Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Kristoffersen, Torstein Thode"
Adaptive Feedback Linearizing Control of a Gas Liquid Cylindrical Cyclone
Ohrem, Sveinung Johan; Kristoffersen, Torstein Thode; Holden, Christian (Chapter, 2017)As subsea production of oil and gas reaches deeper and more remote waters, the need for more compact separation equipment arises. The gas hquid cylindrical cyclone (GLCC) is a widely used separation device in topside ... -
Applied Nonlinear Compressor Control with Gain Scheduling and State Estimation
Tengesdal, Njål; Kristoffersen, Torstein Thode; Holden, Christian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Subsea gas compressors are key components for both increased and accelerated hydrocarbon production. Compressors enable the development of fields that are remote, in deep waters, or have low and/or reduced reservoir pressure. ... -
Model-Based and Model-Free Optimal Control of a Gas Liquid Cylindrical Cyclone
Ohrem, Sveinung Johan; Kristoffersen, Torstein Thode; Holden, Christian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Optimal control is important in the oil and gas industry, where small changes of process variables may have significant economical, environmental and safety impacts. Finding the optimal setpoint for a controlled variable ... -
Modelling and nonlinear control of a wet gas centrifugal compressor
Kristoffersen, Torstein Thode; Holden, Christian (Chapter, 2018)Production of gas condensate from small and remote gas condensate fields require cost-efficient boosting technology for maintaining an economically satisfactory throughput. Wet gas compressors are a new boosting technology ... -
Nonlinear state and parameter estimation of a gas-liquid cylindrical cyclone
Kristoffersen, Torstein Thode; Holden, Christian (Chapter, 2018)— New offshore oil and gas discoveries are located at deep waters with long tie-back distances. Development of such fields require compact gas-liquid separation technologies. Efficient operation of such separators require ... -
State and parameter estimation of a gas-liquid cylindrical cyclone
Kristoffersen, Torstein Thode; Holden, Christian (Chapter, 2018)The development and production of hydrocarbons from oil and gas discoveries in deep water require costefficient compact separation technology. However, the small operational volume of compact separators make them highly ... -
Subsea Compact Separation and Wet Gas Compression: Modelling, Estimation and Control
Kristoffersen, Torstein Thode (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:61, Doctoral thesis, 2019)