Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Jiang, Yuming"
Now showing items 1-20 of 123
A Basic Result on the Superposition of Arrival Processes in Deterministic Networks
Jiang, Yuming (Chapter, 2018)Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) and Deterministic Networking (DetNet) are emerging standards to enable deterministic, delay-critical communication in such networks. This naturally (re-)calls attention to the network calculus ... -
A Routing Protocol for MANETs
Gironés Quesada, Luis (Master thesis, 2007)In this master thesis there has been a description of what MANETs are and why they are so interesting. Because of its characteristics, the tradicional routing protocols for wired networks are not advisable for them. A ... -
A scalable resource allocation scheme for NFV: Balancing utilization and path stretch
Woldeyohannes, Yordanos Tibebu; Mohammadkhan, Ali; Ramakrishnan, K. K.; Jiang, Yuming (Chapter, 2018)Network Function Virtualization (NFV) implements network middlebox functions in software, enabling them to be more flexible and dynamic. NFV resource allocation methods can exploit the capabilities of virtual- ization to ... -
A Statistical Property of Wireless Channel Capacity: Theory and Application
Sun, Fengyou; Jiang, Yuming (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This paper presents a set of new results on wireless channel capacity by exploring its special characteristics. An appealing discovery is that the instantaneous and cumulative capacity distributions of typical fading ... -
A Study of Wi-Fi RFID Tags in Citywide Wireless Networks: How well do Wi-Fi RFID tags work in outdoor Wi-Fi networks and is it possible to build commercial services based on Wi-Fi RFID tags in citywide wireless networks?
Moen, Henrik Ljøgodt (Master thesis, 2007)Active Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags that comply with IEEE 802.11 standards are currently used within indoor Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) in several niche markets. With the rapid deployment of citywide ... -
Accelerated Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation for Tracking Under Unknown-but-Bounded Disturbances
Erofeeva, Victoria; Granichin, Oleg; Tursunova, Munira; Sergeenko, Anna; Jiang, Yuming (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In this paper, we propose an accelerated version of Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (Accelerated SPSA). This algorithm belongs to the class of methods used in derivative-free optimization and has proven ... -
Adjustment of Consensus Protocol Step-Size in a Network System with Different Task Priorities via SPSA-like Algorithm under the Cost Constraints
Amelina, Natalia; Granichin, Oleg; Granichina, Olga; Ivanskiy, Yury; Jiang, Yuming (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)A multi-agent network system of different computing nodes processing tasks of different priority levels is considered. Agents exchange information about their states in presence of noise in communication channels in the ... -
Alert Fusion: A Combined Approach for DDoS Attack Detection
Gustavsen, Linnea Fossum (Master thesis, 2023)Distribuerte tjenestenektangrep blir stadig større og mer avanserte i takt med teknologisk utvikling, og utgjør en trusel både for kunder og leverandører av internett-tilgang. Internetleverandører kan oppdage angrep ved å ... -
Allocating Limited Resources to Protect a Massive Number of Targets Using a Game Theoretic Model
Liu, Xu; Di, Xiaoqiang; Li, Jinqing; Wang, Huan; Zhao, Jinping; Yang, Huamin; Cong, Ligang; Jiang, Yuming (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Resource allocation is the process of optimizing the rare resources. In the area of security, how to allocate limited resources to protect a massive number of targets is especially challenging. This paper addresses this ... -
An Approach to Detect Anomalous Degradation in Signal Strength of IEEE 802.15.4 Links
Fu, Songwei; Zhang, Yan; Jiang, Yuming; Shih, Chia-Yen; Huan, Xintao; Marron, Pedro Jose (Chapter, 2018)Accurate detection of the channel quality degradation is crucial for applying effective remedial actions to ensure the reliability of IEEE 802.15.4 links. Without knowing the channel quality is degraded, remedial actions ... -
An LQI-Based Packet Loss Rate Model for IEEE 802.15.4 Links
Zhang, Yan; Fu, Songwei; Jiang, Yuming; Ceriotti, Matteo; Packeiser, Markus; Marron, Pedro Jose (Chapter, 2018)Packet loss rate (PLR) is a crucial and popular link quality metric for wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In this paper, we investigate how to estimate PLR of an IEEE 802.15.4 link from the information that is easily obtained ... -
Analysis of Key Industrial WSN MAC Protocols
Koh, Kenneth Johannesen (Master thesis, 2014)This paper looks at two MAC protocols for wireless sensor networksfor use in industrial applications developed at the Ubicom Lab, at theUniversity of Ulsan. A theoretical comparison of the MAC protocolsare performed to ... -
An Analysis of Transaction Handling in Bitcoin
Gebraselase, Befekadu Gezaheng; Helvik, Bjarne Emil; Jiang, Yuming (Chapter, 2021)Bitcoin has become the leading cryptocurrency system, but the limit on its transaction processing capacity has resulted in increased transaction fee and delayed transaction confirmation. As such, it is pertinent to understand ... -
Anomaly Detection and Identification in Feature Based Systems: An Empirical Evaluation
Ask, Magnus Bjørnar Røgeberg; Skrautvol, Helge (Master thesis, 2011)Performance analysis and comparison of different techniques used for anomaly detection in packet switched backbone networks. -
Anti-surveillance app for Android
Mazaheri, Nima (Master thesis, 2013)The widespread use of smart phones and apps with extensive access rights has left businesses vulnerable to a whole new range of attacks. Seemingly legit apps can activate the microphone or camera and during meetings or ... -
Benchmarking Cloud Storage Systems
Wang, Xing (Master thesis, 2014)With the rise of cloud computing, many cloud storage systems like Dropbox, Google Drive and Mega have been built to provide decentralized and reliable file storage. It is thus of prime importance to know their features, ... -
Bitcoin P2P Network Measurements: A testbed study of the effect of peer selection on transaction propagation and confirmation times
Gebraselase, Befekadu; Helvik, Bjarne Emil; Jiang, Yuming (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Bitcoin is the first and the most extensive decentralized electronic cryptocurrency system that uses blockchain technology. It uses a peer-to-peer (P2P) network to operate without a central authority and propagate system ... -
A Bound on Peak Age of Information Distribution
Li, Zhidu; Zhong, Ailing; Jiang, Yuming; Tang, Tong; Wang, Ruyan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This paper presents a study on peak age of information (AoI), focusing on its distribution that is more important for AoI guarantees than the mean. Specifically, the relation of peak AoI to the underlying information ... -
ClusPR: Balancing Multiple Objectives at Scale for NFV Resource Allocation
Woldeyohannes, Yordanos Tibebu; Mohammadkhan, Ali; Ramakrishnan, K. K.; Jiang, Yuming (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Network function virtualization (NFV) implements network middleboxes in software, enabling them to be more flexible and dynamic. NFV resource allocation methods can exploit the capabilities of virtualization to dynamically ... -
Consensus-based Distributed Algorithm for Multisensor-Multitarget Tracking under Unknown-but-Bounded Disturbances
Erofeeva, Victoria; Granichin, Oleg; Ivanskiy, Yury; Jiang, Yuming; Proskurnikov, Anton; Sergeenko, Anna (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)We consider a dynamic network of sensors that cooperate to estimate parameters of multiple targets. Each sensor can observe parameters of a few targets, reconstructing the trajectories of the remaining targets via interactions ...