Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Hagen, Lars"
Now showing items 1-20 of 27
A Novel Truncated Form of Nephronectin Is Present in Small Extracellular Vesicles Isolated from 66cl4 Cells
Toraskar, Jimita Prashant; Norvoll Magnussen, Synnøve; Hagen, Lars; Sharma, Animesh; Hoang, Linh; Bjørkøy, Geir; Svineng, Gunbjørg; Steigedal, Tonje S. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Extracellular vesicles are emerging as biomarkers in breast cancer. Our recent report suggested that an intracellular granular staining pattern of the extracellular matrix protein nephronectin (NPNT) in breast tumor sections ... -
A targeted mass spectrometry immunoassay to quantify osteopontin in fresh-frozen breast tumors and adjacent normal breast tissues
Macur, Katarzyna; Hagen, Lars; Ciesielski, Thomasz M.; Konieczna, Lucyna; Skokowski, Jaroslaw; Jenssen, Bjørn Munro; Slupphaug, Geir; Baczek, Tomasz (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Osteopontin (OPN) is a multifunctional protein that can activate cell-signaling pathways and lead to cancer development and metastasis. Elevated OPN expression was reported in different cancer types, including breast tumors. ... -
ALKBH3 partner ASCC3 mediates P-body formation and selective clearance of MMS-induced 1-methyladenosine and 3-methylcytosine from mRNA
Wollen, Kristian Lied; Hagen, Lars; Vågbø, Cathrine Broberg; Rabe, Renana; Iveland, Tobias Solli; Aas, Per Arne; Sharma, Animesh; Sporsheim, Bjørnar; Erlandsen, Hilde O.; Palibrk, Vuk; Bjørås, Magnar; Fonseca, Davi de Miranda; Mosammaparast, Nima; Slupphaug, Geir (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background: Reversible enzymatic methylation of mammalian mRNA is widespread and serves crucial regulatory functions, but little is known to what degree chemical alkylators mediate overlapping modifcations and whether cells ... -
Analysis of protein-nucleic acids interactions involved in handling of genotoxic stress
Steen, Kristian Wollen (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2016:323, Doctoral thesis, 2016) -
Antibody cross-linking and target elution protocols used for immunoprecipitation significantly modulate signal-to noise ratio in downstream 2D-PAGE analysis
Sousa, Mirta; Steen, Kristian Wollen; Hagen, Lars; Slupphaug, Geir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Background Immunoprecipitation and subsequent 2D-PAGE/mass spectrometry are powerful tools to study post-translational protein modifications. Often disregarded in this workflow is the impact of the chemical cross-linker ... -
Association of serum cortisol and cortisone levels and risk of recurrence after endocrine treatment in breast cancer
Wang, Feng; Giskeødegård, Guro F.; Skarra, Sissel; Engstrøm, Monica Jernberg; Hagen, Lars; Geisler, Jürgen; Mikkola, Tomi S.; Tikkanen, Matti J.; Debik, Julia; Reidunsdatter, Randi Johansen; Bathen, Tone Frost (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Metabolic reprogramming in breast cancer involves changes in steroid hormone synthesis and metabolism. Alterations in estrogen levels in both breast tissue and blood may influence carcinogenesis, breast cancer growth, and ... -
Biomarker discovery in multiple myeloma progression by quantitative proteomics
Dikic, Aida (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:305, Doctoral thesis, 2018)SAMMENDRAG Myelomatose (multipel myelom, benmargskreft) er en krefttype som skyldes ukontrollert vekst av plasmaceller i benmarg. Det er den nest vanligste hematologiske kreftformen og rammer ca. 300 personer i Norge hvert ... -
Cancer-induced muscle atrophy is determined by intrinsic muscle oxidative capacity
