Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Roslin, Tomas"
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
A comprehensive evaluation of predictive performance of 33 species distribution models at species and community levels
Norberg, Anna; Abrego, Nerea; Blanchet, F. Guillaume; Adler, Frederick R.; Anderson, Barbara J.; Anttila, Jani; Araújo, Miguel B.; Dallas, Tad; Dunson, David; Elith, Jane; Foster, Scott D.; Fox, Richard; Franklin, Janet; Godsoe, William; Guisan, Antoine; OHara, Robert Brian; Hill, Nicole A.; Holt, Robert D.; Hui, Francis K.C.; Husby, Magne; Kålås, John Atle; Lehikoinen, Aleksi; Luoto, Miska; Mod, Heidi K.; Newell, Graeme; Renner, Ian; Roslin, Tomas; Soininen, Janne; Thuiller, Wilfried; Vanhatalo, Jarno; Warton, David; White, Matt; Zimmermann, Niklaus E; Gravel, Dominique; Ovaskainen, Otso (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)A large array of species distribution model (SDM) approaches has been developed for explaining and predicting the occurrences of individual species or species assemblages. Given the wealth of existing models, it is unclear ... -
Chronicles of nature calendar, a long-term and large-scale multitaxon database on phenology
Ovaskainen, Otso; Meyke, Evgeniy; Lo, Coong; Tikhonov, Gleb; del Mar Delgado, Maria; Roslin, Tomas; Gurarie, Eliezer; Abadonova, Marina; Abduraimov, Ozodbek; Adrianova, Olga; Akimova, Tatiana; Akkiev, Muzhigit; Ananin, Aleksandr; Andreeva, Elena; Andriychuk, Natalia; Antipin, Maxim; Arzamascev, Konstantin; Babina, Svetlana; Babushkin, Miroslav; Bakin, Oleg; Barabancova, Anna; Basilskaja, Inna; Belova, Nina; Belyaeva, Natalia; Bespalova, Tatjana; Bisikalova, Evgeniya; Bobretsov, Anatoly; Bobrov, Vladimir; Bobrovskyi, Vadim; Bochkareva, Elena Viktorovna; Bogdanov, Gennady; Bolshakov, Vladimir; Bondarchuk, Svetlana; Bukharova, Evgeniya; Butunina, Alena; Buyvolov, Yuri; Buyvolova, Anna; Bykov, Yuri; Chakhireva, Elena; Chashchina, Olga; Cherenkova, Nadezhda; Chistjakov, Sergej; Chuhontseva, Svetlana; Davydov, Evgeniy; Demchenko, Viktor; Diadicheva, Elena; Dobrolyubov, Aleksandr; Dostoyevskaya, Ludmila; Drovnina, Svetlana; Drozdova, Zoya (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)We present an extensive, large-scale, long-term and multitaxon database on phenological and climatic variation, involving 506,186 observation dates acquired in 471 localities in Russian Federation, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, ... -
Climate change reshuffles northern species within their niches
Antão, Laura H.; Weigel, Benjamin; Strona, Giovanni; Hällfors, Maria; Kaarlejärvi, Elina; Dallas, Tad; Opedal, Øystein Hjorthol; Heliölä, Janne; Henttonen, Heikki; Huitu, Otso; Korpimäki, Erkki; Kuussaari, Mikko; Lehikoinen, Aleksi; Leinonen, Reima; Lindén, Andreas; Merilä, Päivi; Pietiäinen, Hannu; Pöyry, Juha; Salemaa, Maija; Tonteri, Tiina; Vuorio, Kristiina; Ovaskainen, Otso; Saastamoinen, Marjo; Vanhatalo, Jarno; Roslin, Tomas; Laine, Anna-Liisa (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Climate change is a pervasive threat to biodiversity. While range shifts are a known consequence of climate warming contributing to regional community change, less is known about how species’ positions shift within their ... -
A comprehensive evaluation of predictive performance of 33 species distribution models at species and community levels
