Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Haugland, Helge"
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Can video communication in the emergency medical communication centre improve dispatch precision? A before-after study in Norwegian helicopter emergency medical services
Ulvin, Ole Erik Eide; Skjærseth, Eivinn Årdal; Krüger, Andreas Jørstad; Thorsen, Kjetil; Nordseth, Trond; Haugland, Helge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Abstract Objectives Dispatching helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) to the patients with the greatest medical or logistical benefit remains challenging. The introduction of video calls (VC) in the emergency medical ... -
Characteristics of the most severely ill and injured patients in a Norwegian helicopter emergency medical service: a retrospective cohort study
Pedersen, Eirik Ringen; Haugland, Helge; Brede, Jostein Rødseth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Physician-staffed helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) are dispatched to a variety of incidents, ranging from less serious to life-threatening. The skillset of a physician may be important to provide ... -
Characteristics of the most severely ill and injured patients in a Norwegian Helicopter Emergency Medical Service: A retrospective cohort study
Ringen, Eirik (Master thesis, 2024)Bakgrunn Legebemannet luftambulanse i Norga kalles ut til et bredt spekter hendelser, fra mindre alvolige til livstruende. Ferdihetene en lege tilbyr kan være viktige for å tilby adekvat helsehjelp til de meste skadde- og ... -
The introduction of a regional Norwegian HEMS coordinator: an assessment of the effects on response times, geographical service areas and severity scores
Ulvin, Ole Erik; Skjærseth, Eivinn Årdal; Haugland, Helge; Thorsen, Kjetil; Nordseth, Trond; Orre, Marie Ting Falch; Vesterhus, Lars; Krüger, Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background Due to unwanted delays and suboptimal resource control of helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS), regional HEMS coordinators have recently been introduced in Norway. This may represent an unnecessary ... -
Mortality rates in Norwegian HEMS – a retrospective analysis from Central Norway
Wekre, Stian Lande (Master thesis, 2024)Bakgrunn: Luftambulansen tilbyr rask og spesialisert behandling til kritisk syke eller skadde pasienter. Lutambulansen i Midt-Norge spiller en viktig rolle i prehospital akuttmedisinsk behandling. For å vurdere alvorlighetsgraden ... -
Mortality rates in Norwegian HEMS-a retrospective analysis from Central Norway
Wekre, Stian Lande; Uleberg, Oddvar; Næss, Lars Eide; Haugland, Helge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background: Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) provide rapid and specialized care to critically ill or injured patients. Norwegian HEMS in Central Norway serves an important role in pre-hospital emergency medical ... -
Når akutt syke pasienter må vente på ambulansen – en deskriptiv studie av akutthjelperordningen i Sør-Trøndelag
Lindeman, Andreas; Næss, Lars Eide; Vesterhus, Lars; Maude-Bakken, Ann-Britt; Krüger, Andreas; Haugland, Helge (Master thesis, 2024)Bakgrunn Akutthjelpere har vært en prehospital akuttmedisinsk ressurs i norske kommuner siden 2010, men ordningen har ikke blitt studert. Hensikten med studien var å beskrive akutthjelperordningen i Sør-Trøndelag og hvordan ... -
Nytt redningshelikopters innvirkning på redningstjenestens oppdragsprofil
Haugland, Helge; Klüver, Jens; Bottolfs, Bjørn; Singstad, Asbjørn; Dale, Jostein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)BAKGRUNN Byttet av redningshelikopter fra Sea King til SAR Queen har vært omdiskutert. Flere sykehus kan ikke lenger ta imot redningshelikopter pga. det økte vindtrykket fra SAR Queen. Av samme grunn har det vært usikkert ... -
Posttraumatic Stress Responses and Psychological Well-being in Norwegian Medical Helicopter Personnel
Reid, Bjørn Ole; Næss-Pleym, Lars E.; Haugland, Helge; Dale, Jostein; Uleberg, Oddvar; Nordstrand, Andreas Espetvedt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Objective Emergency medical personnel are exposed to multiple stressors, including those of psychological etiologies. The aim of this study was to report the prevalence of anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress ... -
Pre-hospital care for children - a descriptive study from Central Norway
Myhre, Martine (Master thesis, 2024)SAMMENDRAG BAKGRUNN Pediatriske og nyfødte pasienter utgjør en liten del av den prehospitale pasientpopulasjonen, og den kliniske karakteren til disse pasientene er lite beskrevet. Det er viktig å kjenne til epidemiologien ... -
Prehospital tracheal intubations by anaesthetist-staffed critical care teams: a prospective observational multicentre study
Broms, Jacob; Linhardt, Christian; Fevang, Espen; Helliksson, Fredrik; Skallsjö, Gabriel; Haugland, Helge; Knudsen, Jens S.; Bekkevold, Marit; Tvede, Michael F.; Brandenstein, Patrick; Hansen, Troels M.; Krüger, Andreas Jørstad; Rognås, Leif Kåre; Lossius, Hans Morten; Gellerfors, Mikael (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background Prehospital tracheal intubation is a potentially lifesaving intervention, but is associated with prolonged time on-scene. Some services strongly advocate performing the procedure outside of the ambulance or ... -
Quality in physician-staffed pre-hospital emergency medical services– developing a method for continuous quality estimation
Haugland, Helge (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:89, Doctoral thesis, 2020) -
Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest – A Delphi consensus study for uniform data collection
Brede, Jostein Rødseth; Gamberini, Lorenzo; Haugland, Helge; Hoareau, Guillaume L.; Haenggi, Matthias; Greif, Robert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background Evolving research on resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) as an adjunct treatment for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest mandates uniform recording and reporting of data. A consensus ... -
Using machine learning to assess the extent of busy ambulances and its impact on ambulance response times: A retrospective observational study
Næss, Lars Eide; Krüger, Andreas Jørstad; Uleberg, Oddvar; Haugland, Helge; Dale, Jostein; Wattø, Jon-Ola; Nilsen, Sara Marie; Asheim, Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Ambulance response times are considered important. Busy ambulances are common, but little is known about their effect on response times. Objective To assess the extent of busy ambulances in Central Norway ...