Alves, Christiano R. R.; Eichelberger, Eric J.; das Neves, Willian; Ribeiro, Márcio A. C.; Bechara, Luiz R.G.; Voltarelli, Vanessa A.; de Almeida, Ney R.; Hagen, Lars; Sharma, Animesh; Ferreira, Julio C. B.; Swoboda, Kathryn J.; Slupphaug, Geir; Brum, Patricia C. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)We tested the hypothesis that cancer cachexia progression would induce oxidative post-translational modifications (Ox-PTMs) associated with skeletal muscle wasting, with different responses in muscles with the prevalence ... -
Complex alternative splicing of human Endonuclease V mRNA, but evidence for only a single protein isoform
Berges, Natalia; Nawaz, Meh Sameen; Dahl, Tuva Børresdatter; Hagen, Lars; Bjørås, Magnar; Lærdahl, Jon Kristen; Alseth, Ingrun (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Endonuclease V (ENDOV) is a ribonuclease with affinity for inosine which is the deamination product of adenosine. The genomes of most organisms, including human, encode ENDOV homologs, yet knowledge about in vivo functions ... -
Differential regulation of cysteine oxidative post-translational modifications in high and low aerobic capacity
Souza, Rodrigo W. A.; Alves, Christiano R. R.; Medeiros, Alessandra; Rolim, Natale Pinheiro Lage; Silva, Gustavo Jose Justo; Moreira, Jose Bianco Nascimento; Alves, Marcia Netto Magalhaes; Wohlwend, Martin; Gebriel, Mohammed; Hagen, Lars; Sharma, Animesh; Koch, Lauren G.; Britton, Steven L.; Slupphaug, Geir; Wisløff, Ulrik; Brum, Patricia C. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Given the association between high aerobic capacity and the prevention of metabolic diseases, elucidating the mechanisms by which high aerobic capacity regulates whole-body metabolic homeostasis is a major research challenge. ... -
Enhanced efficacy of bleomycin in bladder cancer cells by photochemical internalization
Baglo, Yan; Hagen, Lars; Høgset, Anders; Drabløs, Finn; Otterlei, Marit; Gederaas, Odrun Arna (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Bleomycin is a cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agent widely used in cancer treatment. However, its efficacy in different cancers is low, possibly due to limited cellular internalization. In this study, a novel approach known ... -
Exercise training reverses cancer-induced oxidative stress and decrease in muscle COPS2/TRIP15/ALIEN
Alves, Christiano R. R.; des Neves, Willian; de Almeida, Ney R; Eichelberger, Eric J; Jannig, Paulo R.; Voltarelli, Vanessa A; Tobias, Gabriel C; Bechara, Luiz R G; de Paula Faria, Daniele; Alves, Maria J N; Hagen, Lars; Sharma, Animesh; Slupphaug, Geir; Moreira, Jose Bianco Nascimento; Wisløff, Ulrik; Hirshman, Michael F.; Negrao, Carlos E.; de Castro Jr, Gilberto; Chammas, Roger; Swoboda, Kathryn J.; Ruas, Jorge L.; Goodyear, Laurie J.; Brum, Patricia Chakur (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Objective We tested the hypothesis that exercise training would attenuate metabolic impairment in a model of severe cancer cachexia. Methods We used multiple in vivo and in vitro methods to explore the mechanisms ... -
A fast, low-cost, robust and high-throughput method for viral nucleic acid isolation based on NAxtra magnetic nanoparticles
Ravlo, Erlend; Sousa, Mirta; Andresen, Lise Lima; Holberg-Petersen, Mona; Klundby, Ingvild; Aas, Per Arne; Hagen, Lars; Erlandsen, Sten Even; Fossum, Janne; Ali, Zeeshan; Sharma, Anuvansh; Ottesen, Vegar; Bandyopadhyay, Sulalit; Bjørås, Magnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The year of 2020 was profoundly marked by a global pandemic caused by a strain of coronavirus named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the etiological agent of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). ... -
Genomic 8-oxoguanine modulates gene transcription independent of its repair by DNA glycosylases OGG1 and MUTYH
