Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Hagen, Ingerid Julie"
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
Controlling for P-value inflation in allele frequency change in experimental evolution and artificial selection experiments
Kemppainen, Petri; Rønning, Bernt; Kvalnes, Thomas; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Billing, Anna Maria; Pärn, Henrik; Lien, Sigbjørn; Husby, Arild; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Jensen, Henrik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Experimental evolution studies can be used to explore genomic response to artificial and natural selection. In such studies, loci that display larger allele frequency change than expected by genetic drift alone are assumed ... -
Dispersal in a house sparrow metapopulation: An integrative case study of genetic assignment calibrated with ecological data and pedigree information
Saatoglu, Fikriye Dilan; Niskanen, Alina Katariina; Kuismin, Markku; Ranke, Peter Sjolte; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Araya-Ajoy, Yimen; Kvalnes, Thomas; Pärn, Henrik; Rønning, Bernt; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Husby, Arild; Sillanpää, Mikko J.; Jensen, Henrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Dispersal has a crucial role determining ecoevolutionary dynamics through both gene flow and population size regulation. However, to study dispersal and its consequences, one must distinguish immigrants from residents. ... -
Effects of population characteristics and structure on estimates of effective population size in a house sparrow metapopulation
Baalsrud, Helle Tessand; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Myhre, Ane Marlene; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Pärn, Henrik; Jensen, Henrik (Journal article, 2014)Effective population size (Ne) is a key parameter to understand evolutionary processes and the viability of endangered populations as it determines the rate of genetic drift and inbreeding. Low Ne can lead to inbreeding ... -
Estimering av effektivt antall gytefisk fra stikkprøver av ungfisk av laks - Betydning av antall genetiske markører, antall prøver og romlig fordeling
Wacker, Sebastian; Aronsen, Tonje; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Karlsson, Sten; Berntsen, Henrik Hårdensson; Skoglund, Helge; Solem, Øyvind; Sægrov, Harald; Ugedal, Ola (HydroCen Rapport;28, Research report, 2022)Utviklingen innenfor genetiske verktøy gir nye muligheter innen miljøovervåkning. Formålet med undersøkelsene i denne rapporten er å vurdere hvordan ulike faktorer kan påvirke estimater av effektiv be-standsstørrelse. ... -
Fur colour in the Arctic fox: genetic architecture and consequences for fitness
Tietgen, Lukas; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Kleven, Oddmund; Di Bernardi, Cecilia; Kvalnes, Thomas; Norén, Karin; Hasselgren, Malin; Wallen, Johan Fredrik; Angerbjörn, Anders; Landa, Arild; Eide, Nina Elisabeth; Flagstad, Øystein; Jensen, Henrik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Genome-wide association studies provide good opportunities for studying the genetic basis of adaptive traits in wild populations. Yet, previous studies often failed to identify major effect genes. In this study, we used ... -
Genetic variation and structure of house sparrow populations: is there an island effect?
Jensen, Henrik; Moe, Rune; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Holand, Anna Marie; Kekkonen, Jaana; Tufto, Jarle; Sæther, Bernt-Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Population genetic structure and intrapopulation levels of genetic variation have important implications for population dynamics and evolutionary processes. Habitat fragmentation is one of the major threats to biodiversity. ... -
A genome-wide linkage map for the house sparrow (Passer domesticus) provides insights into the evolutionary history of the avian genome
Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Lien, Sigbjørn; Billing, Anna Maria; Elgvin, Tore Oldeide; Trier, Cassandra Nicole; Niskanen, Alina K.; Tarka, Maja; Slate, Jon; Sætre, Glenn-Peter; Jensen, Henrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The house sparrow is an important model species for studying physiological, ecological and evolutionary processes in wild populations. Here, we present a medium density, genome wide linkage map for house sparrow (Passer ... -
Inferences of genetic architecture of bill morphology in house sparrow using a high-density SNP array point to a polygenic basis
Lundregan, Sarah; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Gohli, Jostein; Niskanen, Alina Katariina; Kemppainen, Petri; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Kvalnes, Thomas; Pärn, Henrik; Rønning, Bernt; Holand, Håkon; Ranke, Peter Sjolte; Båtnes, Anna Solvang; Selvik, Linn-Karina M.; Lien, Sigbjørn; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Husby, Arild; Jensen, Henrik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Understanding the genetic architecture of quantitative traits can provide insights into the mechanisms driving phenotypic evolution. Bill morphology is an ecologically important and phenotypically variable trait, which is ... -
Insights into the genetic architecture of morphological and sexually selected traits in two passerine bird species
Silva, Catarina; McFarlane, S. Eryn; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Rönnegård, Lars; Billing, Anna; Kvalnes, Thomas; Kemppainen, Petri; Rønning, Bernt; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Qvarnström, Anna; Ellegren, Hans; Jensen, Henrik; Husby, Arild (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Knowledge about the underlying genetic architecture of phenotypic traits is needed to understand and predict their evolutionary dynamics. The number of causal loci underlying most phenotypic traits, the magnitude of their ... -
Is basal metabolic rate associated with recruit production and survival in free-living house sparrows?
