Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Ramampiaro, Herindrasana"
Now showing items 1-20 of 69
A Hybrid Recommender System for Context-Aware Recommendations of Restaurants
Tvete, Adrian Kristoffer; Pettersen, Matias (Master thesis, 2016)Recommender systems have cemented themselves in the daily online activities of most people, and they have been successfully applied across a range of different domains. However, they have yet to make the big breakthrough ... -
A Multimedia Approach to Medical Information Retrieval
Grande, Aleksander (Master thesis, 2009)From the discovery of DNA by Francis H. C. Crick and James D. Watson in 1953 there have been conducted a lot of research in the field of DNA. Up through the years technological breakthroughs has made DNA sequencing more ... -
An improved web-based solution for specifying transaction models for CAGISTrans
Bjørge, Thomas Eugen (Master thesis, 2005)Transactions have been used for several decades to handle concurrent access to data in databases. These transactions adhere to a strict set of transactional rules that ensure that the correctness of the database is maintained. ... -
Android-basert biomedisinsk søk
Nordvik, Eric (Master thesis, 2012)Arbeidet i denne rapporten reflekterer hvilke valg man må ta når man skal bestemme hvilken tilnærming som er den beste for å tilpasse en web basert biomedisinsk søkemotor til mobile enheter med små skjermer. Her er det ... -
Automatic adaptation of information in electronic patient records for patients
Ivanova, Elena (Master thesis, 2006)In this work we present results of research, design and implementation of prototype system aimed at the task of automatically identifying and explaining difficult medical words in Electronic Patient Records. A patient ... -
Automatisk temainndeling
Reite, Toril Ormberg (Master thesis, 2006)I dagens informasjonssamfunn har man enkel tilgang til store mengder informasjon, dette fører ofte til at man finner mye mer informasjon enn man trenger og det blir vanskelig å finne det man leter etter. I min masteroppgave ... -
Biomedical Information Retrieval based on Document-Level Term Boosting
Johannsson, Dagur Valberg (Master thesis, 2009)There are several problems regarding information retrieval on biomedical information. The common methods for information retrieval tend to fall short when searching in this domain. With the ever increasing amount of ... -
CAGISTrans: Adaptable Transactional Support for Cooperative Work
Ramampiaro, Herindrasana (Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2001:94, Doctoral thesis, 2001)The theme of this thesis is on transactional support for cooperative work environments, focusing on data sharing. It is thus concerned with the provision of suitable mechanisms to manage concurrent access to shared data ... -
Case-studie av organisatorisk kunnskapsforvaltning i et mellomstort IT-konsulentselskap
Bulling, Lise (Master thesis, 2013)Å dele erfaringer og kunnskap med hverandre er en viktig del av vår personlige utviklingsprosess, og kunnskapsforvalting innad i organisasjoner kan være til stor verdi om de ansattes ferdigheter brukes til intern ... -
Classification of Images using Color, CBIR Distance Measures and Genetic Programming - An evolutionary Experiment
Edvardsen, Stian (Master thesis, 2006)In this thesis a novel approach to image classification is presented. The thesis explores the use of color feature vectors and CBIR ? retrieval methods in combination with Genetic Programming to achieve a classification ... -
Classification of Images using Color, CBIR Distance Measures and Genetic Programming: An evolutionary Experiment
Edvardsen, Stian (Master thesis, 2006)In this thesis a novel approach to image classification is presented. The thesis explores the use of color feature vectors and CBIR retrieval methods in combination with Genetic Programming to achieve a classification ... -
Clustering User Behavior in Scientific Collections
Blixhavn, Øystein Hoel (Master thesis, 2014)This master thesis looks at how clustering techniques can be appliedto a collection of scientific documents. Approximately one year of serverlogs from the CERN Document Server (CDS) are analyzed and preprocessed.Based on ... -
Continuous Queries on Streaming Data
Norrhall, Sara Phrida K. (Master thesis, 2018)We are all living in a world that is becoming more digital for every day. While people are connecting to the Internet, there has been an explosion of applications that are being used on a daily basis. All of these applications ... -
Defining Tags by Linking to Knowledge Bases
Hanssen, Geir Ivar Kihle (Master thesis, 2014)This thesis looks into the process of automatically expanding image searches based on tags and the definitions of terms from public knowledge bases. To this end, we will try to extract terms related to a query. The process ... -
Detecting Hate Speech in Norwegian Texts Using BERT Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection
Wahl, Mathias; Skjåstad, Sondre Grav (Master thesis, 2021)Denne avhandlingen presenterer en ny løsning for deteksjon av hatefulle ytringer som kombinerer flere metoder innen kunstig intelligens for å identifisere hatefullt innhold i korte norske tekster automatisk. Internettet ... -
Detecting Hate Speech in NorwegianTexts Using BERT Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection
Wahl, Mathias; Sjåstad, Sondre Grav (Master thesis, 2021)Denne avhandlingen presenterer en ny løsning for deteksjon av hatefulle ytringer som kombinerer flere metoder innen kunstig intelligens for å identifisere hatefullt innhold i korte norske tekster automatisk. Internettet ... -
Developing Digital Music Libraries and Audio Retrieval Systems: Current research and studies review
Sakariassen, Kim-Arthur (Master thesis, 2006)With an increasing amount of digital music files available comes a need for proper organization and retrieval of music information and music objects. The field of digital music libraries and audio information retrieval is ... -
Effektiv indexering for Fuzzy søk
Eriksen, Tor Fredrik; Moseby, Susanne Sousa (Master thesis, 2012)Informasjonsgjenfinning har blitt et veldig viktig fagfelt med mye utvikling. Vi har sett på forskjellige søketeknikker for å gjøre fuzzy- og interaktivtsøk mulig. Begge disse er teknikker som hjelper brukeren til å finne ... -
Efficient Algorithms for Video Segmentation
Kosmo, Vegard Andre (Master thesis, 2006)Describing video content without watching the entire video is a challenging matter. Textual descriptions are usually inaccurate and ambiguous, and if the amount of video is large this manual task is almost endless. If the ... -
Efficient Algorithms for Video Segmentation
Kosmo, Vegard Andre (Master thesis, 2006)Describing video content without watching the entire video is a challenging matter. Textual descriptions are usually inaccurate and ambiguous, and if the amount of video is large this manual task is almost endless. If the ...