Norberg, Anna; Abrego, Nerea; Blanchet, F. Guillaume; Adler, Frederick R.; Anderson, Barbara J.; Anttila, Jani; Araújo, Miguel B.; Dallas, Tad; Dunson, David; Elith, Jane; Foster, Scott D.; Fox, Richard; Franklin, Janet; Godsoe, William; Guisan, Antoine; OHara, Robert Brian; Hill, Nicole A.; Holt, Robert D.; Hui, Francis K.C.; Husby, Magne; Kålås, John Atle; Lehikoinen, Aleksi; Luoto, Miska; Mod, Heidi K.; Newell, Graeme; Renner, Ian; Roslin, Tomas; Soininen, Janne; Thuiller, Wilfried; Vanhatalo, Jarno; Warton, David; White, Matt; Zimmermann, Niklaus E; Gravel, Dominique; Ovaskainen, Otso (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)A large array of species distribution model (SDM) approaches has been developed for explaining and predicting the occurrences of individual species or species assemblages. Given the wealth of existing models, it is unclear ... -
Ecological signals of arctic plant-microbe associations are consistent across eDNA and vegetation surveys
Parisy, Bastien; Schmidt, Niels M.; Wirta, Helena; Stewart, Lærke Søndergaard; Pellissier, Loic; Holben, William E.; Pannoni, Sam; Somervuo, Panu; Jones, Mirkka M.; Siren, Jukka; Vesterinen, Eero; Ovaskainen, Otso Tapio; Roslin, Tomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Understanding how different taxa respond to abiotic characteristics of the environment is of key interest for understanding the assembly of communities. Yet, whether eDNA data will suffice to accurately capture environmental ... -
Global arthropod beta-diversity is spatially and temporally structured by latitude
Seymour, Mathew; Roslin, Tomas; deWaard, Jeremy R.; Perez, Kate H. J.; D’Souza, Michelle L.; Ratnasingham, Sujeevan; Ashfaq, Muhammad; Levesque-Beaudin, Valerie; Blagoev, Gergin A.; Bukowski, Belén; Cale, Peter; Crosbie, Denise; Decaëns, Thibaud; deWaard, Stephanie L.; Ekrem, Torbjørn; El-Ansary, Hosam O.; Evouna Ondo, Fidèle; Fraser, David; Geiger, Matthias F.; Hajibabaei, Mehrdad; Hallwachs, Winnie; Hanisch, Priscila E.; Hausmann, Axel; Heath, Mark; Hogg, Ian D.; Janzen, Daniel H.; Kinnaird, Margaret; Kohn, Joshua R.; Larrivée, Maxim; Lees, David C.; León-Règagnon, Virginia; Liddell, Michael; Lijtmaer, Darío A.; Lipinskaya, Tatsiana; Locke, Sean A.; Manjunath, Ramya; Martins, Dino J.; Martins, Marlúcia B.; Mazumdar, Santosh; McKeown, Jaclyn T. A.; Anderson-Teixeria, Kristina; Miller, Scott E.; Milton, Megan A.; Miskie, Renee; Morinière, Jérôme; Mutanen, Marko; Naik, Suresh; Nichols, Becky; Noguera, Felipe A.; Novotny, Vojtech; Penev, Lyubomir; Pentinsaari, Mikko; Quinn, Jenna; Ramsay, Leah; Rochefort, Regina; Schmidt, Stefan; Smith, M. Alex; Sobel, Crystal N.; Somervuo, Panu; Sones, Jayme E.; Staude, Hermann S.; St. Jaques, Brianne; Stur, Elisabeth; Telfer, Angela C.; Tubaro, Pablo L.; Wardlaw, Tim J.; Worcester, Robyn; Yang, Zhaofu; Young, Monica R.; Zemlak, Tyler; Zakharov, Evgeny V.; Zlotnick, Bradley; Ovaskainen, Otso Tapio; Hebert, Paul D. N. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Global biodiversity gradients are generally expected to reflect greater species replacement closer to the equator. However, empirical validation of global biodiversity gradients largely relies on vertebrates, plants, and ... -
Higher host plant specialization of root-associated endophytes than mycorrhizal fungi along an arctic elevational gradient
Abrego, Nerea; Huotari, Tea; Tack, Ayco J.M.; Lindahl, Björn D.; Tikhonov, Gleb; Somervuo, Panu; Schmidt, Niels Martin; Ovaskainen, Otso; Roslin, Tomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)How community-level specialization differs among groups of organisms, and changes along environmental gradients, is fundamental to understanding the mechanisms influencing ecological communities. In this paper, we investigate ... -
A molecular-based identification resource for the arthropods of Finland
