Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Hammer, Morten"
Now showing items 1-20 of 32
Accurate quantum-corrected cubic equations of state for helium, neon, hydrogen, deuterium and their mixtures
Aasen, Ailo; Hammer, Morten; Lasala, Silvia; Jaubert, Jean-Noël; Wilhelmsen, Øivind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Cubic equations of state have thus far yielded poor predictions of the thermodynamic properties of quantum fluids such as hydrogen, helium and deuterium at low temperatures. Furthermore, the shape of the optimal α functions ... -
Bulk and interfacial thermodynamics of ammonia, water and their mixtures
Aasen, Ailo; Jervell, Vegard Gjeldvik; Hammer, Morten; Strøm, Bjørn; Skarsvåg, Hans Langva; Wilhelmsen, Øivind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Bulk and interfacial thermodynamics of ammonia, water and their mixtures -
Bulk and interfacial thermodynamics of mixtures: From aqueous systems to ultracryogenic fluids
Aasen, Ailo (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:38, Doctoral thesis, 2020) -
Choice of reference, influence of non-additivity and present challenges in thermodynamic perturbation theory for mixtures
Hammer, Morten; Aasen, Ailo; Ervik, Åsmund; Wilhelmsen, Øivind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This work revisits the fundamentals of thermodynamic perturbation theory for fluid mixtures. The choice of reference and governing assumptions can profoundly influence the accuracy of the perturbation theory. The statistical ... -
Classical density functional theory for interfacial properties of hydrogen, helium, deuterium, neon and their mixtures
Hammer, Morten; Bauer, Gernot; Stierle, Rolf; Gross, Joachim; Wilhelmsen, Øivind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The DFT is developed to study the interfacial properties of hydrogen, helium, neon, deuterium and their mixtures, i.e. fluids that are strongly influenced by quantum effects at low temperatures. White Bear fundamental ... -
CO2 pipeline integrity: A coupled fluid-structure model using a reference equation of state for CO2
Aursand, Eskil; Aursand, Peder; Berstad, Torodd; Dørum, Cato; Hammer, Morten; Munkejord, Svend Tollak; Nordhagen, Håkon Ottar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)We present a coupled fluid-structure model to study crack propagation and crack arrest in pipelines. Numerical calculations of crack arrest, crack velocity and pressure profiles have been performed for steel pipes with an ... -
A combined fluid-dynamic and thermodynamic model to predict the onset of rapid phase transitions in LNG spills
Lervåg, Karl Yngve; Skarsvåg, Hans Langva; Aursand, Eskil; Ouassou, Jabir Ali; Hammer, Morten; Reigstad, Gunhild Allard; Ervik, Åsmund; Fyhn, Eirik Holm; Gjennestad, Magnus Aashammer; Aursand, Peder; Wilhelmsen, Øivind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Transport of liquefied natural gas (LNG) by ship occurs globally on a massive scale. The large temperature difference between LNG and water means LNG will boil violently if spilled onto water. This may cause a physical ... -
Depressurization of CO2 in pipes: Analysis of experiments and non-equilibrium flashing flow models
Log, Alexandra Metallinou (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:427, Doctoral thesis, 2023)CO2 capture and storage is expected to play a vital role in reaching net zero emissions by 2050. In this context, large-scale CO2 pipeline transportation networks must be deployed. In order to perform safety analyses and ... -
Depressurization of in a pipe: Effect of initial state on non-equilibrium two-phase flow
Log, Alexandra Metallinou; Hammer, Morten; Deng, Han; Austegard, Anders; Hafner, Armin; Munkejord, Svend Tollak (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)It is key in several industrial applications to accurately describe rapid depressurization of liquid and dense phase states. Examples include refrigeration systems, nuclear reactor cooling and capture and storage (CCS). ... -
Development and investigation of HLLC-type finite-volume methods for one and two-phase flow in pipes with varying cross-sectional area.
