Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Ringdalen, Eli"
Now showing items 1-20 of 42
Briquetting of Manganese Oxide Fines with Organic Binders - How well suited are organic binders for agglomeration of Mn-oxide fines?
By, Thomas (Master thesis, 2017)Dust and fines are created throughout the ferromanganese metal production. These fines are collected from ventilation filters, screening operations and off-gas cleaning facilities. As the fines contain a substantial amount ... -
Characterisation of a Real-World Søderberg Electrode
Glastonbury, Ralph; Beukes, Paul; van Zyl, Pieter Gideon; Tangstad, Merete; Ringdalen, Eli; Dall, Douglas; Steenkamp, Joalet Dalene; Mushwana, Masana (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Very little research on Søderberg electrodes has been published in the journal peer reviewed public domain. The main aim of this work is to characterise a Søderberg electrode that was cut off approximately 0.5 m below the ... -
Characterization of a Si-SiO2 mixture generated from SiO and CO
Broggi, Andrea; Tangstad, Merete; Ringdalen, Eli (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The reaction between SiO(g) and CO(g) is a relevant intermediate reaction in the silicon production process. One of the products generated from this gas mixture is called by its color, brown condensate. In this paper, ... -
Characterization, thermodynamics and mechanism of formation of SiC-SiOx core–shell nanowires
Broggi, Andrea; Ringdalen, Eli; Tangstad, Merete (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Silicon carbide nanowires are valuable for electronic and optical applications, due to their high mechanical and electrical properties. Previous studies demonstrated that nanowires can be produced easily, by mixing a ... -
Conceptual Tapping Model of Mn-Ferroalloy Furnaces
Tangstad, Merete; Olsen, Jan Erik; Ringdalen, Eli; Ksiazek, Michal Tomasz; Reynolds, Quinn; Steenkamp, Joalet (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The tapping process of submerged arc furnaces, like the Mn-ferroalloy production process, is when you drain the liquid metal and slag from the furnace. The optimal tapping process is when slag and metal is drained from the ... -
Condensation of SiO and CO in silicon and ferrosilicon production
Broggi, Andrea (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:93, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Kondensasjon av SiO(g) er kombinasjon av to reaksjoner i silisiumprosessen. Den første er interaksjonen mellom SiO(g) og CO(g). Den andre er reaksjonen mellom to SiO(g) molekyler. Disse to reaksjonene foregår i lavtemperatursonen ... -
C–O–H2 ternary diagram for evaluation of carbon activity in CH4-containing gas mixtures
Ribeiro, T.R.; Ferreira Neto, Neto; Takano, C.; Poço, J.G.R.; Kolbeinsen, Leiv; Ringdalen, Eli (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The C–O–H2 ternary diagram is presented to characterize the carbon activity in equilibrium with gas mixtures containing CH4, CO, CO2, H2O, and H2 at different temperatures and pressures. The three reactions for carbon ... -
Damring formation during rotary kiln chromite pre-reduction: Effects of pulverized carbonaceous fuel selection and partial pellet melting
van Staden, Yolindi; Beukes, Johan Paul; van Zyl, Pieter Gideon; Ringdalen, Eli; Tangstad, Merete; Kleynhans, Ernst L.J.; Bunt, John Reginald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Electricity consumption is the largest cost contributing factor in the production of ferrochrome. Currently the pelletized chromite pre-reduction process (solid-state reduction of chromite) is the process option with the ... -
Effect of Different Polymorphs of SiO2 on the Reaction between SiO2 and SiC in Si Production
Folstad, Marit Buhaug (Master thesis, 2017)The aim of this work have been to investigate the phase transformations in silica (SiO2) during heating to target temperature, and the effect of SiO2 polymorphs on the reduction reaction between SiO2 and silicon carbide ... -
Effect of different SiO2 polymorphs on the reaction between SiO2 and SiC in Si production
