Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Rauter, Michael Tobias"
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
Cassie-Baxter and Wenzel States and the Effect of Interfaces on Transport Properties across Membranes
Rauter, Michael Tobias; Schnell, Sondre K.; Kjelstrup, Signe (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Mass transfer across a liquid-repelling gas permeable membrane is influenced by the state(s) of the liquid–vapor interface(s) on the surface of the membrane, the pore geometry, and the solid–fluid interactions inside the ... -
A comparative study of experiments and theories on steady-state evaporation of water
Rauter, Michael Tobias; Aasen, Ailo; Kjelstrup, Signe Helene; Wilhelmsen, Øivind (Journal article, 2022)A precise description of energy and mass transport across the liquid-vapor interface of water is central in dis- ciplines spanning from climatology to seawater desalination. We present a critical assessment of six recent ... -
Defining the pressures of a fluid in a nanoporous, heterogeneous medium
Galteland, Olav; Rauter, Michael Tobias; Varughese, Kevin K.; Bedeaux, Dick; Kjelstrup, Signe Helene (Journal article, 2022)We describe the thermodynamic state of a single-phase fluid confined to a porous medium with Hill's thermodynamics of small systems, also known as nanothermodynamics. This way of defining small system thermodynamics, with ... -
“Fluid transport through nanoporous media in the presence of phase transitions
Rauter, Michael Tobias (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:268, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Clean potable water is among the most precious commodities in the world. Even though water is not sparse on the planet’s surface, it is not sufficiently accessible for about 4 billion people, who are experiencing serious ... -
Local thermodynamic description of isothermal single-phase flow in porous media
Galteland, Olav; Rauter, Michael Tobias; Bratvold, Mina S.; Trinh, Thuat; Bedeaux, Dick; Kjelstrup, Signe (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Darcy's law for porous media transport is given a new local thermodynamic basis in terms of the grand potential of confined fluids. The local effective pressure gradient is determined using non-equilibrium molecular dynamics, ... -
Nanothermodynamics of a Single-Phase Fluid Confined in a Complex Porous Medium
Varughese, Kevin Kottakkakathu (Master thesis, 2021)Nanotermodynamiske teorier og ideer blir her brukt på små systemer, spesifikt et porøsmedium, ved hjelp av Monte Carlo simulasjoner med Molekylær Dynamikk basert på "Grand Canonical Ensemble". Til å begynne med tester vi ... -
Product formation during discharge: a combined modelling and experimental study for Li–O2 cathodes in LiTFSI/DMSO and LiTFSI/TEGDME electrolytes
Rauter, Michael Tobias; Augustin, Matthias; Spitthoff, Lena; Svensson, Ann Mari (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Li–air or Li–O2 batteries are a promising energy storage technology due to the potentially high energy density. However, significant challenges related to reversible charge/discharge of these cells need to be solved. The ... -
Product formation during discharge: a combined modelling and experimental study for Li–O2 cathodes in LiTFSI/DMSO and LiTFSI/TEGDME electrolytes
Rauter, Michael Tobias; Augustin, Matthias; Spitthoff, Lena; Svensson, Ann Mari (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Li–air or Li–O2 batteries are a promising energy storage technology due to the potentially high energy density. However, significant challenges related to reversible charge/discharge of these cells need to be solved. The ... -
The permeability of porous media as studied by NEMD
Bratvold, Mina Sørensen (Master thesis, 2021)Det overordnede målet med prosjektet er å bidra til å etablere en beskrivelse av irreversibel termodynamikk for nano-skalaen. Mer spesifikt defineres tilstandsvariabler for fluid som er innesluttet i porøse medier, kunnskapen ... -
Thermo-osmotic pressure and resistance to mass transport in a vapor-gap membrane
Rauter, Michael Tobias; Schnell, Sondre Kvalvåg; Hafskjold, Bjørn; Kjelstrup, Signe Helene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)We have investigated the transport of fluid through a vapor-gap membrane. The transport due to a membrane temperature difference was investigated under isobaric as well as non-isobaric conditions. Such a concept is relevant ... -
Two-Phase Equilibrium Conditions in Nanopores
Rauter, Michael Tobias; Galteland, Olav; Erdos, Mate; Moultos, Othonas A.; Vlugt, Thijs J.H.; Schnell, Sondre Kvalvåg; Bedeaux, Dick; Kjelstrup, Signe (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)It is known that thermodynamic properties of a system change upon confinement. To know how, is important for modelling of porous media. We propose to use Hill’s systematic thermodynamic analysis of confined systems to ...