Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Nielsen, Erik Waage"
Now showing items 1-20 of 20
Absorption and pharmacokinetics of bupivacaine after bilateral topical administration in tonsillar fossae for posttonsillectomy pain relief
Berg, Kristin Sandal; Seines, Ellisiv; Gál, Peter; Løberg-Emanuelsen, Lise; Stubhaug, Audun; Nielsen, Erik Waage; Spigset, Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)No previous studies have investigated the systemic absorption of bupivacaine when used topically for posttonsillectomy pain. The present study was undertaken to investigate the pharmacokinetics of bupivacaine after ... -
Air Bubbles Activate Complement and Trigger Hemostasis and C3-Dependent Cytokine Release Ex Vivo in Human Whole Blood
Storm, Benjamin; Christiansen, Dorte; Fure, Hilde; Ludviksen, Judith K; Lau, Corinna; Lambris, John D.; Woodruff, Trent M.; Brekke, Ole-Lars; Braaten, Tonje Bjørndal; Nielsen, Erik Waage; Mollnes, Tom Eirik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Venous air embolism, which may complicate medical and surgical procedures, activates complement and triggers thromboinflammation. In lepirudin-anticoagulated human whole blood, we examined the effect of air bubbles on ... -
Avoiding ambient air in test tubes during incubations of human whole-blood minimizes complement background activation
Storm, Benjamin; Christiansen, Dorte; Mollnes, Tom Eirik; Nielsen, Erik Waage (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background In vitro, the complement system can be studied in test tubes incubated with anticoagulated human whole-blood. Background activation of complement may mask inflammatory signals. Air bubbles are known to activate ... -
Chimeric Anti-CD14 IGG2/4 Hybrid Antibodies for Therapeutic Intervention in Pig and Human Models of Inflammation
Lau, Corinna; Gunnarsen, Kristin Støen; Høydahl, Lene Støkken; Andersen, Jan Terje; Berntzen, Gøril; Pharo, Anne Margrethe; Lindstad, Julie Katrine; Ludviksen, Judith K; Brekke, Ole Lars; Barratt-Due, Andreas; Nielsen, Erik Waage; Stokes, Christopher R.; Espevik, Terje; Sandlie, Inger; Mollnes, Tom Eirik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)CD14 is a key recognition molecule of innate immune responses, interacting with several TLRs. TLR signaling cross-talks extensively with the complement system, and combined CD14 and complement inhibition has been proved ... -
Combined inhibition of C5 and CD14 efficiently attenuated the inflammatory response in a porcine model of meningococcal sepsis
Hellerud, Bernt C; Orrem, Hilde L.; Dybwik, Knut Gustav; Pischke, Søren Erik; Barratt-Due, Andreas; Castellheim, Albert; Fure, Hilde; Bergseth, Grete; Christiansen, Dorte; Nunn, Miles A.; Espevik, Terje; Lau, Corinna; Brandtzæg, Petter; Nielsen, Erik Waage; Mollnes, Tom Eirik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background Fulminant meningococcal sepsis, characterized by overwhelming innate immune activation, mostly affects young people and causes high mortality. This study aimed to investigate the effect of targeting two key ... -
Combined inhibition of complement and CD14 improved outcome in porcine polymicrobial sepsis
Skjeflo, Espen Waage; Sagatun, Caroline; Dybwik, Knut; Aam, Sturla; Urving, Sven Haakon; Nunn, Miles A.; Fure, Hilde; Lau, Corinna; Brekke, Ole Lars; Huber-Lang, Markus; Espevik, Terje; Barratt-Due, Andreas; Nielsen, Erik Waage; Mollnes, Tom Eirik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Introduction Sepsis is an exaggerated and dysfunctional immune response to infection. Activation of innate immunity recognition systems including complement and the Toll-like receptor family initiate this disproportionate ... -
Dental and Periodontal Health in Acute Intermittent Porphyria
