Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Fosso, Olav B"
A Data-driven Approach to Grid Impedance : Identification for Impedance-based Stability Analysis under Different Frequency Ranges
Li, Chendan; Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta; Fosso, Olav B; Qin, Nan; Zhu, Lin (Chapter, 2019)The instability caused by inappropriate damping design of grid-connected converters under specific grid impedance makes the grid impedance estimation a crucial issue. To guide the system controller design toward a stable ... -
A signal analysis toolbox for power system identification in Smart Grids
Kvammen, Mads-Emil Bratland; Føyen, Sjur (Master thesis, 2018)This thesis delves into the two fields of signal analysis and small-signal stability of power systems. Due to the extensive deployment of PMUs in today s Smart Grid, new possibilities arise to assess the small-signal ... -
A stochastic optimization approach for pricing hydropower regulation capacity in electricity markets
Fjelldal, Bjørnar; Nafstad, Sjur Messel (Master thesis, 2014)With the introduction of an increasing number of regulation markets,hydropower producers face multiple opportunities regarding how toutilize their water optimally. Such regulation markets can increaseprofits drastically ... -
A Virtual synchronous machine implementation for distributed control of power transformers in SmartGrids
D'Arco, Salvatore; Suul, Jon Are Wold; Fosso, Olav B (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)The ongoing evolution of the power system towards a “SmartGrid” implies a dominant role of powerelectronic converters, but poses strict requirements on their control strategies to preserve stability andcontrollability. In ... -
AC and DC systems interaction-opportunities and challenges of exchanging system services
Shokooh Far, Mohammad Rashid (Master thesis, 2018)Today, the world is facing a situation where only having an energy source is not the final priority, but, also having a clean energy source is the final concern. Where clean energy generation is concerned, only renewable ... -
An Integrated Tool for Microgrid Design in Rural Areas
Duus, Håkon (Master thesis, 2015)PV-microgrids are becoming an affordable alternative to provide electricity access to remote or isolated regions, due to both a reduction in prices on solar panels and a strong focus on utilisation renewable energy resources. ... -
An overview on formulations and optimization methods for the unit-based short-term hydro scheduling problem
Kong, Jiehong; Skjelbred, Hans Ivar; Fosso, Olav B (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The short-term hydro scheduling (STHS) problem aims at determining the optimal power generation schedules for either a single hydropower plant or an integrated system of cascaded watercourses during a time horizon from a ... -
Cross-border Transfer of Electric Power Under Uncertainty: A Game of Incomplete Information
See, Phen Chiak; Fosso, Olav B; Wong, Kuan Yew (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Cross-border transfer of electric power promotes collaboration in power generation between integrated electricity markets. It resolves grid reinforcement issues in existing transmission networks. Because of that, researchers ... -
Defining Three Distribution System Scenarios for Microgrid Applications
Li, Chendan; Fosso, Olav B; Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta; Yue, Jingpeng; Raboni, Pietro (Chapter, 2020)Power systems, especially distribution systems, are undergoing the most drastic overhauls with the growing integration of renewable energy and digitalization. One of the most efficient technological solutions to address ... -
Discussion on the mode mixing in wave energy control systems using the Hilbert-Huang transform
Garcia Rosa, Paula Bastos; Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta; Fosso, Olav B (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)A great improvement in the absorption of energy of a wave energy converter (WEC) is obtained with a time-varying power take-off (PTO) damping over a constant damping. In a passive control scheme based on the Hilbert-Huang ... -
Distributed generation in future distribution systems: Dynamic aspects
Endegnanew, Atsede Gualu (Master thesis, 2010)The objective of this thesis work was to study the stability of a distribution network with several distributed generators (DGs) considering different types of regulators in the DGs and loading conditions. The distribution ... -
Dynamic incorporation of nonlinearity into MILP formulation for short-term hydro scheduling
Skjelbred, Hans Ivar; Kong, Jiehong; Fosso, Olav B (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Optimization tools are widely used for solving the short-term hydro scheduling (STHS) problem in a cascaded hydro system. In a mixed integer linear programming (MILP)-based formulation, the nonlinear and non-convex hydropower ... -
Dynamisk interaksjon mellom vindkraftparker og tradisjonelle produksjonskilder under større forstyrrelser i kraftsystemet.
Eliassen, Odin Hammer (Master thesis, 2010)Denne rapporten omhandler dynamiske analyser av et vannkraftverks respons på kortslutninger i nærliggende transmisjonslinjer og større endringer i nettopologi. Hovedfokuset i analysene har vært å studere hvordan vannkraftverkets ... -
Effect of non-ideal power take-off on the electric output power of a wave energy converter under suboptimal control
Pettersen, Martine F.; Fosso, Olav B; Garcia Rosa, Paula Bastos; Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta (Chapter, 2021)This work investigates how the physical limitations and losses of an electric power takeoff (PTO) system affect the production of power for a wave energy converter (WEC) under suboptimal control strategies. The damping of ... -
Efficient Phasor Estimation under Steady State and Dynamic Conditions
Khodaparast Ghadikolaei, Jalal; Fosso, Olav B; Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta (Chapter, 2018)Phasor estimation has many application areas and has therefore attracted significant research focus. Classical phasor estimation proposed many years ago, considers the phasor to be time independent which means constant ... -
Efficient Power Flow Algorithms for Risk Management in Electrical Power Systems
Roska, Gaute (Master thesis, 2015)Abstract The society depends on a reliable electrical power system. The socio-economic cost will be high if a wide-ranging disruption of the supply occurs over an extended period of time. Thus programs that help system ... -
Elektrifisering av petroleumsinstallasjoner i Sørlige Nordsjø med integrasjon av offshore vindproduksjon
Øyslebø, Eirik Veirød (Master thesis, 2010)Elektrifisering av petroleumsinstallasjoner i Sørlige Nordsjø med integrasjon av offshore vindproduksjon Student: Eirik Veirød Øyslebø Veileder: Olav Bjarte Fosso Kontaktpersoner: Vegard Willumsen og Anne Sofie Ravndal ... -
EMD Mode Mixing Separation of Signals with Close Spectral Proximity in Smart Grids
Fosso, Olav B; Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta (Chapter, 2018)The Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) is a signal analysis method that separates multi-component signals into single oscillatory modes called intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). These IMFs can generally be associated to a ... -
EMD-Prony for Phasor Estimation in Harmonic and Noisy Condition
Khodaparast Ghadikolaei, Jalal; Fosso, Olav B; Molinas Cabrera, Maria Marta (Chapter, 2018)Wide area monitoring systems (WAMSs) enables the real-time monitoring of power system dynamics by bringing together new developments in the field of measurement, communication and computing. Measurements of voltage and ... -
Export of Norwegian Pumped Storage
Gåsvatn, Ivar (Master thesis, 2014)The increased use of renewable energy sources in Continental Europe, in particular Germany, has led to a great variability in power production and prices. One proposed way to remedy the Continent s power balance which ...