Rønning, Bernt; Broggi, Juli; Bech, Claus; Moe, Børge; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Pärn, Henrik; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Jensen, Henrik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Life history theory predicts that available energy is limited and needs to be allocated among different processes such as growth, reproduction and self-maintenance. Basal metabolic rate (BMR), a common measure of an animal's ... -
Large-effect loci mediate rapid adaptation of salmon body size after river regulation
Jensen, Arne Johan; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Czorlich, Yann; Bolstad, Geir Hysing; Bremset, Gunnbjørn; Finstad, Bengt; Hindar, Kjetil; Skaala, Øystein; Karlsson, Sten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Understanding the potential of natural populations to adapt to altered environments is becoming increasingly relevant in evolutionary research. Currently, our understanding of adaptation to human alteration of the environment ... -
On being the right size: Increased body size is associated with reduced telomere length under natural conditions
Ringsby, Thor Harald; Jensen, Henrik; Pärn, Henrik; Kvalnes, Thomas; Boner, Winnie; Gillespie, Robert; Holand, Håkon; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Rønning, Bernt; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Monaghan, Pat (Journal article, 2015)Evolution of body size is likely to involve trade-offs between body size, growth rate and longevity. Within species, larger body size is associated with faster growth and ageing, and reduced longevity, but the cellular ... -
Phylogeography of the prehensile tailed skink Corucia zebrata on the Solomon Archipelago
Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Donnellan, Stephen; Bull, Michael (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)The biogeography of islands is often strongly influenced by prior geological events. Corucia zebrata (Squamata: Scincidae) is endemic to the geologically complex Solomon Archipelago in Northern Melanesia. We examined the ... -
Reversal of response to artificial selection on body size in a wild passerine bird
Kvalnes, Thomas; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Jensen, Henrik; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Rønning, Bernt; Pärn, Henrik; Holand, Håkon; Engen, Steinar; Sæther, Bernt-Erik (Journal article, 2017)A general assumption in quantitative genetics is the existence of an intermediate phenotype with higher mean individual fitness in the average environment than more extreme phenotypes. Here we investigate the evolvability ... -
Signatures of genetic adaptation to extremely varied Australian environments in introduced European house sparrows
Andrew, Samuel C.; Jensen, Henrik; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Lundregan, Sarah; Griffith, Simon C. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Due to its history of multiple introductions to novel environments worldwide, the house sparrow has been used as a model species to study local adaption in invasive avian species. New genomic resources such as a custom ... -
Spatial variation in the evolutionary potential and constraints of basal metabolic rate and body mass in a wild bird
Nafstad, Ådne Messel; Rønning, Bernt; Aase, Kenneth; Ringsby, Thor Harald; Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Ranke, Peter Sjolte; Kvalnes, Thomas; Stawski, Clare; Räsänen, Katja; Sæther, Bernt-Erik; Muff, Stefanie; Jensen, Henrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)An organism's energy budget is strongly related to resource consumption, performance, and fitness. Hence, understanding the evolution of key energetic traits, such as basal metabolic rate (BMR), in natural populations is ... -
The easy road to genome-wide medium density SNP screening in a non-model species: development and application of a 10K SNP-chip for the house sparrow (Passer domesticus)
Hagen, Ingerid Julie; Billing, Anna Maria; Rønning, Bernt; Pedersen, Sindre Andre; Pärn, Henrik; Slate, Jon; Jensen, Henrik (Journal article, 2013)With the advent of next generation sequencing, new avenues have opened to study genomics in wild populations of non-model species. Here, we describe a successful approach to a genome-wide medium density Single Nucleotide ... -
The Genetics of Basal Metabolic Rate in free-living Populations of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus)
Tennfjord, Øystein Øy (Master thesis, 2016)Animals must allocate their energy reserves between growth, reproduction and survival. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is a quantitative trait, which can represent the cost of living , and is a key component in the energy ...