Storjord, Elin; Airila-Månsson, Stella; Karlsen, Katarzyna; Madsen, Martin Ragnar Skjerve; Dahl, Jim André; Landsem, Anne; Fure, Hilde; Ludviksen, Judith K; Fjøse, Johannes Østrem; Dickey, Amy K.; Karlsen, Bård Ove; Nielsen, Erik Waage; Mollnes, Tom Eirik; Brekke, Ole Lars (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In the inherited metabolic disorder acute intermittent porphyria (AIP), high sugar intake prevents porphyric attacks due to the glucose effect and the following high insulin levels that may lower AIP disease activity. ... -
Effect of the anticoagulant, storage time and temperature of blood samples on the concentrations of 27 multiplex assayed cytokines - Consequences for defining reference values in healthy humans
Hennø, Linda Torrissen; Storjord, Elin; Christiansen, Dorte; Bergseth, Grete; Ludviksen, Judith K; Fure, Hilde; Barene, Svein; Nielsen, Erik Waage; Mollnes, Tom Eirik; Brekke, Ole Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Cytokines are potentially useful biomarkers of sepsis and other inflammatory conditions. Many cytokines can be released by leukocytes and platelets after sampling. The sampling and processing techniques are consequently ... -
Femoral nailing associated with bone marrow emboli in pigs induced a specific increase in blood IL-6 and broad inflammatory responses in the heart and lungs
Kristiansen, Steinar; Storm, Benjamin Stage; Emblem, Åse; Grønli, Renathe Henriksen; Pettersen, Kristin; Hilmo, Jonas Larsen; Jarmund, Anders Hagen; Leth-Olsen, Martin; Nyrnes, Siri Ann; Nilsen, Bent Aksel; Nielsen, Erik Waage; Mollnes, Tom Eirik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Introduction: Bone marrow embolization may complicate orthopedic surgery, potentially causing fat embolism syndrome. The inflammatory potential of bone marrow emboli is unclear. We aimed to investigate the inflammatory ... -
Femoral Nailing in a Porcine Model Causes Bone Marrow Emboli in the Lungs and Systemic Emboli in the Heart and Brain
Kristiansen, Steinar; Jarmund, Anders Hagen; Hilmo, Jonas Larsen; Mollnes, Tom Eirik; Leth-Olsen, Martin; Nyrnes, Siri Ann; Nilsen, Bent Aksel; Grønli, Renathe Henriksen; Faldaas, Bjørn Ove; Storm, Benjamin Stage; Espenes, Arild; Nielsen, Erik Waage (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background: Shaft fractures of the femur are commonly treated with intramedullary nailing, which can release bone marrow emboli into the bloodstream. Emboli can travel to the lungs, impairing gas exchange and causing ... -
A hands-free carotid Doppler can identify spontaneous circulation without interrupting cardiopulmonary resuscitation: an animal study
Faldaas, Bjørn Ove; Storm, Benjamin Stage; Lappegård, Knut Tore; How, Ole-Jakob; Nilsen, Bent Aksel; Kiss, Gabriel Hanssen; Skogvoll, Eirik; Nielsen, Erik Waage; Torp, Hans; Ingul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background Identifying spontaneous circulation during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is challenging. Current methods, which involve intermittent and time-consuming pulse checks, necessitate pauses in chest compressions. ... -
Hands-free continuous carotid Doppler ultrasound for detection of the pulse during cardiac arrest in a porcine model
Faldaas, Bjørn Ove; Nielsen, Erik Waage; Storm, Benjamin; Lappegård, Knut Tore; How, Ole-Jakob; Nilsen, Bent Aksel; Kiss, Gabriel Hanssen; Skogvoll, Eirik; Torp, Hans; Ingul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background/Purpose Pulse palpation is an unreliable method for diagnosing cardiac arrest. To address this limitation, continuous hemodynamic monitoring may be a viable solution. Therefore, we developed a novel, hands-free ... -
A Novel Porcine Model of Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury After Cross-Clamping the Thoracic Aorta Revealed Substantial Cardiopulmonary, Thromboinflammatory and Biochemical Changes Without Effect of C1-Inhibitor Treatment
Nielsen, Erik Waage; Miller, Yoav; Brekke, Ole Lars; Grond, Joost; Duong, Anh Hoang; Fure, Hilde; Ludviksen, Judith K; Pettersen, Kristin; Reubsaet, Leon; Solberg, Rigmor; Johansen, Harald Thidemann; Mollnes, Tom Eirik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Ischemic injury worsens upon return of blood and innate immunity including the complement system play a central role in ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) as in thoracic aortic surgery. Complement component1 inhibitor ... -
