Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Nilsen, Roy"
A 1 kW PFC converter with GaN-transistors and planar magnetics
Engetrøen, Ådne Finnes (Master thesis, 2019)Auka krafttettleik, kostnadsreduksjon, auka effektivitet og auka driftssikkerheit er fire av dei viktigaste målsetjingane i halvleiarindustrien i dag. Ved bruk av GaN-halvleiarar er fleire av desse målsetjingane innan ... -
Active Compensation of Unbalanced Load Currents in Grid Connected Voltage Source Converters
Tiwari, Raghbendra; Nilsen, Roy (Chapter, 2019)For a 2-level 3-phase voltage source converter connected to the grid, it should be capable of supporting the grid with maximum possible active and reactive power during balanced and unbalanced load condition. This paper ... -
Active Front End Converter Used in Adjustable Speed Hydro
Romero Amaya, Jose Armando (Master thesis, 2019)A consistent part of the research in the hydropower field in Norway is being done at NTNU. The Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering is an active player in this research through the Department of ... -
Active Front End Converter with Virtual Damping and Inertia
Roni,Kazi Shoffiuddin; Oladeji, Samuel (Master thesis, 2022)Nylig har kraftnettverk utviklet seg fra synkrone maskinbaserte systemer til omformer-kontrollsystemer, med en høy spredning av fornybare energikilder (RES) som vind- og solcellekilder. Dagens RESs-enheter utgjør en betydelig ... -
Active Front End Converter with Virtual Damping and Inertia
Oladeji, Samuel; Roni, Kazi Shoffiuddin (Master thesis, 2022)Nylig har kraftnettverk utviklet seg fra synkrone maskinbaserte systemer til omformer-kontrollsystemer, med en høy spredning av fornybare energikilder (RES) som vind- og solcellekilder. Dagens RESs-enheter utgjør en betydelig ... -
Active NPC Converter for Variable Speed Operation of Pumped Storage Hydropower Plant
Tiwari, Raghbendra; Nilsen, Roy; Nysveen, Arne (Chapter, 2020)This paper discusses the full size Active Neutral Point Clamped (ANPC) Converter for large scale (100 MW, 13-15 kV) synchronous machine in a pumped storage hydropower application to enable the variable speed operation. ... -
Advanced Control Design for Grid-Connected Converters in Renewable Energy Applications
Bana, Prabhat Ranjan (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:281, Doctoral thesis, 2024)In the pursuit of more efficient and responsive VSC-based grid-connected renewable energy systems, this Thesis embarks on a comprehensive exploration of advanced control methodologies. It presents a structured journey ... -
An investigation on modeling principles and ageing behaviour of the lithium ion battery
Pettersen, Fredrik (Master thesis, 2020)Denne masteroppgaven omhandler batteriteknologi med fokus på litium-ionbatteriet. Litium-ionbatteriet er den dominerende batteriteknologien på markedet i dag og benyttes i et bredt spekter av applikasjoner, alt fra små ... -
Analysis of magnetic forces and vibration in a converter-fed synchronous hydrogenerator
Valavi, Mostafa; Nysveen, Arne; Nilsen, Roy; Le Besnerais, Jean; Devillers, Emile (Chapter, 2017)This paper investigates the influence of converter-fed operation on magnetic forces and radial vibration in a hydrogenerator. Flux density distribution is computed using time-stepping finite element (FE) analysis and used ... -
Analytical Loss Equations for Three Level Active Neutral Point Clamped Converters
Tiwari, Raghbendra; Nilsen, Roy (Chapter, 2020)This paper presents the analytical expressions that can be used to calculate conduction and switching losses in each devices of an Active Neutral Point Clamped Converter. These expressions can be used to determine the ... -
Automotive Drive for a Formula Student Racecar
Skeie, Håkon K. (Master thesis, 2019)Den knappe mengden tilgjengelige drivsystemer for Formula Student-racerbiler gir mulighet til å øke bilens ytelse med innføring av spesialbyggede, egenutviklede systemer. For 2019-sesongen ønsket Revolve NTNU å implementere ... -
Co-Simulation of an IPMSM Drive Using Comsol and Simulink
Andersson, Kristoffer Stabell (Master thesis, 2021)Endelig elementmetoder (FEM) er standardtilnærmingen for å vurdere ytelse og design til elektriske maskiner. Permanent-magnet-synkron-motorer med innfelte magneter (IPMSM) øker i popularitet innen trekkapplikasjoner, romfart ... -
Comparison between Si MOSFETs and GaN HEMTs with special emphasis on low load problems occuring in the LLC resonant converter
Blingsmo, Lyder Rumohr (Master thesis, 2019)Det stilles store krav til likerettere brukt til å forsyne datasentere med kraft. Et av kravene er høy virkningsgrad. En av de vanligste topologiene brukt til dette formålet består av en PFC-likeretter, for å få sinusformet ... -
Control and Protection of Dual-Winding PM Machines for a Gearless Marine Propulsion
Vagapova, Yulia (Master thesis, 2024)Multifase permanent magnet synkronmotorer blir stadig mer populære for fremdrift på grunn av deres høye effektivitet og effekttetthet. De tilbyr også redundans ved feil, noe som gjør dem attraktive for skipsfremdrift hvor ... -
Control Methods for Operation of Pumped Storage Plants With Full-Size Back-to-Back Converter Fed Synchronous Machines
Tiwari, Raghbendra; Nilsen, Roy; Mo, Olve; Nysveen, Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)A full-size converter-fed synchronous machine (CFSM) technology is emerging as the most flexible system for pumped storage plants for efficient operation in a wide range of water flows, which is not the case in existing ... -
Control of Linear Induction Motor Drive for Hyperloop Applications
Dybvik, Vemund Waterloo (Master thesis, 2021)The main objective of this master thesis was to implement a control system that could be used for control of the Linear Induction Motor used by Shift Hyperloop. Rotor flux oriented control was implemented very similarly ... -
Control of Medium Voltage Multi-phase machines: Implementation of Minimum loss Synchronous Optimal Modulation with Neutral Point Balancing
Neupane, Krishna (Master thesis, 2014)The total loss of an inverter can be reduced by reducing switching losses and harmonics losses. However, the harmonics increases with the reduction of switching frequency and special technique is required to get the overall ... -
Control of Six-Phase Machines
Hoem, Øivind Michael Molnes (Master thesis, 2010)The purpose of the work presented in this report was to continue the study of a six phase dual winding IPMSM with split dc-link conducted in [1]. The setup has been proposed as a means to improve the power ratings of ... -
Control Strategies for Variable Speed Operation of Pumped Storage Plants with Full-size Converter Fed Synchronous Machines
Tiwari, Raghbendra; Nilsen, Roy; Mo, Olve (Chapter, 2021)The full-size converter fed synchronous machine (CFSM) for variable speed operation of a pumped storage power plant exhibits multiple advantages over the state-of-the-art Doubly Fed Induction Machine (DFIM) technology. The ... -
Design and Analysis of Stationary Reference Frame Controllers for Active Front End Converter
Holter, Arne Sigurd (Master thesis, 2016)An active front end converter along with its associated control system has been the scope of this thesis. Relavant literature has been considered for identifying the operation and possible system implementations of this ...