Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Rød, Jan Ketil"
3D-modellering av havnivåstigning i Trondheim Kommune
Berger, André Sæther (Master thesis, 2014)I this question I want to answer the question: How can a model of sea level rise be presented online? I am using GIS to make maps of the areas which can potentially be affected by sea level rise in the city of Trondheim ... -
3D-modellering av havnivåstigning i Trondheim Kommune
Berger, André Sæther (Master thesis, 2015)I this question I want to answer the question: How can a model of sea level rise be presented online? I am using GIS to make maps of the areas which can potentially be affected by sea level rise in the city of Trondheim ... -
A Parsimonious Approach to Critical Point Detection in Steep Rivers
Heggem, Esten (Master thesis, 2024)Denne studien tar for seg de økende utfordringene knyttet til flom i Norge, som forsterkes både av klimaendringer og urbanisering. Selv om det allerede finnes presise metoder for flomkartlegging, evner ingen av dem å ... -
Alternative pathways of water - A GIS analysis
Fragkiadaki, Polyxeni (Master thesis, 2021)Extreme weather events and natural disasters can lead to destructive consequences when they interact with the natural and human environments. Increased frequency and more severe floods are posing a threat to humans, ... -
An attraction-based cellular automaton model for generating spatiotemporal population maps in urban areas
Khakpour, Mehdi; Rød, Jan Ketil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)We develop a cellular automaton (CA) model to produce spatiotemporal population maps that estimate population distributions in an urban area during a random working day. The resulting population maps are at 50 m and 5 ... -
Assessing solar energy potential for cabins in high latitudes, a GIS method
Seland, Astrid (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Verden står i dag overfor en enorm trussel i form av klimaendringer, noe som har ført til at beslutningstakere verden over undersøker nye, bærekraftige energikilder. Takmonterte solcellepanel er estimert til å bli en av ... -
Assessing the Feasibility of Implementing of Ground- Mounted Photovoltaics in Combination with Agriculture at High Latitudes A GIS- Based Multi-Parameter Analysis of Oppdal, Norway
Bergset, Malin (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Det er ei anslått auke i energietterspurnaden over heile verda, samstundes som karbonavtrykket må reduserast for å bevare planeten vår og nå klimamåla. Solenergi får mykje merksemd som ei fornybar energikjelde, men det er ... -
Assessment of environmental impacts in the Norwegian licencing process for wind power.
Nilsen, Torbjørn B. (Master thesis, 2022)Utbygging av vindkraft krever nøye vurderinger av ulike politiske mål, miljøpåvirkninger og andre interesser. Disse hensynene ivaretas gjennom en konsesjonsprosess, som en potensiell utbygger må gjennomgå for å kunne bygge ... -
Augmenting the usability of parallel coordinate plot: The polyline glyphs
Opach, Tomasz; Rød, Jan Ketil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Polyline glyphs are minimized thumbnails of polylines from parallel coordinates. Since such glyphs may augment the usability of parallel coordinates, the authors investigate whether there are benefits to be derived from ... -
Between data-science and geosciences: exploring the use of deep learning in automated mapping
Ganerød, Alexandra Jarna (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:62, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the fastest-growing disciplines in information technology and has been successfully applied in many different fields. Currently, the technology is available for everyone but remains ... -
Breaking the Eyes: How Do Users Get Started with a Coordinated and Multiple Views Geovisualization Tool?
Golebiowska, Izabela; Opach, Tomasz; Rød, Jan Ketil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Maps are frequently combined with data displays in the form of coordinated and multiple views (CMV). Although CMV are valuable geovisualization tools, novice users may find them complex and thus require explanation. However, ... -
Citizen Engagement in High- Value Natural Resource Revenue Management: Evidence from Ghana
Ogbe, Michael (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:266, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Summary Countries with high-value natural resources, such as oil and gas, could have better economies and socio-economic development. However, the available literature indicates that many resource-rich developing ... -
Citizen Sensing Stakeholder Interaction Manual
Wilk, Julie; Neset, Tina-Simone; Andersson, Lotta; Conceição, Paulo; Gonçalves, Paula; Graça, Marisa; Maarse, Maaike J.; Malafaya, Filipa; Opach, Tomasz; Monteiro, Ana; Rød, Jan Ketil; Cruz, Sara Santos; Wikner, Jacob J.; Zijderveld, Annette (Research report, 2021) -
Climate change and natural hazards: the geography of community resilience in Norway
Scherzer, Sabrina; Setten, Gunhild; Lein, Haakon; Lujala, Päivi; Rød, Jan Ketil (Research report, 2019)Community resilience beskriver et lokalsamfunn sin evne til å forberede seg på, håndtere og komme seg etter en krise. Gjennom bruk av kvalitative og kvantitative metoder, og geografisk visualisering, har prosjektet Climate ... -
Climate change effects at your doorstep: Geographic visualization to support Nordic homeowners in adapting to climate change
Neset, Tina-Simone; Glaas, Erik; Ballantyne, Anne Gammelgaard; Linnér, Björn-Ola; Opach, Tomasz; Navarra, Carlo; Johansson, Jimmy; Bohman, Anna; Rød, Jan Ketil; Goodsite, Michael Evan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The complexity of climate information, particularly as related to climate scenarios, impacts, and action alternatives, poses significant challenges for science communication. This study presents a geographic visualization ... -
Climate change, natural hazards, and risk perception: the role of proximity and personal experience
Lujala, Päivi; Lein, Haakon; Rød, Jan Ketil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Understanding public risk perception related to possible consequences of climate change is of paramount importance. Not only does risk perception have an important role in shaping climate policy, it is also central in ... -
Coexistence of large mammals and humans is possible in Europe’s anthropogenic landscapes
Cretois, Benjamin; Linnell, John Durrus; Van Moorter, Bram; Kaczensky, Petra; Nilsen, Erlend Birkeland; Parada, Jorge Sicacha; Rød, Jan Ketil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)A critical question in the conservation of large mammals in the Anthropocene is to know the extent to which they can tolerate human disturbance. Surprisingly, little quantitative data is available about large-scale effects ... -
Combining survey data, GIS and qualitative interviews in the analysis of health service access for persons with disabilities
Eide, Arne H.; Dyrstad, Karin; Munthali, Alister; Van Rooy, Gert; Braathen, Stine Hellum; Halvorsen, Thomas; Persendt, Frans; Mvula, Peter; Rød, Jan Ketil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background Equitable access to health services is a key ingredient in reaching health for persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups. So far, research on access to health services in low- and middle-income ... -
Conservation as a method to prevent further loss of forests and biodiversity: A case study of the area surrounding the Chamonix forest
Vittersø, Ragnhild (Master thesis, 2024)En bærekraftig utvikling som sikrer sosiale, økonomiske og miljømessige forhold både nå og i fremtiden, har aldri før vært mer komplekst å oppnå. Med økende klimaendringer, stadig befolkningsvekst, nedbygging av natur og ... -
Decision support for adaptive action - assessing the potential of geographic visualization
Bohman, Anna; Neset, Tina-Simone; Opach, Tomasz; Rød, Jan Ketil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)This study explores the role of geographic visualization for supporting the implementation of climate change adaptation. Interviews and group discussions with planners and decision makers indicate that geographic visualization ...