Obermann, Tobias; Sakshaug, Teri Shearer; Kanagaraj, Vishnu Vignesh; Abentung, Andreas; Leal de Sousa, Mirta Mittelstedt; Hagen, Lars; Sarno, Antonio; Bjørås, Magnar; Scheffler, Katja (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (OG) is one of the most abundant oxidative lesions in the genome and is associated with genome instability. Its mutagenic potential is counteracted by a concerted action of 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase ... -
HDACi Mediate UNG2 Depletion, Dysregulated Genomic Uracil and Altered Expression of Oncoproteins and Tumor Suppressors in B- And T-cell Lines
Iveland, Tobias Solli; Hagen, Lars; Sharma, Animesh; Sousa, Mirta; Sarno, Antonio; Kristian Lied, Wollen; Liabakk, Nina-Beate; Slupphaug, Geir (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background HDAC inhibitors (HDACi) belong to a new group of chemotherapeutics that are increasingly used in the treatment of lymphocyte-derived malignancies, but their mechanisms of action remain poorly understood. Here ... -
Multi-OMICs landscape of SARS-CoV-2-induced host responses in human lung epithelial cells
Pinto, Sneha M.; Subbannayya, Yashwanth; Kim, Hera; Hagen, Lars; Górna, Maria W; Nieminen, Anni I.; Bjørås, Magnar; Espevik, Terje; Kaynov, Denis; Kandasamy, Richard Kumaran (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)COVID-19 pandemic continues to remain a global health concern owing to the emergence of newer variants. Several multi-Omics studies have produced extensive evidence on host-pathogen interactions and potential therapeutic ... -
NAxtra magnetic nanoparticles for low-cost, efficient isolation of mammalian DNA and RNA
Starheim, Eirin Johannessen; Ravlo, Erlend; Schjølberg, Jørn-Ove; Solvang, Vanessa; Wang, Wei; Scrimgeour, Nathan Robert; Manaf, Adeel; Erlandsen, Sten Even; Aas, Per Arne; Hagen, Lars; Sousa, Mirta; Bjørås, Magnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)A cost-effective, viral nucleic acid (NA) isolation kit based on NAxtra magnetic nanoparticles was developed at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in response to the shortage of commercial kits for isolation ... -
Novel pathways to metastasis of breast cancer
Wolowczyk, Camilla Izabel (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:397, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Ny diagnostikk for persontilpasset behandling av brystkreft Rundt 3600 kvinner blir årlig diagnostisert med brystkreft i Norge. Bedre diagnostikk og behandling bidrar til at flere enn 90% av brystkreftpasientene i dag ... -
An optimized MALDI MSI protocol for spatial detection of tryptic peptides in fresh frozen prostate tissue
Høiem, Therese Stork; Andersen, Maria Karoline; Martin-Lorenzo, Marta; Longuespée, Rémi; Claes, Britt S.R.; Nordborg, Anna; Dewez, Frédéric; Balluff, Benjamin; Giampà , Marco; Sharma, Animesh; Hagen, Lars; Heeren, Ron M.A.; Bathen, Tone Frost; Giskeødegård, Guro F.; Krossa, Sebastian; Tessem, May-Britt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)MALDI MS imaging (MSI) is a powerful analytical tool for spatial peptide detection in heterogeneous tissues. Proper sample preparation is crucial to achieve high quality, reproducible measurements. Here we developed an ... -
Potential Antiviral Options against SARS-CoV-2 Infection. Viruses.
Ianevski, Aleksandr; Yao, Rouan; Fenstad, Mona H.; Biza, Svetlana; Zusinaite, Eva; Reisberg, Tuuli; Lysvand, Hilde; Løseth, Kirsti; Landsem, Veslemøy Malm; Fossum, Janne; Erlandsen, Sten Even; Aas, Per Arne; Hagen, Lars; Pettersen, Caroline Hild; Tenson, Tanel; Afset, Jan Egil; Nordbø, Svein Arne; Bjørås, Magnar; Kainov, Denis; Oksenych, Valentyn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)As of June 2020, the number of people infected with severe acute respiratory coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) continues to skyrocket, with more than 6.7 million cases worldwide. Both the World Health Organization (WHO) and United ...