Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Tengesdal, Trym"
Bayesian Bridging Distribution Analysis for Model Based Intent and Long-term Prediction of Vessels
Fridriksson, Fridrik Hilmar Zimsen (Master thesis, 2021)For å sørge for at autonome overflatefartøyer er sikre for bruk blant den allerede eksisterende trafikk, da må den være utstyrt med et antikollisjonssystem. En viktig del av et slikt system er evnen til å kunne oppdage ... -
Enabling of Multi-Target Tracking Functionality in a Simulator for Testing Automatic Collision Avoidance Algorithms
Wien, Ragnar Norbye (Master thesis, 2024)Autonom sjøfart er et felt i rask utvikling. En hjørnestein for trygghet innenfor autonom sjøfart er en pålitelig kollisjonsunngåelses-algoritme (COLAV-algoritme), avhengig av situasjonsbevisthet fra en målfølgingsmetode ... -
Gaussian Processes for long-term trajectory prediction using historical AIS data
Mellbye, Håvard Skåra (Master thesis, 2021)For at autonome overflate-fartøyer (ASVer) skal kunne operere trygt er det essensielt med robuste antikollisjonssystemer. Slike systemer innebærer ikke bare at et fartøy må kunne reagere i det det oppstår farlige situasjoner, ... -
Implementation and Validation of a Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Maritime Collision Avoidance and Anti-Grounding
Dyrskog, Jørgen (Master thesis, 2024)Den globale shippingindustrien er i stor vekst, som betyr at trygg og presis manøvrering av maritime fartøy i traffikerte område er viktigare enn nokon gong. Menneskelege feil er av mange peikt på som hovudårsaka til ulykker ... -
Implementation and Validation of an MPC-based Mid-Level Collision Avoidance Planning Algorithm
Halleland, Vilde (Master thesis, 2024)Utviklinga av autonome overflatefartøy (ASVs) har gjort store framsteg dei siste ˚ara, og har potensial for ˚a forbetre sikkerheita, utvide den operative kapasiteten og redusere utslepp i maritime operasjonar. Ein viktig ... -
Intention modeling and inference for autonomous collision avoidance at sea
Rothmund, Sverre Velten; Tengesdal, Trym; Brekke, Edmund Førland; Johansen, Tor Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The open wording of the traffic rules of the sea, COLREGS, and the existence of unwritten rules, make it essential for an autonomous ship to understand the intentions of other ships. This article uses a dynamic Bayesian ... -
Modular Collision Avoidance Using Predictive Safety Filters
Vaaler, Aksel; Robinson, Haakon Rennesvik; Tengesdal, Trym; Rasheed, Adil (Chapter, 2023)The number of maritime projects is increasing yearly, including offshore applications, underwater robotics for ocean condition monitoring, and autonomous ship transport. Many of these activities are safety-critical, making ... -
Obstacle Intention Awareness in Automatic Ship Collision Avoidance: Full-Scale Experiments in Confined Waters
Tengesdal, Trym; Rothmund, Sverre Velten; Basso, Erlend Andreas; Schmidt-Didlaukies, Henrik; Johansen, Tor Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)In this article, full-scale experiments with a dynamic obstacle intention-aware Collision Avoidance System (CAS) are presented. The CAS consists of the Probabilistic Scenario-Based Model Predictive Control (PSB-MPC) for ... -
On Collision Risk Assessment for Autonomous Ships Using Scenario-Based MPC
Tengesdal, Trym; Brekke, Edmund Førland; Johansen, Tor Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Collision Avoidance (COLAV) for autonomous ships is challenging since it relies on track estimates of nearby obstacles which are inherently uncertain in both state and intent. This uncertainty must be accounted for in the ... -
Real-time Feasible Usage of Radial Basis Functions for Representing Unstructured Environments in Optimal Ship Control
Tengesdal, Trym; Gros, Sebastien Nicolas; Johansen, Tor Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Risk-based Autonomous Maritime Collision Avoidance Considering Obstacle Intentions
Tengesdal, Trym; Johansen, Tor Arne; Brekke, Edmund Førland (Chapter, 2020)A robust and efficient Collision Avoidance (COLAV) system for autonomous ships is dependent on a high degree of situational awareness. This includes inference of the intent of nearby obstacles, including compliance with ... -
Risk-based Traffic Rules Compliant Collision Avoidance for Autonomous Ships
Tengesdal, Trym (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:259, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Summary As the maritime traffic sector is expected to increase over the next years, effort should be invested into protocols and technology for ensuring safe and efficient voyage over the seas. Autonomous ships can here ... -
Ship Collision Avoidance and Anti Grounding Using Parallelized Cost Evaluation in Probabilistic Scenario-Based Model Predictive Control
Tengesdal, Trym; Johansen, Tor Arne; Grande, Tom Daniel; Blindheim, Simon André Johnsen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The ability to effectively process large amounts of information in reasonable time will be important for robust deliberative collision avoidance (COLAV) planning algorithms. Failure to do so can lead to collision, and can ... -
Uncertainty Management in a Scenario-Based MPC for Collision Avoidance
Tengesdal, Trym (Master thesis, 2019)Eit robust antikollisjonssystem er viktig for å sørge for sikker styring av autonome overflatefartøy. Dette antikollisjonssystemet er avhengig av eit påliteleg målfølgingssystem for å halde styr på hindringar i nærleiken. ... -
Uncertainty-aware DRL-based Ship Collision Avoidance and Trajectory Tracking
Vedeler, Edvard Indrebø (Master thesis, 2024)Den maritime industrien opplever økende interesse for autonome overflatefartøy (engelsk: Autonomous Surface Vehicles/ASV) for å forbedre sikkerhet, effektivitet og bærekraft. Det dynamiske og usikre maritime miljøet ...