Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Olsson, Nils"
Now showing items 1-20 of 140
3D-Printing Technology in Construction: Results from a Survey
Olsson, Nils; Shafqat, Ali; Arica, Emrah; Økland, Andreas (Chapter, 2019)Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to study the introduction of 3D-printing of concrete in the construction sector. Design/Methodology/Approach – A survey was conducted to collect professional view on ongoing innovations ... -
Geraedts, Rob; Olsson, Nils; Hansen, Geir Karsten (Chapter, 2017)Real estate is a product with a high economic value, a long technical life cycle and a large spatial-physical impact. That is why it is of great societal importance to use real estate as efficient as possible. To enable a ... -
AI in projects- an investigation of use of project-based data for prediction of changes
Ahsan, Aneeq (Master thesis, 2022)Denne oppgaven analyserer prosjektdata fra leverandører i energibransjen. Ved å analysere prosjektplaner vurderes muligheten til å utforske maskinlæring (ML) og artifisiell intelligens (AI) metoder. Datakvalitet og ... -
The Application of 3D-Printing Techniques in the Manufacturing of Cement-Based Construction Products and Experiences Based on the Assessment of Such Products
Ortega, Guillermo Sotorrío; Madrid, Javier Alonso; Olsson, Nils; Ríos, José Antonio Tenorio (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The construction industry has embraced digitisation and industrialisation in response to the need to increase its productivity, optimise material consumption and improve workmanship. Additive manufacturing (AM), more widely ... -
Application of machine learning to limited datasets: prediction of project success
Bang, Sofie; Aarvold, Magnus; Hartvig, Wilhelm; Olsson, Nils; Rauzy, Antoine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Much research is conducted on the importance of success factors. This study contributes to the body of knowledge by using artificial intelligence (AI), specifically machine learning (ML), to analyse success factors through ... -
Applications of AI in Construction: From ambition to practice
Bang, Sofie (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:426, Doctoral thesis, 2023)The topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in construction has sparked a lot of interest in recent years, with the emergence of new techniques, algorithms, and tools that have enhanced the way machines learn, reason, and ... -
Approaches, technologies and importance of analysis of the number of train travellers
Sørensen, Anette Østbø; Olsson, Nils; Akhtar, Muhammad Mohsin; Bull-Berg, Heidi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Several studies have pointed to the difficulties of obtaining good data on train ridership. This paper is a literature review on how the number of travellers on trains are measured, including technologies and practices for ... -
Architectural qualities in protected buildings
Stendebakken, Mari Oline Giske; Olsson, Nils (Chapter, 2017)Background: This article provides a theoretical basis for the management of architectural qualities in protected buildings. A lacking focus on architectural quality is an obstacle for suitable protection and development ... -
Architectural quality and cultural heritage values in economic analysis
Stendebakken, Mari Oline Giske; Olsson, Nils (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This article examines the evaluation of architectural quality in socioeconomic analyses of large public building projects in Norway. From a socio-economic perspective, a new building can be designed well or even better ... -
Artificial Intelligence as a Tool for Project Decision-Making Support
Rasmuss, Jemima Elizabeth Chunpei; Tømte, Erling (Master thesis, 2022)Med økt bruk av digitalisering i prosjektledelsesarbeidsprosesser øker presset med å utnytte og implementere teknologier for å forbedre effektiviteten. For å få fullt utbytte av digitalisering ønskes digital transformasjon; ... -
Artificial Intelligence in Construction Projects: A Systematic Scoping Review
Bang, Sofie; Olsson, Nils (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in construction projects has surged in recent years and is believed to represent a significant potential for increasing productivity and efficiency in the industry. The purpose of ... -
Artificial Intelligence in Projects: Using machine learning approaches to assert whether variation orders can predict time delay of individual activities
Neraas, Sander Magnussen (Master thesis, 2022)Endringsordre er sett på som uunngåelige i byggeprosjekter og kan påvirke omfanget av prosjektet. Blant de viktigste effektene av endringsordre er forsinkelser. Flere forskningsartikler har undersøkt om det er mulig å ... -
Aspects of project ownership in theory and practice
Olsson, Nils; Berg-Johansen, Gørild Elisabeth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Project owners are important. They shall support the project manager and provide senior backing to a project. However, there are some different aspects of project ownership, which are discussed in this paper. The main ... -
Avfallsfrie byggeplasser
Bang, Sofie (Master thesis, 2020)I en byggenæring som stadig vokser, og per dags dato representerer nesten 40 % av verdens energibruk og energirelaterte klimagassutslipp, vokser behovet for mer bærekraftige løsninger like fort. Sirkulær tankegang og optimal ... -
Barriers against extended use of environmental assessment methods for certification of existing housing companies
Aune, Karl Erik Hovik (Master thesis, 2021)Bruken av miljøsertifiseringsverktøy for å sertifisere eksisterende boligselskaper har ennå ikke vokst fram som en etablert prosedyre. Dette prosjektet har til hensikt å utforske bruken av slike verktøy i en boligselskapskontekst, ... -
Bedre utforming av store offentlige investeringsprosjekter.: Vurdering av behov, mål og effekt i tidligfasen
Næss, Petter; Brekke, Kjell Arne; Olsson, Nils; Klakegg, Ole Jonny (Concept Rapport, 0804-5585; 9, Research report, 2004)This report covers needs analysis, formulation of goals and targets and impact assessments in the front end phase of major public investment projects. The study discusses the connections between these measures, gives ... -
Big Data as Innovative Approach for Usability Evaluations of Buildings
Olsson, Nils; Bull-Berg, Heidi; Junghans, Antje (Chapter, 2014)Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate how Big Data can add a new dimension to usability evaluations of buildings. Background: There is a tremendous growth in the volume of available data, creating the “Big ... -
Big Data in Construction Management Research
Sørensen, Anette Østbø; Olsson, Nils; Landmark, Andreas D. (Report / Tampere University of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Construction Management and Economics;, Chapter, 2016) -
Boligutleiemarkedet - status og utfordringer
Hesselberg, Øystein Theodor (Master thesis, 2024)Sammendrag I denne forskningsoppgaven har jeg valgt å gå i dybden på temaet boligutleie. Jeg har ønsket å finne ut hva som er situasjonen i dag og kartlegge de utfordringene denne bransjen står ovenfor. Jeg har videre ... -
Boligutvikling og boligprisene på Øvre Romerike etter vedtaket om Gardermoen som hovedflyplass
Ahmaxhekaj, Egzona Lulaj (Master thesis, 2019)Bakgrunnen for at jeg ønsket å skrive om boligutvikling og boligpris etter luftfartsutbyggingen av Gardermoen er fordi jeg jobber som megler på Øvre Romerike og mener at luftfartsutbyggingen har hatt mye å si for ...