Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Holum, Marthe Liss"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Career preferences of business students in Norway and Poland: Factors explaining the choice between public and private sector
Holum, Marthe Liss; Lewicka, Dagmara; Opstad, Leiv Trygve; Zając, Paweł (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)There is competition between the public and private sectors to attract a highly qualified workforce in business and management. This study contributes to understanding the factors that influence students' choices, which ... -
Digital endringsprosess
Aune, Martine (Bachelor thesis, 2019)Denne bacheloroppgaven tar for seg hvordan implementeringen av en digital endring påvirker ansatte i en fastsatt bedrift. Endringen gjelder bedriften Norges Senior Shop og har bakgrunn i nytt lovfestet reglement som krever ... -
Does Local Sporting Success Affect Sport Participation? An Examination of Danish Professional Soccer’s Effect on Club Membership
Storm, Rasmus K.; Holum, Marthe Liss (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The body of literature examining potential trickle-down effects from elite sport success to mass sport participation has grown considerably over the years. The evidence is mixed but generally suggests that when a nation’s ... -
Economic growth versus the environment: government spending, trust, and citizen support for environmental protection
Holum, Marthe Liss; Jakobsen, Tor Georg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Support for sustainability activities among citizens will also increase the probability of more sustainable choices being made by governments. In this study, we investigate the relationship between prioritization of ... -
En kvantitativ studie om outsourcing og backsourcing av IT-tjenester i norske kommuner
Bjørne-Larsen, Elias (Bachelor thesis, 2020)Outsourcing er et dagsaktuelt tema, med stor innflytelse på hvordan den norske offentlige sektoren driftes og digitaliseres. Denne oppgaven tar for seg hvordan faktorer innen motivasjon, utfordringer og strategi påvirker ... -
Endringsledelse i en kommune - en demografisk ledelsesutfordring?
York, Nicholas Alexander; Dahl, Merethe Kopreitan (Master thesis, 2022)Hensikten med denne studien er å undersøke i hvilken grad de individuelle faktorene sektortilhørighet, lederansvar, alder, utdanningsnivå og kjønn påvirker de ansattes forhold til endringsledelse i Indre Fosen kommune. ... -
Ethnic discrimination in Scandinavia: evidence from a field experiment in women’s amateur soccer
Storm, Rasmus K.; Nesseler, Cornel Maria; Holum, Marthe Liss; Nygaard, Andreas; Jakobsen, Tor Georg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In this paper, we examine ethnic discrimination using sport as a laboratory. Applying a field experiment in the three Scandinavian countries—Sweden, Norway, and Denmark—we test whether foreign female minority groups ... -
Free-market capitalism, interpersonal trust, and trust in political institutions: a multilevel empirical analysis, 1994–2014
de Soysa, Indra; Jakobsen, Tor Georg; Holum, Marthe Liss (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Trust is important in terms of achieving economic efficiency, as it reduces the need for costly systems of supervision and control with regards to transactions in a society. Employing data from the World Values Survey and ... -
Governance of a Public Sector Joint Venture: The Control Challenges of Dominated Owners
Holum, Marthe Liss (Journal article, 2016)Local governments increasingly choose to provide a wide range of services through cooperation with other local governments. Providing complex services through intergovernmental units creates collaboration risks and collective ... -
How does competitive tendering and contracting affect satisfaction with municipal health and care services?
Holum, Marthe Liss (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)In this article, an investigation is made into the relationship between competitive tendering and contracting and satisfaction with health and care services in Norwegian municipalities. There is an ongoing public debate ... -
Hvordan kan kommuner ta i bruk outsourcing av IT for å nå sin IT-visjon
Bye, Runar; Skrivervik, Endre Tonning Sehm (Bachelor thesis, 2019)Denne oppgaven har som hensikt å drøfte hvilke sourcing-strategier kommuner tar i bruk og til hvilken grad de benyttes. Videre ser oppgaven på hvordan de har tatt i bruk disse strategiene for å nå sine mål og visjoner. Vi ... -
Inter-Municipal Cooperation and Satisfaction with Services: Evidence from the Norwegian Citizen Study
Holum, Marthe Liss; Jakobsen, Tor Georg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)We investigate the effects of inter-municipal cooperation on citizen satisfaction with fire services and refuse handling. While there is a growing interest in cooperation as a way of providing municipal services, little ... -
Intermunicipal Cooperation And The Choice Of Organizational Form: Independent Joint Ventures Versus Contractual Agreements
Holum, Marthe Liss (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This article investigates the choice of organizational form in the context of intermunicipal cooperation on fire and rescue services in Norway. The choice of corporate or contractual form is expected to be affected by two ... -
Utregningsmodeller for ROI kalkulasjoner på SaaS-prosjekter
Knutsen, Odin Hallvard (Bachelor thesis, 2020)Meningen med denne bacheloroppgaven er å finne modeller for utregning av ROI (Return on Investment) i en SaaS-bedrift (Software-as-a-Service). Det vil bli brukt litteratur og forskning på området til å avgrense hvilke ... -
Utvikling og teknologiakseptanse av en innovativ investeringsapplikasjon
Nielsen, Bjørn Krarup Randa; Nielsen, Thomas Esperum; Vambheim, Pål Djuve (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Formål Gitt økningen i unge investorer, er tilgjengeligheten på avanserte investeringsverktøy mangelfull for uerfarne investorer. Oppgavens formål er å utforske hvordan implementasjon av designprinsipper kan påvirke aksept ...