Roslin, Tomas; Somervuo, Panu; Pentinsaari, Mikko; Hebert, Paul D. N.; Agda, Jireh; Ahlroth, Petri; Anttonen, Perttu; Aspi, Jouni; Blagoev, Gergin; Blanco, Santiago; Chan, Dean; Clayhills, Tom; deWaard, Jeremy; deWaard, Stephanie; Elliot, Tyler; Elo, Riikka; Haapala, Sami; Helve, Eero; Ilmonen, Jari; Hirvonen, Petri; Ho, Chris; Itämies, Juhani; Ivanov, Vladislav; Jakovlev, Jevgeni; Juslén, Aino; Jussila, Reijo; Kahanpää, Jere; Kaila, Lauri; Kaitila, Jari-Pekka; Kakko, Ari; Kakko, Iiro; Karhu, Ali; Karjalainen, Sami; Kjærandsen, Jostein; Koskinen, Janne; Laasonen, Erkki M.; Laasonen, Leena; Laine, Erkka; Lampila, Petri; Levesque-Beaudin, Valerie; Lu, Liuqiong; Lähteenaro, Meri; Majuri, Pekka; Malmberg, Sampsa; Manjunath, Ramya; Martikainen, Petri; Mattila, Jaakko; McKeown, Jaclyn; Metsälä, Petri; Miklasevskaja, Margarita; Miller, Meredith; Miskie, Renee; Muinonen, Arto; Mukkala, Veli-Matti; Naik, Suresh; Nikolova, Nadia; Nupponen, Kari; Ovaskainen, Otso; Österblad, Ika; Paasivirta, Lauri; Pajunen, Timo; Parkko, Petri; Paukkunen, Juho; Penttinen, Ritva; Perez, Kate; Pohjoismäki, Jaakko; Prosser, Sean; Raekunnas, Martti; Rahulan, Miduna; Rannisto, Meeri; Ratnasingham, Sujeevan; Raukko, Pekka; Rinne, Aki; Rintala, Teemu; Miranda Romo, Susana; Salmela, Jukka; Salokannel, Juha; Savolainen, Riitta; Schulman, Leif; Sihvonen, Pasi; Soliman, Dina; Sones, Jayme; Steinke, Claudia; Ståhls, Gunilla; Tabell, Jukka; Tiusanen, Mikko; Várkonyi, Gergely; Vesterinen, Eero J.; Viitanen, Esko; Vikberg, Veli; Viitasaari, Matti; Vilen, Jussi; Warne, Connor; Wei, Catherine; Winqvist, Kaj; Zakharov, Evgeny; Mutanen, Marko (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)To associate specimens identified by molecular characters to other biological knowledge, we need reference sequences annotated by Linnaean taxonomy. In this study, we (1) report the creation of a comprehensive reference ... -
Monitoring Fungal Communities With the Global Spore Sampling Project
Ovaskainen, Otso; Abrego, Nerea; Somervuo, Panu; Palorinne, Isabella; Hardwick, Bess; Pitkänen, Juha-Matti; Andrew, Nigel R.; Niklaus, Pascal A.; Schmidt, Niels Martin; Seibold, Sebastian; Vogt, Juliane; Zakharov, Evgeny V.; Hebert, Paul D. N.; Roslin, Tomas; Ivanova, Natalia V. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The kingdom Fungi is a megadiverse group represented in all ecosystem types. The global diversity and distribution of fungal taxa are poorly known, in part due to the limitations related to traditional fruit-body survey ... -
Resolving biology’s dark matter: species richness, spatiotemporal distribution, and community composition of a dark taxon
Hartop, Emily Anne; Lee, Leshon; Srivathsan, Amrita; Jones, Mirkka; Peña-Aguilera, Pablo; Ovaskainen, Otso Tapio; Roslin, Tomas; Meier, Rudolf (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background: Zoology’s dark matter comprises hyperdiverse, poorly known taxa that are numerically dominant but largely unstudied, even in temperate regions where charismatic taxa are well understood. Dark taxa are everywhere, ... -
The role of seasonality in shaping the interactions of honeybees with other taxa
Wirta, Helena; Jones, Mirkka; Peña-Aguilera, Pablo; Chacón-Duque, Camilo; Vesterinen, Eero; Ovaskainen, Otso Tapio; Abrego, Nerea; Roslin, Tomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The Eltonian niche of a species is defined as its set of interactions with other taxa. How this set varies with biotic, abiotic and human influences is a core question of modern ecology. In seasonal environments, the ...