Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Søraker, Jørgen Skavdal"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Disentangling the age-dependent causal pathways affecting multiple paternity in house sparrows
Søraker, Jørgen Skavdal (Master thesis, 2022)De drivende mekanismene bak fordelingen av polygami hos sosialt monogame fuglearter har fått mye oppmerksomhet de siste tiårene. Alder og morfologi, og særlig sekundære seksuelle trekk, har ofte blitt pekt på som viktige ... -
The evolution of extra-pair paternity and paternal care in birds
Søraker, Jørgen Skavdal; Wright, Jonathan; Hanslin, Fredrik Øglænd; Pepke, Michael Le (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Extra-pair paternity (EPP) influences the relatedness between social parents and offspring. Therefore, one might expect the level of EPP to influence levels of paternal investment. Here, we investigated the effect of ... -
Extra‐pair paternity and antiparasitic defence
Møller, Anders Pape; Søraker, Jørgen Skavdal; Soler, Juan José (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background Extra-pair paternity (EPP) in birds provides benefits in terms of more offspring, and characteristics for maintenance of this behaviour have been the subject of investigation. Microorganisms are known to be ... -
Immune gene expression and epigenetic potential affect the consumption of risky food by female house sparrows
Zimmer, Cedric; Hanson, Haley E.; Garrison, Marisa; Reese, Darrys; Dor, Roi; Søraker, Jørgen Skavdal; Ho Thu, Phuong; Sheldon, Elizabeth L.; Martin, Lynn B. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)When organisms move into new areas, they are likely to encounter novel food resources. Even if they are nutritious, these foods can also be risky, as they might be contaminated by parasites. The behavioural immune system ... -
Long-distance dispersal in the short-distance dispersing house sparrow (Passer domesticus)
Ranke, Peter Sjolte; Pepke, Michael Le; Søraker, Jørgen Skavdal; David, Gabriel; Araya Ajoy, Yimen Gerardo; Wright, Jonathan; Nafstad, Ådne Messel; Rønning, Bernt; Pärn, Henrik; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Jensen, Henrik; Sæther, Bernt-Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The house sparrow (Passer domesticus) is a small passerine known to be highly sedentary. Throughout a 30-year capture–mark–recapture study, we have obtained occasional reports of recoveries far outside our main metapopulation ... -
Resident bird species track inter-annual variation in spring phenology better than long-distance migrants in a subalpine habitat
Søraker, Jørgen Skavdal; Stokke, Bård Gunnar; Kleven, Oddmund; Moksnes, Arne; Rudolfsen, Geir; Skjærvø, Gine Roll; Vaagland, Henriette; Røskaft, Eivin; Ranke, Peter Sjolte (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)