Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Materstvedt, Lars Johan"
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
An international consensus definition of the wish to hasten death and its related factors
Materstvedt, Lars Johan; Balaguer, Albert; Porta-Sales, Josep; Villavicencio-Chávez, Christian; Monforte-Royo, Cristina; Bellido-Pérez, Mercedes; Trelis, Jordi; Alonso-Babarro, Alberto; Altisent, Rogelio; Aradilla-Herrero, Amor; Tomás-Sábado, Joaquín; Breitbart, William; Centeno, Carlos; Cuervo, Miguel Angel; Deliens, Luc; Frerich, Gerrit; Voltz, Raymond; Gastmans, Chris; Lichtenfeld, Stephanie; Maier, Markus A; Limonero, Joaquín T; Nabal, María; Rodin, Gary; Rosenfeld, Barry; Schroepfer, Tracy (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Background The desire for hastened death or wish to hasten death (WTHD) that is experienced by some patients with advanced illness is a complex phenomenon for which no widely accepted definition exists. This lack of a ... -
Attitudes towards assisted dying are influenced by question wording and order: a survey experiment
Magelssen, Morten; Supphellen, Magne; Nortvedt, Per; Materstvedt, Lars Johan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Background: Surveys on attitudes towards assisted dying play an important role in informing public debate, policy and legislation. Unfortunately, surveys are often designed with insufficient attention to framing effects; ... -
Blurry lines and spaces of tension. Clinical-ethical and Existential issues in Intensive Care: A study of three European Intensive Care Units
Koksvik, Gitte H. (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2016:184, Doctoral thesis, 2016)“Come on”, the medical student said, practically tugging my sleeve. “We’re gonna go talk to a patient. And he has AIDS! It’s super interesting.” We went in a hurry, a young doctor, two medical students, and myself, off to ... -
Den medisinske selvmorderen i individualismens tid
Materstvedt, Lars Johan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Artikkelen starter med en drøfting av selvmordets rasjonalitet sett fra en filosofisk synsvinkel. Deretter forklares og defineres termene «eutanasi» og «legeassistert selvmord», som begge fortolkes moralsk som former for ... -
Distinction between euthanasia and palliative sedation is clear-cut
Materstvedt, Lars Johan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This article is a response to Thomas David Riisfeldt’s paper entitled ‘Weakening the ethical distinction between euthanasia, palliative opioid use and palliative sedation’. It is shown that as far as euthanasia and palliative ... -
Medisinsk nytteløs behandling og den palliative kreftpasient
Singh, Johnny (Bachelor thesis, 2020)På bakgrunn av den økende styrkingen av pasientautonomi innen medisin, oppstod det i siste halvdel av 1900-tallet en debatt omkring definisjonen av begrepet nytteløs behandling (futilitet). Man kan forstå dette begrepet ... -
Moralsk feilteori, skeptisisme og emotivisme
Saastad, Henrik (Bachelor thesis, 2021) -
Ought the level of sedation to be reduced during deep palliative sedation? A clinical and ethical analysis
Fredheim, Olav Magnus; Materstvedt, Lars Johan; Skulberg, Ingeborg M; Magelssen, Morten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background Deep palliative sedation (DPS) is applied as a response to refractory suffering at the end of life when symptoms cannot be relieved in an awake state. DPS entails a dilemma of whether to provide uninterrupted ... -
Relational autonomy in the care of the vulnerable: Health care professionals' reasoning in Moral Case Deliberation (MCD)
Heidenreich, Kaja; Bremer, Anders; Materstvedt, Lars Johan; Tidefelt, Ulf; Svantesson, Mia (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)In Moral Case Deliberation (MCD), healthcare professionals discuss ethically difficult patient situations in their daily practice. There is a lack of knowledge regarding the content of MCD and there is a need to shed light ... -
Selvbestemmelsesretten – en hellig ku i det sekulære Vesten
Materstvedt, Lars Johan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Retten til selvbestemmelse er noe som stadig påberopes i vår vestlige kulturkrets, og gjerne i sterke ordelag i det offentlige ordskiftet – eksempler er i den pågående debatten om legalisering av såkalt aktiv dødshjelp og ... -
The Objectivity of Rationality: Three Essays on Reason and Rationality
Dahlback, Morten Langfeldt (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:17, Doctoral thesis, 2017)Summary of the thesis What does it take to be rational? In the three articles collected in my dissertation, I explore a range of problems in our theoretical conception of rationality. It is common to distinguish ...