Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Mossige, Jon Coll"
Constructive Alignment in Science and Engineering: From Principle to Practice
Gynnild, Vidar; Leira, Bernt Johan; Myrhaug, Dag; Holmedal, Lars Erik; Mossige, Jon Coll (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper reports on an action research study on task design and constructive alignment in an optional module at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. While students appreciated the two professors’ teaching, ... -
Numerical Simulations of Swimming Fish
Mossige, Jon Coll (Master thesis, 2017)A profound understanding of how a fish swims may be used to design innovative propulsion units with higher efficiency than the conventional screw propellers. The gain of such understanding may be aided by the use of ...