Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Hilt, Bjørn"
Anxiety and depression symptoms among farmers. The HUNT Study, Norway.
Torske, Magnhild Oust; Hilt, Bjørn; Glasscock, David; Lundqvist, Peter; Krokstad, Steinar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Agriculture has undergone profound changes, and farmers face a wide variety of stressors. Our aim was to study the levels of anxiety and depression symptoms among Norwegian farmers compared with other occupational groups. ... -
Association between exposure to different stone aggregates from asphalt and blood coagulability: A human exposure chamber study
Nitter, Therese Bergh; Hilt, Bjørn; Svendsen, Kristin V Hirsch; Buhagen, Morten; Jørgensen, Rikke Bramming (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)A large fraction of particulate matter (PM), especially PM10, concentrations are due to non-exhaust emissions, such as road abrasion and wear on tires and brake pads. Concentrating on road abrasion, we aimed to investigate ... -
Cooks, work environment and health: Experimental studies of exposure to cooking fumes, and epidemiological investigations in a cohort
Svedahl, Sindre Rabben (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:335, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Kokker, arbeidsmiljø og helse -Eksperimentelle studier av eksponering for stekeos, og epidemiologiske undersøkelser i en kohort Allerede i de Hippokratiske tekstene fra omtrent 400 år f. kr., fremholdes det at frisk luft ... -
Disability pension and symptoms of anxiety and depression: a prospective comparison of farmers and other occupational groups. The HUNT Study, Norway.
Torske, Magnhild Oust; Hilt, Bjørn; Bjørngaard, Johan Håkon; Glasscock, David; Krokstad, Steinar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Objectives: Agriculture has undergone major changes, and farmers have been found to have a high prevalence of depression symptoms. We investigated the risk of work disability in Norwegian farmers compared with other ... -
Element content and bioaccessibility assessment of different size fractions of airborne particulate matter Ambient exposure (Trondheim, Norway) and occupational exposure (rehabilitation of the Freifjord tunnel, Norway)
Weggeberg, Hanne (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:359, Doctoral thesis, 2019) -
Farmers' mental health: A longitudinal sibling comparison - the HUNT study, Norway
Torske, Magnhild Oust; Bjørngaard, Johan Håkon; Hilt, Bjørn; Glasscock, David; Krokstad, Steinar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Objective: Studies of the mental health of farmers have been largely cross-sectional and possibly confounded. We performed a prospective cohort study as well as a sibling comparison to control for unmeasured confounding. ... -
Mental health in Norwegian farmers: The HUNT Study
Torske, Magnhild Oust (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:270, Doctoral thesis, 2017)Agriculture in industrialized countries has undergone major structural changes in recent decades. Farmers are exposed to a number of work-related stressors, such as high levels of work, unfavourable weather, financial ... -
Neurotoxic effects of mercury exposure in dental personnel
Bjørklund, Geir; Hilt, Bjørn; Dadar, Maryam; Lindh, U; Aaseth, Jan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Numerous studies have reported neurobehavioural effects in dental personnel occupationally exposed to chronic low levels of mercury (Hg). Hg exposure from dental work may also induce various chronic conditions such as ... -
Nonfatal occupational injuries in norwegian Farmers
Svendsen, Kristin V Hirsch; Aas, Oddfrid; Hilt, Bjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Background Agriculture ranks among the most dangerous trades worldwide. There is, however, still a lack of knowledge on nonfatal injuries in agriculture. The aim of this study was to describe the nature and occurrence of ... -
Occupational health and safety in agriculture– a brief report on organization, legislation and support in selected european countries
Jakob, Martina Carola; Santa, Dushica; Holte, Kari Anne; Sikkeland, Inger Johanne; Hilt, Bjørn; Lundqvist, Peter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Introduction and objective: Agriculture and forestry are among the most dangerous professions in Europe, with a high level of accidents affecting the sustainability and viability of the sector. International conventions, ... -
Occurrence of Cognitive and Neurological Symptoms in Norwegian Dentists
Hilt, Bjørn; Svendsen, Kristin V Hirsch; Syversen, Tore; Aas, Oddfrid; Qvenild, Torgunn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Objectives: Previous investigations have presented some evidence of late cognitive effects in dental personnel exposed to metallic mercury. We wanted to examine if Norwegian dentists have an increased prevalence of symptoms ... -
Short term exposure to low amounts of airway irritants in a swine confinement building and inflammatory markers in blood and exhaled air
Lyngen, Bjørn Arnt; Buhagen, Morten; Qvenild, Torgunn; Svendsen, Kristin V Hirsch; Tufvesson, Ellen; Hilt, Bjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Introduction and objective. Swine confinement buildings are known to contain large concentrations of airway irritants, and a number of studies have shown acute inflammatory effects in previously unexposed subjects when ... -
Short-term exposure to stone minerals used in asphalt affect lung function and promote pulmonary inflammation among healthy adults
Moazami, Therese Nitter; Hilt, Bjørn; Sørås, Kirsti; Svendsen, Kristin V Hirsch; Dahlman, Hans-Jørgen; Refsnes, Magne Arnold; Låg, Marit; Øvrevik, Johan; Jørgensen, Rikke Bramming (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Objective Stone minerals are a partially ignored environmental challenge but a significant contributor to urban air pollution. We examined if short-term exposure to two stone minerals – quartz diorite and rhomb porphyry – ... -
Symptoms of depression and all-cause mortality in farmers, a cohort study: The HUNT study, Norway
Letnes, Jon Magne; Torske, Magnhild Oust; Hilt, Bjørn; Bjørngaard, Johan Håkon; Krokstad, Steinar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Objectives: To explore all-cause mortality and the association between symptoms of depression and all-cause mortality in farmers compared with other occupational groups, using a prospective cohort design. Methods: ... -
The agreement between workers and within workers in regard to occupational exposure to mercury in dental practice assessed from a questionnaire and an interview
Svendsen, Kristin V Hirsch; Hilt, Bjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Background The correct assessment and classification of exposure is essential in epidemiology. The validity of exposure data obtained by the use of questionnaires is, however, seldom evaluated. When conducting a study on ... -
Work environment factors and respiratory complaints in Norwegian cooks
Svedahl, Sindre Rabben; Hilt, Bjørn; Svendsen, Kristin V Hirsch (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Purpose Norwegian cooks exhibit relatively high mortality, particularly from respiratory diseases. Both occupational hazards and lifestyle factors have been suggested as possible explanations. Negative health effects from ... -
Work environment factors and work sustainability in Norwegian cooks
Svedahl, Sindre Rabben; Svendsen, Kristin V Hirsch; Romundstad, Pål Richard; Qvenild, Torgunn; Strømholm, Tonje; Aas, Oddfrid; Hilt, Bjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Objectives: Cooks have increased morbidity and mortality. A high turnover has also been reported. We aimed to elucidate work environment and work sustainability in Norwegian cooks. Material and Methods: A questionnaire ...