Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Ringdal, Gerd Inger"
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Culture of silence: Midwives’, obstetricians’ and nurses’ experiences with perinatal death
André, Beate; Dahlø, Raija Helena Tolonen; Eilertsen, Tina Bjørsvik; Ringdal, Gerd Inger (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Background: Health care personnel’s experiences of grief and painful emotional involvements in situations facing perinatal death has attracted woefully little research and attention. In order to provide high standards of ... -
Dans- og bevegelsesterapi: Aktuelle metoder og intervensjoner. En kvalitativ undersøkelse basert på fire intervju.
Fiskvik, Anne Margrete (Master thesis, 2017)Denne hovedoppgaven har tittelen Danse-og bevegelsesterapi: Aktuelle metoder og intervensjoner. En kvalitativ undersøkelse basert på fire intervju. Arbeidet er motivert av min egen bakgrunn og mangeårig erfaring innenfor ... -
''Det er meg det gjelder'' - en kvalitativ studie av hvordan fem deltakere i Housing First i Trondheim kommune beskriver sin opplevelse av tilbudet og hvordan dette påvirker opplevd livskvalitet
Harbø, Kristin Margrethe Tange (Master thesis, 2018)Housing First (HF) i Trondheim kommune er et boligsosialt tilbud for mennesker med samtidig rus- og psykiske lidelser (ROP-lidelser). Tilbudet opererer etter grunnprinsipper om selvbestemmelse, respekt og fokus på individets ... -
Experiences with perinatal death among midwives, obstetricians and assistant nurses: Results from a qualitative study in Norway
Andre, Beate; Dahlø, Raija H. T.; Eilertsen, Tina Bjørsvik; Shorey, Shefaly; Ringdal, Gerd Inger (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This study aims to explore experiences of healthcare professionals, including midwives, obstetricians, and assistant nurses, after a perinatal death. A qualitative study design was used, and 20 participants were interviewed. ... -
Exploring experiences of fostering positive work environment in Norwegian nursing homes: A multi method study
Andre, Beate; Ringdal, Gerd Inger; Skjong, Rickard J; Rannestad, Toril; Sjøvold, Endre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Objective: The aim of the study is to explore what characterizes the work culture in Norwegian nursing homes and what promotes the positive aspects in the work culture. Methods: Research design: Multimethod research. Two ... -
Exploring experiences of fostering positive workenvironment in Norwegian nursing homes: A multimethod study
Andre, Beate; Ringdal, Gerd Inger; Skjong, Rickard J; Rannestad, Toril; Sjøvold, Endre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Objective: The aim of the study is to explore what characterizes the work culture in Norwegian nursing homes and what promotes the positive aspects in the work culture. Methods: Research design: Multimethod research. Two ... -
Medisinsk frykt
Lyngsmo, Anne-Gudrun C. Klæth (Master thesis, 2013) -
Quality of life in primary school children: The Health Oriented Pedagogical Project (HOPP)
Ringdal, Kristen; Ringdal, Gerd Inger; Olsen, Helene Kristin; Mamen, Asgeir; Fredriksen, Per Morten (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Aims: The primary aim of the present study was to evaluate the association between parents’ level of education, measurements of physical attributes, and quality of life in a general sample of primary school children. ... -
Spatial orientation in unfamilar settings: Real-world wayfinding in two hospitals
Bjella, Thomas Doug (Master thesis, 2010)Background: People may find the encounter with a hospital both stressful and intimidating. Then, there is no consolidation if the site is unprepared for encounters with new visitors. Wayfinding difficulties are common for ... -
Spatial orientation in unfamilar settings: Real-world wayfinding in two hospitals
Bjella, Thomas Doug (Master thesis, 2010)Background: People may find the encounter with a hospital both stressful and intimidating. Then, there is no consolidation if the site is unprepared for encounters with new visitors. Wayfinding difficulties are common for ... -
The Relationship Between Social Context and Adolescent Psychological Distress: Evidence from the Young-HUNT studies
Dalen, Joakim Døving (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2016:132, Doctoral thesis, 2016)Mental health problems and illnesses are highly prevalent and the consequences of having these problems can be severe, both for the one afflicted as well as significant others. The aim of the thesis was to examine how ... -
Well-being of working parents with chronically ill children: A literature study on family interaction and work resources
Brauer, Inna (Master thesis, 2010)Child’s health has hardly received attention within the literature investigating work-family interference. This theoretical oriented thesis focuses on how chronically ill, including asthma, interact with family’s emotional ...