Log, Alexandra Metallinou (Master thesis, 2020)I dette arbeidet er den numeriske løseren Harten-Lax van Leer Contact (HLLC) utvidet for å anvendes på strømning i rør med varierende tverrsnitt. I tillegg blir den homogene likevekts-tofasemodellen (HEM) løst av HLLC for ... -
Dynamic Simulation of a Natural Gas Liquefaction Plant
Hammer, Morten (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2004:156, Doctoral thesis, 2004)This thesis describes a new general purpose dynamic process simulator applied to a natural gas liquefaction plant. More specifically, the Multi Fluid Cascade Process (MFCP). MFCP is the “Statoil Linde LNG Technology Alliance” ... -
Equation of state and force fields for Feynman-Hibbs-corrected Mie fluids. II. Application to mixtures of helium, neon, hydrogen and deuterium
Aasen, Ailo; Hammer, Morten; Müller, Erich; Wilhelmsen, Øivind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)We extend the statistical associating fluid theory of quantum corrected Mie potentials (SAFT-VRQ Mie), previously developed for pure fluids [Aasen et al., J. Chem. Phys. 151, 064508 (2019)], to fluid mixtures. In this ... -
Equation of state and force fields for Feynman–Hibbs-corrected Mie fluids. I.Application to pure helium, neon, hydrogen, and deuterium
Aasen, Ailo; Hammer, Morten; Ervik, Åsmund; Müller, Erich A.; Wilhelmsen, Øivind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)We present a perturbation theory that combines the use of a third-order Barker–Henderson expansion of the Helmholtz energy with Miepotentials that include first- (Mie-FH1) and second-order (Mie-FH2) Feynman–Hibbs quantum ... -
Equation of state for confined fluids
Bråten, Vilde; Zhang, Daniel Tianhou; Hammer, Morten; Aasen, Ailo; Schnell, Sondre Kvalvåg; Wilhelmsen, Øivind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Fluids confined in small volumes behave differently than fluids in bulk systems. For bulk systems, a compact summary of the system's thermodynamic properties is provided by equations of state. However, there is currently ... -
Equation of State for Solid Argon Valid for Temperatures up to 300 K and Pressures up to 16 GPa
Maltby, Tage Winther; Hammer, Morten; Wilhelmsen, Øivind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)A new equation of state (EoS) is presented for solid argon. The EoS is based on the quasi-harmonic approximation and formulated in terms of the Helmholtz energy, with temperature and molar volume as independent variables. ... -
Estimating metastable thermodynamic properties by isochoric extrapolation from stable states
Aasen, Ailo; Hammer, Morten; Reguera, David; Wilhelmsen, Øivind (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The description of metastable fluids, those in local but not global equilibrium, remains an important problem of thermodynamics, and it is crucial for many industrial applications and all first order phase transitions. One ... -
Experiments and modelling of choked flow of CO2 in orifices and nozzles
Hammer, Morten; Deng, Han; Austegard, Anders; Log, Alexandra Metallinou; Munkejord, Svend Tollak (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In order to accelerate the deployment of capture and storage (CCS), engineers need experimentally validated models, among other things, to predict the mass flow rate in process equipment and flow restrictions like valves, ... -
Extrapolating into no man's land enables accurate estimation of surface properties with multiparameter equations of state
Hammer, Morten; Aasen, Ailo; Wilhelmsen, Øivind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Thermodynamic properties of homogeneous fluids in the metastable and unstable regions are needed to describe confined fluids, interfaces, nucleating embryos and estimate critical mass flow rates. The most accurate equations ... -
Film boiling and rapid phase transition of liquefied natural gas
Aursand, Eskil (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:70, Doctoral thesis, 2019)When liquefied natural gas (LNG) is spilled onto water there is a possibility that explosive rapid phase transition (RPT) events occur. According to experiments, these vapor explosions are highly unpredictable, with yields ... -
A flashing flow model for the rapid depressurization of CO2 in a pipe accounting for bubble nucleation and growth
Log, Alexandra Metallinou; Hammer, Morten; Munkejord, Svend Tollak (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Flashing flow is encountered in many industrial systems involving nozzles, valves and decompression of vessels and pipes. In the context of CO2 capture and storage (CCS), the design of safe and efficient CO2 transportation ...