Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Foss, Bjarne Anton"
Now showing items 1-20 of 71
A Distributed Algorithm for Scenario-based Model Predictive Control using Primal Decomposition *
Krishnamoorthy, Dinesh; Foss, Bjarne Anton; Skogestad, Sigurd (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)In this paper, we consider the decomposition of scenario-based model predictive control problem. Scenario MPC explicitly considers the concept of recourse by representing the evolution of uncertainty by a discrete scenario ... -
A Distributed Optimization Strategy for Large Scale Oil and Gas Production Systems
Krishnamoorthy, Dinesh; Aguiar, Marco Aurelio; Foss, Bjarne Anton; Skogestad, Sigurd (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)n this paper, we consider the problem of real-time optimization of an oil and gas production network. The production network is often made of several wells from different reservoir sections producing to a common processing ... -
A Primal decomposition algorithm for distributed multistage scenario model predictive control
Krishnamoorthy, Dinesh; Foss, Bjarne Anton; Skogestad, Sigurd (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper proposes a primal decomposition algorithm for efficient computation of multistage scenario model predictive control, where the future evolution of uncertainty is represented by a scenario tree. This often results ... -
A reduced random sampling strategy for fast robust well placement optimization
Jesmani, Mansoureh; Jafarpour, Behnam J.; Bellout, Mathias; Foss, Bjarne Anton (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Model-based decision-making in oilfield development often involves hundreds of computationally demanding reservoir simulation runs. In particular, well placement optimization under uncertainty in the geologic representation ... -
A Study in MINLP-class Optimization Problems for Simulated Petroleum Production
Ausen, Håvard (Master thesis, 2012)To aid in faster and better decision making it is interesting to couple advanced simulators with optimization tools.Most simulators however does not offer gradients, therefore derivative-free methods must be used. In this ... -
A two-layer structure for stabilization and optimization of an oil gathering network
Codas, Andres; Jahanshahi, Esmaeil; Foss, Bjarne Anton (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)In this work, we present the control and optimization of a network consisting of two gas-lifted oil wells, a common pipeline-riser system and a separator. The gas-lifted oil wells may be open-loop unstable. The regulatory ... -
Active Fault Detection using Model Predictive Control
Brekke, Knut Gjerland (Master thesis, 2016)Actuator faults are critical to detect as they reduce the ability of the controller to influence the system, in addition to causing unwanted system behaviour. Incipient actuator faults are therefore important to detect at ... -
An Augmented Lagrangian Method for Optimal Control of Continuous Time DAE Systems
Aguiar, Marco Aurelio Schmitz de; Camponogara, Eduardo; Foss, Bjarne Anton (Journal article, 2016)This works presents an algorithm for solving optimal control problems (OCP) of differential algebraic equations (DAE) based on the augmented Lagrangian method. The algorithm relaxes the algebraic equations and solves a ... -
An exact penalty-function approach to proactive fault-tolerant economic MPC
Knudsen, Brage Rugstad; Brusevold, Jon Håman; Foss, Bjarne Anton (Chapter, 2017)This paper presents a fault-tolerant economic model predictive control scheme for proactive handling of incipient actuator faults. The scheme applies an L1 exact penalty function with a set of switching rules in order to ... -
Analyse av kraftnett med fokus på leveranseevne
Øwre Digernes, Jonas (Master thesis, 2008)Ved beregning av leveransepålitelighet i kraftnett er det behov for å bestemme maksimal effektleveranse. I denne oppgaven er det utviklet metoder til å beregne den maksimale effektleveransen. Effektiviteten til metodene ... -
Application of Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation to Well Placement Optimization under Uncertainty
Jesmani, Mansoureh; Jafarpour, Behnam J.; Bellout, Mathias; Hanea, Remus Gabriel; Foss, Bjarne Anton (Chapter, 2016) -
An Augmented Lagrangian for Optimal Control of DAE Systems: Algorithm and Properties
Aguiar, Marco Aurelio; Camponogara, Eduardo; Foss, Bjarne Anton (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This article proposes a relax-and-discretize approach for optimal control of continuous-time differential algebraic systems. It works by relaxing the algebraic equations and penalizing the violation into the objective ... -
Automatic Blood Glucose Control in Diabetes
Owren, Marit (Master thesis, 2009)In this thesis, a closed-loop control algorithm for regulating the blood glucose concentration in type 1 diabetic patients is developed. Two control criteria are imposed on the system, namely: -Avoidance of hypoglycemia. ... -
Automatic Detection of Poorly Calibrated Models in State Estimation Applied to Oil and Gas Production Systems
Skibeli, Håkon (Master thesis, 2015)In modern oil and gas industry, there is an increasing use of instrumentation. This lead to a huge flow of information, which typically is not utilized to its full potential. By the use of increasingly more complex Virtual ... -
Black-oil minimal fluid state parametrization for constrained reservoir control optimization
Codas, Andres; Foss, Bjarne Anton; Camponogara, Eduardo; Krogstad, Stein (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)We propose to solve a black-oil reservoir optimal control problem with the Direct Multiple Shooting Method (MS). MS allows for parallelization of the simulation time and the handling of output constraints. However, it ... -
Boundary Control of the Gas Coning Problem
Ronen, Jonathan (Master thesis, 2010)This thesis was set to tackle the gas coning problem in oil-rim reservoirs with horizontal wells. The focus was short term production planning in the sub-critical phase only. Different controllers were developed and assessed ... -
Closed-loop predictions in reservoir management under uncertainty
Hanssen, Kristian Gaustad; Codas, Andrés; Foss, Bjarne Anton (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Uncertainty is a major challenge in reservoir management. To take the uncertainty into consideration, optimization can be carried out over a set of scenarios. Most approaches on reservoir management under uncertainty ... -
CO2-rensing av eksosgass fra kullkraftverket i Longyearbyen
Storaker, Atle (Master thesis, 2008)I denne rapporten undersøkes mulighetene for CO2-rensing av eksosgassen fra det eksisterende kullkraftverket i Longyearbyen. Dette er gjort som en uavhengig studie motivert av prosjektet CO2-fritt Svalbard. Omfanget av ... -
Control-Switching Strategies for Reservoir Water-Flooding Management
Krogstad, Jon Anders (Master thesis, 2015)Waterflooding is a commonly used operation in the oil industry. It is used to in- crease oil recovery from the reservoir, and is considered as a secondary recovery technique. In short, the reservoir is flooded with water ... -
Data driven analysis in oil and gas operations - Datadrevne analysemetoder i olje- og gassproduksjon
Nordmo, Michael Helland (Master thesis, 2016)Knowledge about the production system and models of relevant parts of the production network can improve the decision-making process in offshore oil and gas production. This thesis investigates how multivariate projection ...