Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Stanko, Milan"
A Computational Tool for Simulation and Modeling of Integrated Petroleum Production Systems
Simensen, Morten Vier (Master thesis, 2024)Gjennom masterarbeidet har et beregningsverktøy for simulering og modellering av integrerte petroleumsproduksjonssystemer blitt utviklet. Beregningsverktøyet er tilgjengeliggjort som en webapplikasjon. Webapplikasjonen har ... -
Analysis of selected Multiphase metering concepts
Mwalyepelo, Juliana Yotham (Master thesis, 2015)This thesis work aimed at evaluating existing choke models that are used in oil and gas industry and thereafter to develop a new choke model for predicting mass flow rate through restrictions. Evaluation of the existing ... -
Assessing the Influence of Injection Temperature and Filter-Cake Build Up on Fracture Development and Injectivity in High-Pressure Water Injection Wells: A REVEAL simulation study
Birkelund Pedersen, Martin (Master thesis, 2023)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker innvirkningen av varierende injeksjonstemperaturer og opphopning av filterkake på høytrykksvanninjektorer på Ivar Aasen-feltet, med fokus på sprekkeinitiering, sprekkeutvikling og deres ... -
Automated Decision Support Methodologies for Field Development: The Safari Field Case
Angga, I Gusti Agung Gede (Master thesis, 2019)In planning a field development, there are many field design features to be decided upon. The company's development team has a responsibility to determine a configuration of those options which maximizes the value of the ... -
Automated Pseudo Pressure-Based Approach to Daily Gas and Gas Condensate Well Deliverability Monitoring
Nærø, Jørgen (Master thesis, 2024)Innstrømning-Ytelse Relasjonen er en industristandardmetode for å beskrive forventet ytelse til produksjonsbrønner for naturgass og kondensat. Produktivitetsindeksen, definert som forholdet mellom produksjonsvolum i ... -
Bulk oil-water pipe separation: performance of MPPS prototype with spiked oil
Harstad, Sigurd (Master thesis, 2021)Vann produseres vanligvis sammen med hydrokarboner under utvinning av olje og gass. Når et felt modnes, forventes den produserte vannmengden å stige. Vannet må skilles fra olje og gassen og behandles før det slippes ut ... -
Compact Formulations for Efficient Early-Phase Field Development Optimization of Multi-Reservoir Fields
Lei, Guowen; Silva, Thiago Lima; Stanko, Milan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)A compact formulation has been developed to efficiently optimize early-stage field development planning of multi-reservoir fields. The proposed formulation is a mixed-integer linear programming model which employs ... -
Compact Separation - Concept Study - Experimental and Simulation Study of Oil-Water Multiphase Flow in Helically Coiled Pipe
Hjertholm, Erik; Kulseth, Henrik Nikolai (Master thesis, 2016)This master thesis is written as part of a SUBPRO project whose long term goal is to identify multiphase flow separation performance of a helically coiled pipe and determine if it s viable for further industrial development. ... -
Controller Design and Control Structure Analysis for a Novel Oil–Water Multi-Pipe Separator
Ohrem, Sveinung Johan; Skjefstad, Håvard Slettahjell; Stanko, Milan; Holden, Christian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)To enable more efficient production of hydrocarbons on the seabed in waters where traditional separator equipment is infeasible, the offshore oil and gas industry is leaning towards more compact separation equipment. A ... -
Cost-effective development of small discoveries on the Norwegian continental shelf
Fedorov, Semyon (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:79, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Today, the oil and gas sector remains Norway’s largest measured in terms of value added, government revenues, investments and export value. The Norwegian continental shelf is a maturing production area, which means that ... -
Coupled reservoir-network simulations with ESP's and multiphase pump built in
Akhmetova, Alua (Master thesis, 2016)The present project is focused on evaluating dual boosting (production with seabed boosting and electric submersible pumps, ESPs, simultaneously) as an alternative to improve total oil production rate of subsea fields. ... -
Decision support method for early-phase design of offshore hydrocarbon fields using model-based optimization
Gonzalez Rengifo, Diana Carolina; Stanko, Milan; Hoffmann, Arnaud (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper presents the development of a method to provide decision support in the feasibility studies and concept planning phases of oil and gas field development. The objective in developing the methodology was to provide ... -
Decision-Support Methods for Early Offshore Field Planning Based on Optimization and Proxy Modelling
Bonti, Ressi (Master thesis, 2021)Field development planning is an essential phase in the life of an offshore field as many vital decisions, such as type of platform, production and drilling schedule, and capacity of processing facilities, are made during ... -
Design of a test facility for oil-water separation and water treatment
Nørgaard, Marie (Master thesis, 2023)Subsea separasjon er en ettertraktet teknologi for olje- og gassindustrien, men det er nødvendig med videre forskning for å gjøre den konkurransedyktig. To testanlegg for subsea separasjon har blitt bygget ved NTNU som en ... -
Development and Assessment of a Multi-Pipe Oil-Water Bulk Separator Concept for Subsea Applications
Skjefstad, Håvard Slettahjell (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:306, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Subsea produced water separation has emerged as a viable technology for tackling challenges arising from increased water production rates. Removing produced water at the seabed will free up topside capacity constrained ... -
Differential evolution for early-phase offshore oilfield design considering uncertainties in initial oil-in-place and well productivity
Mirza, Bilal; Pant, Millie; Stanko, Milan; Sales, Leonardo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)During the early phases of offshore oil field development, field planners must decide upon general design features such as the required number of wells and maximum oil processing capacity (field plateau rate), usually by ... -
Droplets Analysis and Model Development for Oil-water Pipe Flow Experiments
Kivuyo, Rehema (Master thesis, 2019)Among other things one of the major challenges in production of crude oil is the associated water that tugs along with oil. The results of the simultaneous production of oil and water is the formation of different flow ... -
Dynamic process modelling of topside systems to evaluate power consumption and coupling with periodic power supply from renewables.
Qureshi, Ali Hassan (Master thesis, 2022)I løpet av det siste tiåret har det vært en endring i den norske olje- og gassindustrien for å redusere klimagassutslipp ved å satse mer på grønne og miljøvennlige metoder for olje- og gassutvinning. Dette skyldes i stor ... -
Early field planning using optimisation and considering uncertainties - Study case: Offshore deepwater field in Brazil
Sales, Leonardo de Pádua Agripa; Jäschke, Johannes; Stanko, Milan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)During early phases of oil field development, field planners must decide upon the optimal number of wells and optimal field plateau rate, usually by performing sensitivity studies. These design choices are then “frozen” ... -
The effect of upstream inlet choking and surfactant addition on the performance of a novel parallel pipe oil-water separator
Skjefstad, Håvard Slettahjell; Dudek, Marcin; Øye, Gisle; Stanko, Milan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This paper reports the effect of inlet choking and addition of surfactant on the performance of a parallel pipe oil-water separator. These two issues can have a strong effect on oil-water separation in real hydrocarbon ...