Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Sørengaard, Torhild Anita"
A reseach study on how our sleep, mood and state of mind might impact our dreams
Kristensen, Vebjørn (Bachelor thesis, 2022)Alle mennesker drømmer og mennesker gir dem mening og prøver å forstå dem. Gjennom tiden har vi visst lite om hva som kan påvirke dem. Noen har prøvd, og på grunn av dette oppsto kontinuitetshypotesen om drømming. Dette ... -
Associations between alcohol consumption and frequency of nightmares and bad dreams
Olsen, Oda Liavik Fjeld (Bachelor thesis, 2022)The present study aims to investigate whether alcohol consumption is associated with the higher frequencies of nightmares and bad dreams. There exists an insufficient number of studies investigating the association between ... -
Associations between burnout symptoms and sleep among workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Sørengaard, Torhild Anita; Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background The aim of this study was to investigate the relations between underlying dimensions of burnout (ie exhaustion, mental distance, cognitive impairment and emotional impairment) and sleep reactivity in occupations ... -
Associations between mood, gender and the prevalence of nightmares and bad dreams
Grøset, Emma Johansen (Bachelor thesis, 2022)This study investigates the associations between mood, gender and the prevalence of nightmares and bad dreams. Several types of research have displayed some connections between emotions and nightmares, but there is still ... -
Associations between Sleep and Work-Related Cognitive and Emotional Functioning in Police Employees
Sørengaard, Torhild Anita; Olsen, Alexander; Langvik, Eva; Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Aim We aimed to examine the cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between sleep and work-related impaired cognitive and emotional functioning in police employees. Methods This study included 410 participants ... -
Comparing shift work tolerance across occupations, work arrangements, and gender
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild; Sørengaard, Torhild Anita (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: There are individual differences in shift work tolerance; however, we lack knowledge about how this is experienced across different occupations, sex and shift types. Aims: The aim was to describe and investigate ... -
Exploring the relationship between mood, bad dreams and nightmares.
Fjermeros, Mikkel (Bachelor thesis, 2022).... -
Food and Dreaming: Investigating the importance of time specific food consumption in relation to dreaming frequency
Haug, Mikkel N. (Bachelor thesis, 2022)Tidligere studier har vist flere nøkkelfaktorer som kan påvirke en persons drømmer, men matinntak før søvn har så langt fått lite oppmerksomhet. Spørsmålet om og hvordan matinntak kan påvirke drømmer er en av de fremtredende ... -
Gender differences in factors associated with symptoms of depression among high school students: an examination of the direct and indirect effects of insomnia symptoms and physical activity
Langvik, Eva; Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild; Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen; Sørengaard, Torhild Anita; Bendixen, Mons (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Objective: Scant research exists on the gender-specific association between physical activity, insomnia symptoms and depressive symptoms among adolescents. The present study investigates the direct and indirect association ... -
Gender differences in nightmares, bad dreams and sexual dreaming
Almaas, Emilie Haug (Bachelor thesis, 2022)This study has examined if there were gender differences in frequency of nightmare and bad dreams and sexual dreaming in a Norwegian population. Previous research has shown mixed results relating to these dreaming habits, ... -
High neuroticism is associated with reduced negative affect following sleep deprivation
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild; Langvik, Eva; Saksvik, Simen Berg; Kallestad, Håvard; Follesø, Hanna Størksen; Austad, Sigrun Borgen; Dahlberg, Johanna; Ringen, Heidi; Tanum, Tiril Kristine; Sørengaard, Torhild Anita; Karlsen, Håvard Rudi; Smedbøl, Trine; Olsen, Alexander (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The aim was to investigate how neuroticism moderates the affective consequences of personalized mild-moderate partial sleep deprivation. A total of 52 healthy subjects aged 18–35 years completed the NEO PI-3 at baseline, ... -
Insomnia among employees in occupations with critical societal functions during the COVID-19 pandemic
Sørengaard, Torhild Anita; Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Objective This study investigates insomnia among employees in occupations critical to the functioning of society (e.g health, education, welfare and emergency services) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of these workers ... -
Insomnia as a partial mediator of the relationship between personality and future symptoms of anxiety and depression among nurses
Sørengaard, Torhild Anita; Karlsen, Håvard Rudi; Langvik, Eva; Pallesen, Ståle; Bjorvatn, Bjørn; Waage, Siri; Moen, Bente Elisabeth; Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background: This study investigates insomnia as a partial mediator in the relationship between personality and symptoms of anxiety and depression. Methods: The study is based on partly longitudinal data from the ongoing ... -
Insomnia in occupations critical for society
Sørengaard, Torhild Anita (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:72, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Sammendrag Insomni er en voksende helseutfordring blant arbeidstakere og i den øvrige befolkningen verden over. Utfordringer knyttet til koronapandemien, inkludert arbeidspress og smittefare, kan ha økt risikoen ... -
Longitudinal and cross-sectional examination of the relationship between personality and fatigue among shift workers
Sørengaard, Torhild Anita; Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild; Langvik, Eva (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The present study examines the relationship between the personality traits of the five-factor model and fatigue among shift workers. The participants were recruited from shift workers employed in a municipality in Norway. ... -
Mild to moderate partial sleep deprivation is associated with increased impulsivity and decreased positive affect in young adults
Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild; Saksvik, Simen Berg; Dahlberg, Berit Johanna; Tanum, Tiril Kristine; Ringen, Heidi; Karlsen, Håvard Rudi; Smedbøl, Trine; Sørengaard, Torhild Anita; Stople, Mailen; Kallestad, Håvard; Olsen, Alexander (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The effects of mild–moderate partial sleep deprivation on affective and cognitive functioning were evaluated in a naturalistic home environment, mimicking short sleep typically caused by demands from work or society. A ... -
Personality and motivation in the police
Stöcker, Michael Ophaug (Master thesis, 2021)Abstract will be available on 2026-05-14 -
Personlighetens rolle ved utbrenthet: Den modererende effekten av personlighet på relasjonene mellom jobbkrav, jobbressurser og utbrenthet
Ugseth, Malin Nilsen (Master thesis, 2023)Norsk arbeidsliv har et mål om at arbeid skal være en positiv faktor i ansattes liv. Langsiktig arbeidsrelatert stress, forløperen til utbrenthet, utfordrer dette målet. Ved tilfeller av utbrenthet kan arbeidet få negative ... -
Police employees working from home during COVID-19 lockdown: Those with higher score on extraversion miss their colleagues more and are more likely to socialize with colleagues outside work
Langvik, Eva; Karlsen, Håvard Rudi; Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild; Sørengaard, Torhild Anita (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)There is a general opinion that extraverted people suffer more than introverted people in home-office arrangement and the social distancing regulation imposed by the government during the Corona Virus Disease 2019 pandemic ... -
Predictors of insomnia symptoms in police employees: a longitudinal investigation and comparison of personality and psychosocial work factors
Sørengaard, Torhild Anita; Langvik, Eva; Olsen, Alexander; Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Insomnia is a growing public health concern and a risk factor for reduced health, safety, and performance among workers. This study investigated and compared the predictive value of personality traits and psychosocial ...