Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Jaschke, Johannes"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Control-Oriented Modeling of Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzer
Espedal Kindem, Brita (Master thesis, 2024)Med sin høye energitetthet og fleksible lagringsmuligheter, fremst˚ar grønt hydrogen som et lovende alternativ til fossile brensler [30]. I motsetning til konvensjonelle energikilder, kan grønt hydrogen produseres bærekraftig, ... -
Extracting Valuable Information from Big Data for Machine Learning Control: An Application for a Gas Lift Process
Dias, Ana Carolina Spindola Rangel; Soares, Felipo Rojas; Jaschke, Johannes; de Souza, Mauricio Bezerra; Pinto, Jose Carlos (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The present work investigated the use of an echo state network for a gas lift oil well. The main contribution is the evaluation of the network performance under conditions normally faced in a real production system: noisy ... -
Investigation of the Effect of Uncertain Parameters on a Gas-Lifted Oil Network Using a Non-Linear Model Predictive Control (MPC)
Zamani Meighani, Amirreza (Master thesis, 2022)Dette arbeidet er å finne effekten av å endre viktige parametere i et gassløftet oljeproduksjonsnettverk på produksjonshastigheten og kontrollerens oppførsel. For å kunne teste og undersøke effektene, er en matematisk ... -
Sensitivity-Based Economic NMPC with a Path-Following Approach
Suwartadi, Eka; Jaschke, Johannes (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)We present a sensitivity-based predictor-corrector path-following algorithm for fast nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) and demonstrate it on a large case study with an economic cost function. The path-following ...