Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Haskins, Cecilia"
Now showing items 1-20 of 52
A framework for production rescheduling in sociotechnical manufacturing environments
Arica, Emrah; Haskins, Cecilia; Strandhagen, Jan Ola (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)No plan survives contact with reality. Despite the rich research base regarding handling uncertainty in production planning and control systems, there is an intellectual gap between theory and practice with regard to ... -
A Guideline for the Dynamic Barrier Management Framework Based on System Thinking
Hosseinnia Davatgar, Behnaz; Haskins, Cecilia; Reniers, Genserik; Paltrinieri, Nicola (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Accident investigations in process industry indicate that inadequate barrier management has been one of the main causes of many major accidents. Barriers degrade over time and at different rates, and these degradations may ... -
A systems engineering–based approach for framing reliability, availability, and maintainability: A case study for subsea design
Zhang, Juntao; Haskins, Cecilia; Liu, Yiliu; Lundteigen, Mary Ann (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Framing reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM) aspects are critical for an engineering design, as RAM is concerned with the sustained capability of a system throughout its useful life. RAM analysts are responsible ... -
Addressing the Sustainable Development Goals with a System-of-Systems for Monitoring Arctic Coastal Regions
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn; Birkeland, Roger; Haskins, Cecilia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Norway has a large coastal industry and a strong motivation for developing systems to enable sustainable management of ocean resources. Recent advances in collaborating autonomous systems, Internet-of-Things, microsatellites, ... -
An Automated and Coordinated Collision Avoidance System for Operators of Small Satellites in Low Earth Orbit
Foss, Edvard (Master thesis, 2021)Rommiljøet endrer seg raskt. Flere objekter skytes opp i verdensrommet enn noen gang før. Dermed vil krysnings-hendelser, og dermed mulige kollisjoner i lav jordbane, kunne skje flere ganger daglig, sammenlignet med månedlig ... -
Application of set-based concurrent engineering to shipbuilding projects
Milanovic, Vuk (Master thesis, 2016)In today s shipbuilding industry, companies are looking to make their design process more efficient so they can have more economically viable and faster lead-times on their ships. Much of today s shipbuilding is being done ... -
Application of Systems Engineering and Sustainable Development Goals towards Sustainable Management of Fishing Gear Resources in Norway
Deshpande, Paritosh; Haskins, Cecilia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Commercial fishing is a critical economic sector for Norway, yet deficiency of scientific information, regulatory instruments, inadequate implementation, and lack of management infrastructure are among the significant ... -
Application of systems engineering to structuring acquisition decisions for marine emission reduction technologies
Aspen, Dina Margrethe; Haskins, Cecilia; Fet, Annik Magerholm (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Due to increasingly strict environmental regulation of marine transportation, vessel operators and other stakeholders are required to evaluate feasible compliance measures in the face of multiple criteria and with attention ... -
Applications of KBE to Shipbuilding Projects in Ulstein International AS
Snørteland, Marthe Oline (Master thesis, 2017)In this thesis applications of KBE to shipbuilding projects, particularly knowledge documentation, has been investigated. Due to the increasing complexity of knowledge and shipbuilding projects in general, the need for ... -
Applying systems engineering to roadmapping for digital transformation in the offshore exploration and production supply chain operations
Czachorowski, Karen Vanessa; Haskins, Cecilia (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This article presents the results of the third cycle of an Action Research (AR) study conducted in an offshore exploration and production (E&P) operator on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) that investigated a digital ... -
Assembly, Integration and Testing of a Hyperspectral Imaging Payload for a 6U CubeSat
Hjertenæs, Martine Aasen (Master thesis, 2021)De siste årene har det vært en økning i mengden og/eller intensiteten av algeoppblomstring utenfor den norske kysten. En måte å observere dette store, potensielt skadelige fenomenet på, er med små satellitter. HYPSO-prosjektet ... -
Cascading trade-off studies for robotic deburring systems
Onstein, Ingrid Fjordheim; Haskins, Cecilia; Semeniuta, Oleksandr (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Advanced manufacturing technologies play an important role in keeping production in high-cost countries. Due to their flexibility, robot-based solutions have been one of the major enablers in establishing advanced manufacturing ... -
Consequence Analysis of Hydrogen Explosion during Transportation
Jilani, Asim Mansoor (Master thesis, 2021)Nye karbonutslippsmål for 2050 er i topp interesse for markedet for hydrogen som en alternativ energikilde. MCE, en leverandør av løsninger for veitransport, ba om støtte til planlegging og beslutningstaking angående ... -
Coping with Verification in Complex Engineered Product Development
Skreddernes, Ola Kristoffer; Haugen, Rune Andre; Haskins, Cecilia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Coping with system verification in complex systems is a challenging task. This paper reports on how the high complexity of closely integrated systems and long timelines in development affects the verification process in ... -
Development of an Efficient Gearbox for DNV GL Fuel Fighter
Pedersen, Stein Marius (Master thesis, 2020)Dette dokument presenterer prosessen rundt utviklingen av en helt ny girboks for DNV GL Fuel Fighter 2020 bilen. Dette fra de første skisser til ett fullt utvikliet konsept klar for produksjon. Hovedmålet med prosjektet ... -
Digital Engineering Management in an Academic CubeSat Project
Honoré-Livermore, Evelyn; Birkeland, Roger; Bakken, Sivert; Garrett, Joseph; Haskins, Cecilia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Digital engineering is increasingly introduced for managing and supporting the development of systems for space. However, few academic teams have the competency needed to manage projects using digital engineering and systems ... -
Digital Twin Concept for Risk Analysis of Oil Storage Tanks in Operations: a Systems Engineering Approach
Lee, Shenae; Haskins, Cecilia; Paltrinieri, Nicola (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This paper presents an approach to develop a risk monitoring tool for oil storage facilities. The suggested approach is derived from the existing dynamic risk analysis (DRA) methods and the digital twin concepts. One of ... -
Evaluation of the Implementation of Additive Manufacturing as Production Method for the Payload of a Hyperspectral Imager
Gjerde, Eli Indbjo (Master thesis, 2021)Bruksområdene for additiv tilvirkning har de siste årene økt kraftig. Dette gjelder også for romfartøy, selv om bruken er langt fra like massiv. HYPSO -prosjektet har startet planleggingen av den andre satellitten, og deler ... -
Human dimensions of natural resource management for the Vosso wild salmon population: A systems thinking approach
Gajic, Nevena (Master thesis, 2011)Vosso, the second-largest watershed in Norway, was considered special as it produced some of the biggest salmon in the country. This salmon had economic, cultural as well as ecological importance. Due to its diversity, it ... -
Implementing Lean Systems Engineering in the DNV Fuel Fighter project
Tonning, Oluf Roar Bjørset (Master thesis, 2012)This thesis is a practical application of Systems Engineering in a full-scale project. The author has participated as a member of NTNU's Eco-marathon team, who has spent the last two semesters designing and manufacturing ...