Open chest and pericardium facilitate transpulmonary passage of venous air emboli
Storm, Benjamin; Halvorsen, Per Steinar; Skulstad, Helge; Dybwik, Knut Gustav; Schjalm, Camilla; Christiansen, Dorte; Wisløff-Aase, Kristin; Fosse, Erik; Braaten, Tonje Bjørndal; Nielsen, Erik Waage; Mollnes, Tom Eirik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background Transpulmonary passage of air emboli can lead to fatal brain- and myocardial infarctions. We studied whether pigs with open chest and pericardium had a greater transpulmonary passage of venous air emboli than ... -
Perioperative Detection of Cerebral Fat Emboli From Bone Using High-Frequency Doppler Ultrasound
Jarmund, Anders Hagen; Kristiansen, Steinar; Leth-Olsen, Martin; Vogt, Ella Christina Stray; Nervik, Ingunn; Torp, Hans; Nielsen, Erik Waage; Nyrnes, Siri Ann (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Phagocytosis of live and dead Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus in human whole blood is markedly reduced by combined inhibition of C5aR1 and CD14
Skjeflo, Espen Waage; Christiansen, Dorte; Landsem, Anne; Stenvik, Jørgen; Woodruff, T. M.; Espevik, Terje; Nielsen, Erik Waage; Mollnes, Tom Eirik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background Sepsis is a dysregulated host response to infection. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of complement- and CD14 inhibition on phagocytosis of live and dead Gram-negative and Gram-positive ... -
Real-time feedback on chest compression efficacy by hands-free carotid Doppler in a porcine model
Faldaas, Bjørn Ove; Nielsen, Erik Waage; Storm, Benjamin Stage; Lappegård, Knut Tore; Nilsen, Bent Aksel; Kiss, Gabriel Hanssen; Skogvoll, Eirik; Torp, Hans; Ingul, Charlotte Ingeborg Björk (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Aim: Current guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) recommend a one-size-fits-all approach in relation to the positioning of chest compressions. We recently developed RescueDoppler, a hands-free Doppler ultrasound ... -
Sepsis causes right ventricular myocardial inflammation independent of pulmonary hypertension in a porcine sepsis model
Pischke, Søren; Hestenes, Siv Merete; Johansen, Harald Thidemann; Fure, Hilde; Bugge, Jan F; Espinoza, Andreas Westenvik; Skulstad, Helge; Edvardsen, Thor; Fosse, Erik; Mollnes, Tom Eirik; Halvorsen, Per Steinar; Nielsen, Erik Waage (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Introduction Right ventricular (RV) myocardial dysfunction is a common feature in septic shock. It can worsen outcome, but the etiology is poorly understood. Pulmonary artery hypertension (PAH) plays a part in the ... -
Staphylococcus aureus-induced complement activation promotes tissue factor-mediated coagulation
Skjeflo, Espen Waage; Christiansen, Dorte; Fure, Hilde; Ludviksen, Judith K; Woodruff, Trent M.; Espevik, Terje; Nielsen, Erik Waage; Brekke, Ole-Lars; Mollnes, Tom Eirik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background There is extensive cross‐talk between the complement system, the Toll‐like receptors (TLRs), and hemostasis. Consumptive coagulopathy is a hallmark of sepsis, and is often mediated through increased tissue ... -
Venous Air Embolism Activates Complement C3 Without Corresponding C5 Activation and Trigger Thromboinflammation in Pigs
Storm, Benjamin; Ludviksen, Judith K; Christiansen, Dorte; Fure, Hilde; Pettersen, Kristin; Landsem, Anne; Nilsen, Bent Aksel; Dybwik, Knut Gustav; Braaten, Tonje; Nielsen, Erik Waage; Mollnes, Tom Eirik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Introduction: Air embolism may complicate invasive medical procedures. Bubbles trigger complement C3-mediated cytokine release, coagulation, and platelet activation in vitro in human whole blood. Since these findings have ...