Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Johnsen, Roy"
Now showing items 1-20 of 120
Additive Manufacturing of Inconel 625 - Corrosion Properties
Kristina Espedal Kindem (Master thesis, 2021)Inconel 625 (IN625) er en nikkelbasert superlegering med utmerket korrosjonsbestandighet og styrke ved høye temperaturer. Derfor har den blitt brukt i flere industrier som opererer under tøffe forhold. Eksempler på ... -
Additive Manufacturing with Corrosion Resistant Alloys (CRA) - Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Inconel 625
Lund, Selma (Master thesis, 2021)Denne masteroppgaven har som mål å bidra til økt forståelse av hvordan additive tilvirknings (AM) teknologier som selektiv lasersmelting (SLM) påvirker mikrostruktur og mekaniske egenskaper av Inconel 625 (IN625), sammenlignet ... -
Cathodic protection by distributed sacrificial anodes - Performance at elevated temperature and in mud
Johnsen, Roy; Iannuzzi, Mariano; Ryen, Audun; Årtun, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Thermal Spray Aluminum (TSA) can be used to reduce anode demand or to extend anode life on projects with long design lives (i.e., 40 to 50 years). However, for subsea structures, TSA has not been used to replace the ... -
Comparison of corrosion properties of copper alloys with and without lead for drinking water systems
Akhtari, Margherita (Master thesis, 2024)I denne avhandlingen blir mottakeligheten for selektiv korrosion blitt undersøkt og sammenlignet for to blyholdige messinglegeringer, CW602N og CW625N, og en blyfri messinglegering, CW724R, som brukes som rørkoblinger i ... -
Connection Between Critical Stress and Hydrogen Content for SDSS under Cathodic Protection
Krosness, Ola Myklatun (Master thesis, 2014)In recent years Super Duplex Stainless Steel (SDSS) installed subsea with cathodic protection has failed during service. The failures have been due to Hydrogen Induced Stress Cracking (HISC). The effect from different ... -
Corrosion and Cathodic Protection of PMM Propellers
Hartvigsen, Simen (Master thesis, 2018)This thesis will examine the effect of water flow on cathodic protection (CP) of AISI 316L Stainless Steel (SS) and Nickel-Aluminium bronze (NAB). It will also examine the effect water flow has on the galvanic current of ... -
Corrosion and Cathodic Protection of Steel-Aluminium Galvanic Couples in Subsea Structures
Jacobsen, Kristin (Master thesis, 2018)An increasing interest for use of aluminium in subsea structures has been seen the resent years, considering replacing some of the heavier steel components with aluminium. Due to good corrosion resistance and strength to ... -
Corrosion and Microstructural Investigation on Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steel: Experimental and Statistical Approach
Maicas Esteve, Héctor; Taji, Iman; Wilms, Marc; Gonzalez-Garcia, Yaiza; Johnsen, Roy (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The use of metal additive manufacturing (AM) has strongly increased in the industry during the last years. More specifically, selective laser melting (SLM) is one of the most used techniques due to its numerous advantages ... -
Corrosion and wear protection of wheel axles on trains
Bredesen, Anders Opsahl (Master thesis, 2016)Wheel axles are critical components on the train, and subjected to strict inspections and maintenance. With its placement underneath the train units, they are naturally susceptible of shocks and impact loads from ice, snow, ... -
Corrosion of AISI 316L in Fish Processing Facilities
Kopperud, Olav Johannes (Master thesis, 2023)Fiskeforedlingsindustrien bruker mye prosessutstyr og rør konstruert av AISI 316L og AISI 340L rustfritt stål. Produksjonsutstyret er jevnlig utsatt for sjøvann, noe som har forårsaket korrosjons-relaterte problemer i flere ... -
Corrosion of Aluminium AA5083 and AA6082 in Seawater - Effect of Temperature and Crevice
Ghebriel, Ruth Ailay Nashih (Master thesis, 2017)The results from this study showed that a temperature of 50 degrees Celsius had an effect on both AA5083 and AA6082. The increased temperature increased the corrosion severity on the alloys. This could for instance be seen ... -
Corrosion of Nickel-Aluminium Bronze - How does the different alloying elements effect the corrosion properties?
Skilbred, Ellen Synnøve (Master thesis, 2016)This thesis examines the effect of copper, aluminium, iron and nickel on the corrosion properties of Nickel-Aluminium bronze (NAB) in seawater. NAB has a complex microstructure consisting of a copper-rich phase, α, and ... -
Corrosion of prestressed tensile wires on Herøysund bridge
Bjerk, Christoffer Andresen (Master thesis, 2024)I denne avhandlingen blir teori og litteratur rundt korrosjon av karbonstål i ulike omgivelser og betong samt galvanisk korrosjon presentert. Deretter presenteres inspeksjoner og undersøkelser av Herøysund bro, hvor korrosjon ... -
Corrosion of Thermally Sprayed Aluminum in Flowing Seawater
Holager, Cathrine Selina (Master thesis, 2012)Raw sea water can be pumped into subsea wells where pressure drops have occurred to increase the pressure again and thereby the production rate. Thermally sprayed aluminum (TSA) is considered as internal corrosion protection ... -
Corrosion Problem on Stainless Steel Alloy 1.4317 in Water Turbines
Nilssen, David (Master thesis, 2023)Formålet med dette M.Sc. prosjektet er å undersøke korrosjonsegenskapene til utvalgte rustfrie stål i ferskvann med ulike mengder salt. Flere ulike typer tester er gjennomført: i) syklisk polarisering, ii) potensiostatisk ... -
Corrosion properties of AA5083 and AA6082 in seawater - effect of temperature, pH and potential
Nese, Ove (Master thesis, 2016)Aluminium is an interesting material for use in subsea structures due to its low weight. So called corrosion resistant aluminium alloys from the Al-Mg (5xxx)- and Al-Mg-Si (6xxx) series have been used for many years in ... -
Corrosion Properties of Stainless Steel in Stagnant Seawater
Nautnes, Andrea (Master thesis, 2020)Denne rapporten fokuserer på korrosjonsegenskapene til rustfritt stål i stillestående sjøvann i åpne og lukkede beholdere. I flere tiår har ulike legeringer av rustfritt stål blitt brukt i marint miljø på grunn av ... -
Corrosion Properties of Stainless Steels Exposed to Sodium Chloride and Small Addition of Fluoride
Nautnes, Elisabeth Birkelund (Master thesis, 2019)Formålet med denne oppgaven var å undersøke hvilken effekt fluorider og klorider har på gropkorrosjon av ulike rustfrie stål. Denne rapporten vurderer kritiske faktorer som temperatur kombinert med ulik konsentrasjon av ... -
Corrosion, hydrogen uptake and environmentally assisted cracking of flexible pipe steel armour wires
Skilbred, Ellen Synnøve (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:159, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Flexible pipes are widely used in oil and gas applications. They consist of several metallic and polymeric layers, including a layer of tensile armour wires made from high-strength carbon steels. The armour wires are closely ... -
Crevice corrosion of AISI 316L and 22Cr - the effect of temperature, chloride concentration, pH and oxygen content
Edvardsen, Marie Eugenie (Master thesis, 2020)Korrosjonsresistente legeringer, som for eksempel rustfrie stål, blir ofte brukt i offshore-installasjoner på grunn av deres høye motstand mot generell korrosjon. Rustfrie stål er imidlertid utsatt for lokal korrosjon, som ...