Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Storhaug, Anita S."
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Akutt - for hvem? Akuttarbeid i kommunalt barnevern
Storhaug, Anita S.; Havnen, Karen J Skaale; Fylkesnes, Marte Knag; Kojan, Bente Heggem; Christiansen, Øivin; Langsrud, Elizabeth; Jarlby, Frederikke; Jørgensen, Kristina; Sørlie, Hanne Elisabeth; Gresdahl, May; Skrove, Gaute (Research report, 2020) -
Assessing appeals against emergency placements in Norway: A balancing act
Storhaug, Anita S.; Langsrud, Elizabeth; Sørlie, Hanne Elisabeth; Jørgensen, Kristina; Kojan, Bente Heggem (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)This article explores what the County Social Welfare Boards (CSWBs) emphasize in their decisions on appeals against emergency placements due to concerns of violence. A qualitative document analysis of 23 appeal cases focused ... -
Emergency out-of-home placements in Norway: Parents' experiences
Storhaug, Anita S.; Kojan, Bente Heggem (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The number of emergency placements of children has increased rapidly in Norway over the recent years. Nevertheless, there is little knowledge about how parents experience the processes involved in emergency placements. We ... -
Fathers and child welfare services in Norway: self-concept and fathering practice
Storhaug, Anita S.; Sobo-Allen, Lee (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This article is based on interviews with 15 men whose children have, or have had, involvement with Norwegian child welfare services (CWS). The aim is to contribute to an increased knowledge of their experience of fatherhood, ... -
Foreldres forståelse av barnas psykiske problemer
Storhaug, Anita S.; Ulfseth, Lena Augusta (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Artikkelen baserer seg på 19 intervju med foreldre og utforsker hvordan foreldre til barn med psykiske problemer, opplever sine barns problemer og barnevernets tiltak. Hvordan opplever de at barna og deres behov blir ... -
Norwegian child welfare workers' perceptions of emergency placements
Storhaug, Anita S.; Kojan, Bente Heggem; Fjellvikås, Grethe (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Emergency placements in child welfare services have increased during the last 10 years in Norway. At the time of placement, some of these children have been in the child welfare system for several years. Based on qualitative ... -
Social Class and Child Welfare: Intertwining Issues of Redistribution and Recognition
Fauske, Halvor; Kojan, Bente Heggem; Storhaug, Anita S. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)By the end of the 20th century, social class appeared to be an old-fashioned and outdated concept. Serious doubts were expressed about the theoretical and empirical relevance of social class in understanding inequalities ... -
Systematisk veiledning i det kommunale barnevernet – en kunnskapsoversikt
Storhaug, Anita S.; Moe, Torill; Wikan, Gunn Helen; Singstad, Marianne Tevik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022) -
Utvikling av nye fellesmoduler innen sosialarbeiderutdanningene i Midt-Norge og Universitetet i Agder
Viggen, Kristin; Johansen, Karl Johan; Berg, Anita; Nilsen, Geir Sigmund; Ask, Torunn Alise; Johansen, Oddbjørn; Storhaug, Anita S.; Kvammen, Mette Fløystad; Bønnhoff, Heidi Esma Dahl (Research report, 2015)I Stortingsmelding nr. 13 (2011-2012) Utdanning for velferd. Samspill i praksis (Samspillsmeldingen) kap. 9.7.1 påpekes spesielt utfordringer innen utdanning til sosialfaglig arbeid og det å få tydeliggjort sosialfaglig ... -
The What, Why and How of Child Participation—A Review of the Conceptualization of “Child Participation” in Child Welfare
Skauge, Berit; Storhaug, Anita S.; Marthinsen, Edgar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This review explores the conceptualization of “child participation” in a child welfare context. The analyses are based on the theories, models and concepts researchers apply when framing their studies. Central to the ...