Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Gaidai, Oleg"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Bivariate statistics of floating offshore wind turbine dynamic response under operational conditions
Xu, Xiaosen; Wang, Fang; Gaidai, Oleg; Næss, Arvid; Xing, Yihan; Wang, Junlei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)FOWT (Floating offshore wind turbines) belong to the modern offshore wind energy industry generating green renewable energy. Accurate extreme loads and response prediction during power generation is an important design ... -
Bivariate statistics of wind farm support vessel motions while docking
Gaidai, Oleg; Xu, Xiaosen; Næss, Arvid; Cheng, Yong; Ye, Renchuan; Wang, Junlei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Robust prediction of extreme motions during wind farm support vessel (WFSV) operation is an important safety concern. In particular, it is important to study safety of operation in random sea conditions during WFSV docking ... -
Characterisation of extreme load responses of a 10-MW floating semi-submersible type wind turbine
Xing, Yihan; Wang, Shuaishuai; Karuvathil, Anuraj; Balakrishna, Rajiv; Gaidai, Oleg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The global average size of offshore wind turbines has increased steadily from 1.5 MW to 6 MW from 2000 to 2020. With this backdrop, the research community has recently looked at huge 10–15 MW class floating offshore wind ... -
A comparison study of power performance and extreme load effects of large 10-MW offshore wind turbines
Wang, Shuaishuai; Xing, Yihan; Karuvathil, Anuraj; Gaidai, Oleg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The utilisation of offshore wind turbines has rapidly increased in the last decade, which has resulted in a steady increase in wind turbine sizes. The global average offshore wind turbine size has increased from 1.5 MW to ... -
Estimation of Extreme Values by the Average Conditional Exceedance Rate Method
Næss, Arvid; Gaidai, Oleg; Karpa, Oleh Ihorovych (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)This paper details a method for extreme value prediction on the basis of a sampled time series. The method is specifically designed to account for statistical dependence between the sampled data points in a precise manner. ... -
Extreme loads analysis of a site-specific semi-submersible type wind turbine
Xu, Xiaosen; Gaidai, Oleg; Næss, Arvid; Sahoo, Prasanta (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)As a vital key part of the modern offshore wind energy industry, floating offshore wind turbines (FOWT) are built to generate green renewable energy. Robust prediction of extreme loads during FOWT operation is an important ... -
Extreme riser experimental loads caused by sea currents in the Gulf of Eilat
Sun, Jiayao; Gaidai, Oleg; Wang, Fang; Næss, Arvid; Wu, Yu; Xing, Yihan; van Loon, Eric-Jan; Medina, Ausberto Rivera; Wang, Junlei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Risers are widely used in offshore industry and are subjected to dynamic environmental loads. Robust prediction of extreme riser external loading under the action of sea currents and subsequently VIV (vortex-induced ... -
Improving extreme anchor tension prediction of a 10-MW floating semi-submersible type wind turbine, using highly correlated surge motion record
Gaidai, Oleg; Xing, Yihan; Wang, Fang; Wang, Shuaishuai; Yan, Ping; Næss, Arvid (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Extreme value prediction of the load-effect responses of complex offshore structures such as the floating wind turbine (FWT) is crucial in ultimate limit state (ULS) design. This paper considers two cases to understand the ... -
A novel design approach for estimation of extreme load responses of a 10-MW floating semi-submersible type floating wind turbine
Balakrishna, Rajiv; Gaidai, Oleg; Wang, Fang; Xing, Yihan; Wang, Shuaishuai (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Offshore structures are constructed to withstand extreme wind and wave-induced loads, so studying these extreme loads is vital as it allows offshore structures, e.g., wind turbines, to be designed and operated with minimal ... -
A novel design approach for estimation of extreme responses of a subsea shuttle tanker hovering in ocean current considering aft thruster failure
Xing, Yihan; Gaidai, Oleg; Ma, Yucong; Næss, Arvid; Wang, Fang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The subsea shuttle tanker (SST) is an innovative 33 600-ton underwater cargo tanker designed to transport CO2 to marginal fields. During offloading, the SST will approach and hover in the vicinity of the subsea well. A ... -
On-Board Trend Analysis for Cargo Vessel Hull Monitoring Systems
Gaidai, Oleg; Storhaug, Gaute; Wang, Fang; Yan, Ping; Naess, Arvid; Wu, Yu; Xing, Yihan; Sun, Jiayao (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)With the increased focus on sustainability, de-carbonization and digitalization also the shipping industry is scrutinized. High steel weight implies high initial CO2 footprint but also higher operational CO2 footprint. ... -
Piezoelectric energy harvesting from vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder: Effect of Reynolds number
Zhang, Mingjie; Zhang, Chengyun; Abdelkefi, Abdessattar; Yu, Haiyan; Gaidai, Oleg; Qin, Xiang; Zhu, Hongjun; Wang, Junlei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This study investigates the effects of the Reynolds number on the piezoelectric energy harvesting from vortex-induced vibrations (VIV) of a circular cylinder. The VIV-based piezoelectric energy harvester is simulated by a ... -
Predefined angle of attack and corner shape effects on the effectiveness of square-shaped galloping energy harvesters
Zhang, Mingjie; Abdelkefi, Abdessattar; Yu, Haiyan; Ying, Xuyong; Gaidai, Oleg; Wang, Junlei (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Energy harvesting based on transverse galloping of a square cylinder has been widely studied while the effects of angle of attack and corner shape remain unclear. This study proposes to explore the impacts of these two ... -
Rotating shaft's non-linear response statistics under biaxial random excitation, by path integration
Gaidai, Oleg; Dimentberg, Michael; Næss, Arvid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The response of rotating shaft to random excitations is of practical concern for various rotor type engine design applications, with high level of potential external forces of stochastic nature. Authors have studied ... -
Statistics of extreme hydroelastic response for large ships
Gaidai, Oleg; Storhaug, Gaute; Næss, Arvid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)For the safety of crew, ship and cargo, it is essential to assess all aspects of the wave loading to ensure that ships are designed to endure extreme events. This paper describes a practical method for prediction of extreme ...