Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Røine, Kjetil"
A systems approach to extended producer responsibility: Economic efficiency and environmental effectiveness for packaging in plastic industry in Norway
Røine, Kjetil; Asbjørnsen, Odd Andreas; Brattebø, Helge (Chapter, 1998)This paper will, through a theoretical discussion of efficiency and effectiveness, present a model for a recovery system. The plastic packaging recovery system in Norway is described, and despite the lack of empirical data, ... -
Critical factors and challenges for building and managing marketing and distribution channels in rural, emerging markets - A case study on the Greenway cookstove company in rural India
Brodbeck, Laura (Master thesis, 2016)There are 2.7 billion people in today s world that do not have access to clean cooking facilities, leading to immense human and environmental costs in many developing countries. Cleaner, improved biomass cookstoves (ICS) ... -
Does Industrial Ecology provide any new Perspectives?
Røine, Kjetil (Reports from Industrial Ecology Programme (IndEcol), 1501-6153; 2000:3, Research report, 2000)The research question in this report was, as the title alludes: Does industrial ecology provide any new perspectives? If yes, what are the new aspects? To answer these questions, a literature study has been conducted. The ... -
En sammenstilling av kunnskapsstatus (state-of-the-art) innen feltet industriell økologi
Brattebø, Helge; Larssæther, Stig; Røine, Kjetil (Reports from Industrial Ecology Programme (IndEcol), 1501-6153; 1999:5, Research report, 1999)Industriell økologi har siden 1996 vært et prioritert nytt felt ved NTNU, støttet opp av en tilsvarende satsing innen Bærekraftig produksjon i Sintef. I 1998 er også Industriell økologi initiert som satsingsområde i ... -
Extended Producer Responsibility Stimulating Technological Changes and Innovation: Case Study in the Norwegian Electrical and Electronic Industry
Lee, Chin-Yu; Røine, Kjetil (Reports from Industrial Ecology Programme (IndEcol), 1501-6153; 2004:1, Research report, 2004)Technology plays an essential role in all industrial activities. When different technologies bring comfort and convenience to our lives, the rapid material consumption also results in various forms of environmental ... -
Fra åpne til lukkede material- og produktstrømmer - betraktninger rundt sløyfebegrepet.
Røine, Kjetil; Støren, Sigurd; Solstad, Jan Tore; Syversen, Frode; Hagen, Monica; Hermundgård, Solveig Margit; Westberg, Morten; Svanqvist, Jørgen (Reports from Industrial Ecology Programme (IndEcol), 1501-6153; 2001:3, Research report, 2001) -
Hva nytt bringer Industriell Økologi inn?
Røine, Kjetil (Research report, 1998) -
Industrial Implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility in an Industrial Ecology Perspective
Røine, Kjetil (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2005:237, Doctoral thesis, 2005)The purpose of this thesis is to identify key conditions for successful industrial implementation of collective extended producer responsibility (EPR) programmes in the Norwegian plastic packaging system, according to an ... -
Promoting Industrial ecology by extended Producer Responsibility- Principles and Practices
Eik, Arne; Røine, Kjetil; Brattebø, Helge (Chapter, 1998)An important part of the concept of Industrial ecology aims at understanding and improving the metabolic pathways of materials in society. Extended producer responsibility is one of the recent, and indeed important, ... -
Status for industriell økologi i norsk næringsliv - sammendrag av undersøkelse gjort høsten 1997
Hagen, Øivind; Røine, Kjetil (Research report, 1998)Industriell økologi ble fra januar 1998 et av satsingsområdene i forskningsprogrammet Produktivitet 2005. I en forberedende fase frem til september 1998 skal det utarbeides en "state of the art"-rapport knyttet til sentrale ... -
The Industrial Ecology Challenge of the University - Pilot Experience at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Marstrander, Rolf; Brattebø, Helge; Røine, Kjetil (Research report, 1998)