og nasjonalt nivå. Med en økende verdensbefolkning, samtidig som mange løftes ut av fattigdom, vokser verdens energibehov. Geopolitisk uro fører også til ... -
Between the lines: Life cycle impact assessment models of collision and electrocution impacts of power lines on bird diversity in Norway
Gilad, Dafna; May, Roelof Frans; Stokke, Bård Gunnar; Verones, Francesca (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The expansion of the electric grid is inevitable. Renewable energy is on the rise, and new transmission lines must be built to link new electricity production facilities with the local network. In addition, higher electricity ... -
Biodiversity Impact Assessment Considering Land Use Intensities and Fragmentation
Scherer, Laura; Rosa, Francesca; Sun, Zhongxiao; Michelsen, Ottar; De Laurentiis, Valeria; Marques, Alexandra; Pfister, Stephan; Verones, Francesca; Kuipers, Koen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Land use is a major threat to terrestrial biodiversity. Life cycle assessment is a tool that can assess such threats and thereby support environmental decision-making. Within the Global Guidance for Life Cycle Impact ... -
Biodiversity impacts of Norway's renewable electricity grid
Gilad, Dafna; Borgelt, Jan Simon; May, Roelof Frans; Dorber, Martin; Verones, Francesca (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Norway aims to transform into a low-emission nation by 2050. However, the energy transition comes with challenges, as expanding renewable energy infrastructure requires significant land areas, which raises concerns about ... -
Biodiversity on the line: life cycle impact assessment of power lines on birds and mammals in Norway
Gilad, Dafna; Borgelt, Jan Simon; May, Roelof Frans; Verones, Francesca (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The global shift towards renewable energy plays an important role in fighting climate change. To facilitate the global growth of renewable energy production, the expansion of the electric grid becomes inevitable. Yet further ... -
Biodiversity Recovery and Transformation Impacts for Wetland Biodiversity
Pezzati, Lorenzo; Verones, Francesca; Curran, Michael P.; Baustert, Paul; Hellweg, Stefanie (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methods for land use take both occupation and transformation impacts into account. However, for wetlands and impacts from water consumption, it is so far not possible to account for transformation ... -
Comparing the environmental impacts of a physical vs. digital UN conference
Øie, Maren (Master thesis, 2022)I 2020 måtte de fleste internasjonale møter og konferanser enten avlyses eller gjennomføres digitalt på grunn av COVID-19 pandemien. Dette var også tilfellet for tusenvis av FN møter og konferanser. The Missions of Switzerland ... -
Considering habitat conversion and fragmentation in characterisation factors for land-use impacts on vertebrate species richness
Kuipers, Koen J.J.; May, Roelof Frans; Verones, Francesca (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Human land use is one of the primary threats to terrestrial species richness and is considered a priority for meeting global sustainability and biodiversity targets. Decision-support tools, such as life cycle assessment ... -
Controlling biodiversity impacts of future global hydropower reservoirs by strategic site selection
Dorber, Martin; Arvesen, Anders; Gernaat, David; Verones, Francesca (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Further reservoir-based hydropower development can contribute to the United Nations’ sustainable development goals (SDGs) on affordable and clean energy, and climate action. However, hydropower reservoir operation can lead ... -
Developing a characterization factor and effect factor model for impacts of marine invasive species - Within the context of Life Cycle Impact Assessment
Myklebust, Mari Nord (Master thesis, 2019)Marine arter blir stadig mer transportert og frigjort til nye habitater hvor de ikke er innfødte. Virkningen av fremmede arter som blir invaderende, er av voksende bekymring. Å kunne vurdere invaderende arters påvirkning ... -
Developing guidelines for quantifying ecosystem impacts of terrestrial species invasion within the framework of Life Cycle Assessment
Nallithodi, Rahul (Master thesis, 2021)Biologiske invasjoner utgjør en betydelig trussel mot funksjonen til økosystemer og samfunn rundt om i verden, og er en av de viktigste driverne for globalt tap av biologisk mangfold. Terrestriske invasive fremmede arter ...