Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Holden, Christian"
Now showing items 1-20 of 60
A Comparison of Hazards and Efficiencies of Conventional and Adaptive Control Algorithms Using Systems-Theoretic Process Analysis
Ohrem, Sveinung Johan; Kim, Hyungju; Lundteigen, Mary Ann; Holden, Christian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Control systems are an important and increasingly complex part of most industrial and non-industrial systems. As such, identifying and handling associated risks is increasingly important. Systems- Theoretic Process Analysis ... -
Adaptive Control of Subsea Processes
Ohrem, Sveinung Johan (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:217, Doctoral thesis, 2019) -
Adaptive controller and observer design using open and closed-loop reference models for linear time-invariant systems with unknown dynamics
Ohrem, Sveinung Johan; Holden, Christian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This article presents an output feedback controller and observer design approach for linear time-invariant systems with unknown dynamics. The presented method uses an open-loop reference model to generate the desired ... -
Adaptive Feedback Linearizing Control of a Gas Liquid Cylindrical Cyclone
Ohrem, Sveinung Johan; Kristoffersen, Torstein Thode; Holden, Christian (Chapter, 2017)As subsea production of oil and gas reaches deeper and more remote waters, the need for more compact separation equipment arises. The gas hquid cylindrical cyclone (GLCC) is a widely used separation device in topside ... -
An exploration of acoustic gas leak and anomaly detections suitability for autonomous inspections in industrial plants
Berg-Hansen, Simen (Master thesis, 2022)I dag blir mange feil i industrianlegg funnet av kvalifiserte arbeidere som utfører manuelle inspeksjoner og bruker hørselen for å oppdage skadede maskiner eller lekkasjer. Equinor har begynt overgangen til inspeksjoner ... -
Analysis and Optimization of Sinus Lifting in Snake Robots
Sue-Chu, Christine Maria (Master thesis, 2013)Snake robots have been around for decades. The study on snake robots started in 1946 when Gray performed a mathematical analysis on the biological snake. Hirose followed his course and developed the world's first snake ... -
Application of modified Model Reference Adaptive Controller and Observer (MRACO) for speed control of an unmanned underwater vehicle
Ohrem, Sveinung Johan; Haugaløkken, Bent Oddvar Arnesen; Holden, Christian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Applications of Maximum Likelihood Estimation in a First Principle VFM-Model
Madslien, Aksel (Master thesis, 2022)Empiriske og mekanistiske modeller mangler generelt nok presisjon til å predikere trykkfallet for flerfasestrømninger i rør. Dessuten er anvendeligheten til disse modellene vanligvis dårlig. Ulike tiltak kan gjøres i et ... -
Applied Nonlinear Compressor Control with Gain Scheduling and State Estimation
Tengesdal, Njål; Kristoffersen, Torstein Thode; Holden, Christian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Subsea gas compressors are key components for both increased and accelerated hydrocarbon production. Compressors enable the development of fields that are remote, in deep waters, or have low and/or reduced reservoir pressure. ... -
Automate Offshore Oil Production - Designing an End-Effector for Autonomous Robotic FilterReplacement on the Munin Platform
Kindervaag, John Fredrik (Master thesis, 2023)Denne masteroppgaven presenterer utviklingen og evalueringen av en robotiskgriper designet for å automatisere filterbytteprosessen i et vannfjerningssystem forgassproduksjon. Prosjektet tar for seg utfordringene knyttet ... -
Completion of Compact Separator Laboratory
Hellem, Magnus; Djupvik, Jens (Master thesis, 2017)As the petroleum business explore deeper waters and more remote locations in the quest for new hydrocarbon reservoirs, challenges that were not that relevant in earlier years now become more common. To face these challenges, ... -
Component-Based Modeling and Simulation of Nonlinear Drill-String Dynamics
Tengesdal, Njål Kjærnes; Holden, Christian; Pedersen, Eilif (Chapter, 2019)In this paper, we present a dynamic model for a generic drill-string. The model is developed with the intention for component-based simulation with coupling to external subsystems. The performance of the drill-string is ... -
Control and Sensor Systems for Offshore and Aquaculture Cranes
Strand, Aslak J. (Master thesis, 2021)Ettersom offshore industrien er like viktig i dag som tidligere, er det nødvendig med ny og forbedret teknologi for å håndtere mulige problemer som kan oppstå. Derfor vil vi igjennom denne oppgaven se på muligheten for å ... -
Controller and observer design for first order LTI systems with unknown dynamics
Ohrem, Sveinung Johan; Holden, Christian (Chapter, 2018)The design of controllers and observers often relies on first order models of the system in question. These models are often obtained either through step-response tests, through on-line or off-line identification, or through ... -
Controller Design and Control Structure Analysis for a Novel Oil–Water Multi-Pipe Separator
Ohrem, Sveinung Johan; Skjefstad, Håvard Slettahjell; Stanko, Milan; Holden, Christian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)To enable more efficient production of hydrocarbons on the seabed in waters where traditional separator equipment is infeasible, the offshore oil and gas industry is leaning towards more compact separation equipment. A ... -
Crane Pose Estimation using IMU and Computer Vision
Nilsen, Espen Marsteng (Master thesis, 2022)Kranoperasjoner om bord på skip blir gjennomført til stadighet i maritim industri i dag. Slike kranoperasjoner er utsatt for lastsvingninger på grunn av skipets bevegelser. Lastsvingninger utgjør en risiko for både mennesker ... -
De-Oiling Hydrocyclones: Theoretical Study of Produced Water Treatment Using Hydrocyclones in Parallel and Series
Kalac, Amer (Master thesis, 2022)Produsert vann er en stor utfordring i olje -og gass industrien. Utslipp av oljete vann i havet er den største forurensningskilden i et produksjonsfelt, så tilstrekkelig separasjon av olje/vann er avgjørende for å følge ... -
Design of a Small-Scale Packer Element Tester
Hassan, Mian Faran (Master thesis, 2023)Denne oppgaven hadde som mål å designe en små skala pakningstester. Hensikten med å bygge dette produktet er å gjøre det mulig for Interwell å forske på og bygge mer pålitelige broplugger. Metoden som ble innlemmet i ... -
Design of a test facility for oil-water separation and water treatment
Nørgaard, Marie (Master thesis, 2023)Subsea separasjon er en ettertraktet teknologi for olje- og gassindustrien, men det er nødvendig med videre forskning for å gjøre den konkurransedyktig. To testanlegg for subsea separasjon har blitt bygget ved NTNU som en ... -
Design of Compact Separator Laboratory
Ellefsen, Andre Listou; Aasen, Emil Yde (Master thesis, 2016)Most of the easily accessible offshore oil and gas resources have been developed. As a result of this, subsea production and processing has over the last decade been regarded as the future of the offshore oil and gas ...