Folstad, Marit Buhaug; Ringdalen, Eli; Tveit, Halvard; Tangstad, Merete (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This work investigates the phase transformations in silica (SiO2) during heating to a target temperature between 1700 °C and 1900 °C and the effect of SiO2 polymorphs on the reduction reaction 2SiO2 + SiC = 3SiO + CO in ... -
The Effect of Pre-Oxidation on the Reducibility of Chromite Using Hydrogen: A Preliminary Study
Davies, Jamey; Tangstad, Merete; Ringdalen, Eli; Beukes, Johan Paul; Bessarabov, Dmitri; du Preez, Stephanus Petrus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The majority of ferrochrome (FeCr) is produced through the carbothermic reduction of chromite ore. In recent years, FeCr producers have been pressured to curve carbon emissions, necessitating the exploration of alternative ... -
Evolution of SiOx shell layers on SiC-SiOx core-shell nanowires
Broggi, Andrea; Ringdalen, Eli; Tangstad, Merete (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Composite core-shell SiC-SiOx nanowires can be produced by heating quartz and SiC powders, with addition of Ar(g) or He(g). The two powders are mixed to create pellets, which will react to SiO(g) and CO(g) at elevated ... -
Extent of Ore Prereduction in Pilot-scale Production of High Carbon Ferromanganese
Mukono, Tichaona; Gjøvik, Jonas Einan; Gaertner, Heiko; Wallin, Maria; Ringdalen, Eli; Tangstad, Merete (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Three pilot-scale experiments have been conducted at SINTEF/NTNU in a 440 kVA AC electric furnace to demonstrate the process operation, energy requirements and CO2 emissions in the production of high carbon ferromanganese ... -
Ferromanganese Production from Pretreated Manganese Ores: From Laboratory scale to Pilot scale
Mukono, Tichaona (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:25, Doctoral thesis, 2023)The production of high carbon ferromanganese (HCFeMn) alloys is an energy intensive process where manganese ores are smelted in a submerged arc furnace (SAF) using carbon reductants thereby generating CO2 emissions. In the ... -
Formation and characterization of β-and α-Silicon Carbide produced during Silicon/Ferrosilicon process
Jayakumari, Sethulakshmy (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:252, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Silicon carbide (SiC) is one of the main intermediate compounds generated during primary silicon (Si) production in submerged arc furnaces. Carbon materials, either biomass-based (charcoal and wood chips) or based on fossil ... -
Gas Flow and Pressure Drop in Charge Material in Silicon Production
Ringdalen, Eli; Einarsrud, Kristian Etienne; Nordhus, Astrid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Gassing, outbursts of high-rate gas flows through the taphole, is a phenomenon that sometimes occurs during tapping of silicon furnaces. In addition to being an HSE challenge, this might also affect the tapping, while the ... -
Gas Flow in Charges for Mn-Ferroalloy Production
Eidsaune, Tyri (Master thesis, 2023)Et sentralt mål for ferromanganindustrien er å redusere energiforbruk og utslipp av klimagasser knyttet til produksjonen. For å bidra til å løse disse utfordringene ble PreMa-prosjektet initiert. PreMa-prosjektets mål er ... -
Karbiddannelse i Manganovner
Øvrelid, Sigurd Johannes Slåtsve (Master thesis, 2019)Når karbon løses opp i silikomangan(SiMn)-prosessen kan det dannes titankarbid (TiC), silisiumkarbid (SiC) eller grafitt i ovnen. Silisiuminnholdet i legeringen avgjør om silisiumkarbid eller grafitt vil være den stabile ... -
Kinetic Study of SiO2 + SiC Reaction in Silicon Production
Adisty, Dian (Master thesis, 2013)A number of researches related to kinetics of SiO2 + SiC reaction in the silicon production are limited and there is a gap between the real kinetics and mechanism of SiO2 + SiC reaction and people?s knowledge of that ... -
Kinetics Analysis of Steam Reforming of Methane on Sponge Iron
Ramos Ribeiro, Tiago; Ferreira Neto, João Batista; Rocha Poço, João Guilherme; Takano, Cyro; Kolbeinsen, Leiv; Ringdalen, Eli (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The kinetics of steam reforming of methane catalyzed by sponge iron was studied at temperatures between 875°C and 1050°C. Results shows that sponge iron acts as a catalyst and methane conversion is increased in higher ...